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-Caveat Lector-

                Gary North's REALITY CHECK

Issue 299                                  December 9, 2003


     Every incumbent President seeks the cooperation of the
Federal Reserve Board in the 12 months that precede a
presidential election year.  No President wants to go into
November with a sagging economy.  The last time an
incumbent President faced a recession in an election year,
he lost.  That was George Bush, Sr.  His son does not want
to repeat that experience.

     The advent of recession in March, 2001, followed
Reagan's experience of a recession in 1981.  Reagan
countered with tax cuts for the top income tax brackets.
He kept government spending very high.  This was
traditional Keynesianist policy, and it was called that in
1961, when President Kennedy followed the same procedure.
But it was labeled "supply-side economics" in 1981.

     The Federal Reserve had been tightening money since
October, 1979.  That was what pushed the economy into
recession in 1981, which cost Jimmy Carter his job.  These
tight money policies created a crisis for the Mexican peso,
forcing it way down, thereby increasing its dollar-
denominated debt burden.  In the summer of 1982, Mexico
responded by nationalizing the banks and threatening to
default on its debt.  The FED started pumping money, and it
has not looked back.

     Then Reagan hiked Social Security taxes in 1983
because the system had technically gone bankrupt: more
outflow than income.

     Reagan ran enormous deficits throughout his time in
office -- the largest in peacetime American history.
Again, this was Keynesianism, but it was called supply-side
economics, even by supply-siders.


     Spending more money than it takes in is easy whenever
a nation gets into a war.  No President has to justify war
expenses and a rising deficit when the country is at war.
The Bush Administration was able to get us into two wars
because of 9/11.  The Iraq war is now costing the taxpayers
and debt buyers about $2 billion a week.

     This war came with a tax cut.  This is the equivalent
of Lyndon Johnson's "guns and butter" taxing and spending
policies.  Johnson refused for four years to raise taxes to
pay for the war in Vietnam, but he did not lower them.  He
had inherited lower tax rates from Kennedy.  He did not
raise taxes until he imposed a mild 10% income tax
surcharge in 1968.  By then, the FED had pumped in so much
money to fund the debt that price inflation was becoming a
problem, not to mention an outflow of American gold.

     The rumor mill has it that the President's senior
election strategist, Karl Rove, has told him, "No war in
the fall of 2004."  The move by Secretary of State Powell
to get NATO to replace the U.S. in Iraq indicates that the
rumor is true.  The UN refused to take up the slack, so
Powell went to NATO.  It sounds as though NATO is willing.
I'll believe this when I see our troops being brought home.
The recent call-up of Army reserves doesn't indicate that
there will be an easy retreat from the region next year.
But there may nevertheless be a not-so-easy retreat,
following Iraqi elections.  We will declare a victory and
leave.  It is likely that chaos will result, when the
"warring" Iraqi factions actually go to war.  It is also
likely that almost nobody in America will care.  American
voters are ready to be told that Iraq is behind us.

     So, I think American troops will probably be out of
Iraq by the end of next summer.  Those few that remain will
be adjuncts of NATO.

     Why NATO would be willing to shoulder this burden is
unclear to me, other than because of U.S. pressure.  This new
mission surely has nothing to do with the defense of Western
Europe against the Soviet Union, which is why NATO was created
in 1949.  But the March of Dimes still marches, despite the
conquest of polio after 1955.  Bureaucracies don't close
down just because their original justifications disappear.

     What is unlikely to change is the size of the Federal
deficit.  War costs will not disappear overnight, and
Medicare costs will absorb any spare dollars in the budget.
The on-budget national debt will continue to rise rapidly
for the foreseeable future.

     The policy of massive deficit spending can go on for
as long as investors are willing to buy government debt at
interest rates of 5% or less.  But they are willing to do
this now because they have not yet come to believe that the
booming stock market is permanent.  Why would anyone buy
bonds at 3% or 4% when the stock market is producing a 20%
annual return?  Only because investors don't yet have
confidence in the stock market.

     Why would foreigners buy T-bills at under 1.5%?  The
fall in the dollar more than wipes out that rate of return.
The answer is simple: they are trying to keep the exchange
rate from moving against their export-based manufacturers.
They are willing to buy an investment -- the dollar -- that
has moved against them by 15% because they are under
pressure from special-interest groups in the exporting
sector of their economies.  Foreign demand for T-bills is
heavily influenced by central bank purchases.  Doug Noland
reported on December 5,

     The Bank of Japan increased foreign exchange
     reserves by another $18.3 billion during November
     to $623.8 billion.  Year-to-date, foreign
     reserves are up $172.3 billion, or 42%
     annualized.  Japanese foreign reserves increased
     $63.7 billion during all of 2002.  Taiwan's
     central bank foreign reserves increased $6.2
     billion during November to $202.8 billion, with
     reserves expanding at a 28% rate through the
     first 11 months of 2003.  South Korea increased
     its foreign reserve position by $6.0 billion
     during November to $150.3 billion, expanding
     reserves at a 26% growth rate so far this year.

     This willingness of central banks to expand their own
currencies to keep them from rising against the dollar is
keeping pressure on American manufacturers.  This keeps
them from passing on all of their cost increases to

     What cost increases?  Raw materials.


     Natural gas prices are going through the roof.  They
are up by close to 40% in the past few weeks.  (Since I
live on a property that has its own natural gas well, this
doesn't affect me.  If I used propane, it would.)

     Tyson Foods, a local company that supplies a big
percentage of the nation's beef, has raised beef prices due
to increasing demand.  Honda is charging almost 10% more on
its Acura TL than it did a year ago.  The rich will pay, so
they will be asked to pay.

     The Reuters Commodity Research Bureau's index of
commodity prices is up by almost 10% since last March.
This indicates that there is rising demand for raw
materials, even though users -- manufacturers -- are unable
to pass on these rising costs to consumers.  There soon
will be a squeeze: rising raw materials costs, rising consumer
demand, and strong competition from imports.  Something has
to give, and what is most likely to give is the
international value of the dollar.

     The National Association of Purchasing Management-
Chicago (its new name: Institute for Supply Management)
reported in November that prices paid jumped by 15 points
to 67.3 in just two months, the highest since July, 2000.

     A former Federal Reserve economist, Roger Kubarych,
told a Bloomberg reporter that he worries about rising
price inflation, despite assurances to the contrary by FED
Board Vice Chairman Roger Ferguson.  A December 2 Bloomberg
story continued.

     The dollar's 15 percent decline against the euro
     this year has made some imports more expensive.
     Crude oil prices stood at $29.85 a barrel
     yesterday on the New York Mercantile Exchange, up
     from $25.24 on April 29. Inflation in the costs
     of services, which account for 85 percent of the
     U.S. economy, rose 3.2 percent in the 12 months
     ended in October, with increases in everything
     from medical costs to education.

     Producer prices rose 0.8 percent in October while
     the costs of goods excluding food and energy
     jumped 0.5 percent. Gold prices, often a
     barometer of inflation, topped $400 an ounce the
     week ended Nov. 21 for the first time since 1996.

     The American economy is slowly recovering, though
unemployment remains high at 5.9%.  This is good for the
Administration.  But the dark cloud on the horizon is the
tightening supply of raw materials and the falling dollar.
The Bank of England has raised its equivalent of the
federal funds rate to 3.75% from 3.5% in order to keep
price inflation from exceeding 2%.  Except for Japan, which
remains in a slightly price deflationary mode (-0.3%), the
world's price level is inching above 2%.

     This means that anyone who holds T-bills or a
commercial CD is losing money.  He pays an income tax on
his earnings, yet even if his income were tax-free, he
would be falling behind.  Are people nuts?  Why are they
willing to do this?  Because they don't think the stock
market will hold up.  They don't want to go into real

     Why not?  Because they know the truth: rising
inflation will produce higher interest rates, which will
end the recovery or place limits on it.  The booming stock
market is the result of falling interest rates.  But price
inflation will force an increase in interest rates.

     Noland reports that China is no longer buying U.S.
bonds.  Instead, the country is using its dollars to buy

     Although still intervening heavily in the
     foreign-exchange market, in the last few months
     China has radically scaled back its purchases of
     United States bonds. In September, Chinese
     institutions were actually net sellers of U.S.
     government and agency debt by $2.8 billion, even
     though foreign reserves rose by $19 billion. Now,
     economists and market strategists are beginning
     to wonder what Beijing is doing with all the
     dollars it is buying. Chinese state media
     provided a partial answer in early December,
     reporting that Beijing plans to build up a
     90-day, 50-million-tonne strategic oil reserve.
     At current crude prices of around $30 a barrel,
     that will cost China $10 billion. Bankers and
     brokers in Hong Kong predict further large
     purchases of strategic materials, together with
     the possible acquisition of equity stakes in
     overseas suppliers over the coming year. If
     pursued, China's diversification away from U.S.
     government bonds will be bad news for Washington,
     which has relied heavily on China's debt
     purchases to fund its fiscal and current-account
     deficits. In Asia, some economists even say
     Washington had it coming, suggesting that the
     switch is subtle retaliation for current U.S.
     trade pressures on Beijing.

     This is consistent with my belief that China will
become a competitor in the consumption of raw materials.
This is also the view of "investment biker" James Rogers.
Rising demand cannot be concealed on world markets.

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     Into this market of skepticism regarding stocks,
companies are issuing huge amounts of bonds.  As of last
week according to Noland, "it was a huge week for debt
issuance, with almost $20 billion sold."

     Smart investment money is buying bonds.  This tells me
that smart investment money is not impressed by the
increase in stocks.  But if smart investment money is
convinced that locking in rates of 5% is a good idea, smart
corporate money is saying, "Let's stick it to them, good
and hard."  Corporations are replacing higher-yield debt
with lower-yield debt.  Corporate insiders are saying,
"let's take their money."  They are saying, "rates will
rise later."

     Corporate insiders are also unloading their own stock
at unprecedented levels.  This says that they expect to
make more money by going for diversification rather than
trading on the knowledge of their own industries.  They are
losing faith in the traditional way to wealth: buy stock in
your own company, where you have a competitive advantage in
knowledge.  They are thereby announcing: "Our knowledge of
our specific industries reveals to us that we are losing
our ability to compete, both as companies and as senior
managers."  As Nixon's Attorney General John Mitchell
famously said, before he was imprisoned, "Watch what we do,
not what we say."


     The stock market has hit a ceiling: Dow 10,000.  It
may break through, but when it comes to ceiling breaking,
gold's penetration of $400 is more impressive.

     The ability of the stock market to maintain its pace
is facing a challenge by the falling value of the dollar.
Consumers are shopping, but they are not saving.  The
future of capitalism is dependent on saving.  When
foreigners decide not to bankroll the America's Federal
deficit of $500 billion a year and its balance of payments
deficit of $500 billion a year, then the consumer will find
out that there are no free lunches in life.  Interest rates
will rise, bonds will fall, mortgage investments will fall,
and the stock market's giddy increase, which is not based
on rising profits, will end.

     Your best investment is still you.


                        Appendix 65

     One of the fundamental principles of business success
is to discover what it is that you're selling.  You are not
selling widgets.  You are selling solutions based on
widgets.  The closer you come to solution-selling, the more
committed your clients will become.

     It is a major step in any company to get its employees
to stop thinking "widgets" and get them thinking
"solutions."  We are all feature-oriented, not benefits-
oriented.  Anyone who sends out a resumé fills it with
features: "I did this.  Then I did that."  He should be
saying, "I can do this for you, and my resume is proof that
I can deliver what I promise."

     Barnes & Noble doesn't sell books.  It sells an
experience to book lovers: soft chairs, Starbucks coffee,
visual contact with other book buyers -- a sense of
community, however impersonal.  The company gets you into
the store, and if you are a book nut, you buy something.
Something catches your eye.  "I've just got to have that!"
Amazon sells books, but Amazon has never made a profit.

     Here is Abraham Case Study #298--a testimonial from
a man who runs a classic widget operation, but who has
shifted focus.  He got his employees to make the shift
with him, which isn't easy.

     I immediately put into effect the following
     procedures and polices. I did a complete review
     of all my companies' procedures. I instituted
     weekly workshops focusing on our core activities.

     We are in the automotive aftermarket,
     specifically engine machining and crankshaft
     grinding. I developed through workshops the
     procedures for handling the work and dealing with
     the clients (formerly called customers).

     A customer is someone who buys occasionally, or maybe
only once.  A client is someone who has a stake in the
company because of repeat business and dependence.

     The owner had to make salesmen out of his employees.
Do this, and you will raise profits.

     All shop people are now trained in the seven
     steps to every sale. When a client comes in the
     door they are first greeted with a friendly smile
     then walked through the shop, while being shown
     the shop we explain the equipment and at the same
     time tell the history of the company. Also during
     the tour we are setting up a very high buying
     criterion that other local competitors cannot

     Then the customers [he should have written
     "clients" -- he is still using the older
     terminology] are taken through a menu of the
     services that we offer (seven things to sell all
     customers). By doing this we have increased the
     average sale from $120 to $400-$1000 per client.
     This sounds like a lot but it was actually easy
     once we understood the concept of fiduciary

     The product line is the same.  The location is the
same.  Yet the change in positioning brought huge increases
of revenue per sale.  What was the essence of the change?
To move from salesman to consultant.

     We now make sure that every client is sold
     everything that he needs to complete the job and
     nothing less, acting as a consultant instead of a
     salesman we now understand and can articulate a
     complete solution to his problems.

     My people now sell more parts and services, and
     we were able to broaden our offer even more by
     setting up two strategic alliances. The two
     additional profit centers (pillars in our
     Parthenon) are outsources that I initiated with a
     heat treating company and a company that does
     engine balancing. I offer their services on my
     menu, and we are selling them to forty percent of
     all new and old clients. I now actively look for
     strategic alliances at every opportunity.

     We also instituted a formalized referral
     procedure where we ask the clients names of
     people like themselves and give them literature
     to take. Our referral client percentage has
     increased by thirty percent.

     Again, all of this was based on a change in marketing
and clients' perception.  It was not based on changes in
the product line.  Don't think "product features."  Think
"client benefits."

     Outside of our company, I am negotiating right
     now to partner with one of our competitors, who
     only grinds cranks and does not have the full
     service shop I do. By partnering (the details
     have yet to be worked out, but I am making it
     very attractive to him), we will control the
     market in our area, and his clients will increase
     my parts sales by 50%.

     The conceptual shift came with the perception of the
customer as a client.  This was based on the simple but
profound concept of the lifetime value of the customer.

     Understanding the concept of lifetime value of a
     customer (which no one I know in small business
     seems to understand) was pivotal in my pursuit of
     this competitor. The money he leaves on the table
     with each of his clients is enough to make it
     more than worth my while to make him a generous

     I also am in the process of procuring a client
     database from another acquaintance that operates
     a multi store auto truck parts business. I am
     writing a sales letter that he will endorse to
     his clients, which introduces my services.

     I also am doing the same with one of my hard
     parts suppliers who does not have a machine shop,
     therefore we are not in competition. This will
     add 5000 names to my data base.

     The mailing materials are in the works (sales
     letter and brochures) and follow the easy formula
     laid out by Chet [Jay's partner] in the
     presentation on effective brochures. I am amazed
     how easy it is to develop these materials and how
     powerful they are.

     Here is what a skilled professional has discovered.
He has made the shift in positioning his own business in
his mind.  Only then could he re-position it in his
customers' minds, let alone his competitors' minds.

     I feel that for the first time in twenty years I
     am truly being proactive as opposed to reactive.
     I am astounded at how many people (me included)
     never even thought about the concept of proactive
     vs. reactive.

     For more information on how you can make this mental
shift and then implement it, find out more about Jay
Abraham's encyclopedia.  I have recommended it in the past.
It's for business owners who are moderately successful and
who are ready to make the move to a much higher performance
standard.  Call Carl Turner at 1 (888) 818-8878 (USA) or
1 (310) 944-9106.


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