-Caveat Lector- http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=1416

Jew's Don't Want a Monopoly on Suffering
Henry Makow Ph.D.

"Hana's Suitcase"

Hana Brady was murdered at Auschwitz in February 1944.

She was a 13-year-old Jewish girl from Czechoslovakia. Her fate was tragic.

It's deplorable therefore that the Illuminati's Jewish wing is using it in a propaganda drive to advance their totalitarian Globalist agenda. More deplorable, I suspect the same group may have been complicit in Hana's death. I will explain later.

In my opinion, the majority of Jews don't want a monopoly on suffering. International finance is foisting this on us through its control of most Jewish organizations. The true Jewish spirit is one of universal brotherhood and justice. One human tragedy does not take precedence over another.

I have been to Auschwitz and seen the pictures displayed of thousands of contemporary-looking victims. Half of these victims were Christians. Altogether the Nazis murdered three million Polish Christians, mostly educated people. Did you know this?

The Second World War was a holocaust and 60 million people died. Most Jews do not want a Holocaust Memorial Day, hundreds of Holocaust Studies programs, scores of Holocaust and "Human Rights" Museums, all designed to give them special status.

Hanaâs Suitcase

Since 2001, Fumiko Ishioka, 34, has been telling Hana's story at schools in Japan, the US and Canada. Children's book, radio program and film have been made. The book has been translated into 11 languages and sold 250,000 copies. The film is shown on TV around the world. I saw it last week here in Canada on CBC-TV's The National.

There's something strange and sinister about Japanese schoolchildren treating Hana's suitcase like it were a holy relic. Ishioka wants schools to make this part of their curriculum.

Globalists spout truisms and non-sequiturs. Fumiko says she is encouraging "very young children to think about the importance of life" and "why human beings act in such a way." The children are taught the "importance of peace" and "tolerance."

Aren't these things self-evident or impossible to discern? Surely there are more suitable examples of intolerance for children than Nazi gas chambers?

Do the children learn about the 200,000 Japanese civilians radiated in a blinding flash at Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Do they learn about children slaughtered in Dresden, Hamburg, Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia, Rwanda and during Stalin's deliberate famine in Ukraine? I suspect not. It may raise embarrassing questions.

Frankly children are too young to understand these things and should be sheltered from them. This subject is being introduced to traumatize and brainwash them.

The purpose is to promote a new secular religion based on the mind-numbing Orwellian platitudes already mentioned. As most married men know by now, the concepts of "tolerance" and "human rights" are applied selectively. www.savethemales.ca/000202.html

You never hear Globalists mention God and the importance of not tolerating evil. They never speak of individual freedom, family, free enterprise, democracy, national sovereignty or civic responsibility.

The more we hear about "human rights," the fewer we have.

The other subtext is that Jews (and Israelis), who are prominent in the banker-run New World Order, are special people, incapable of wrongdoing and immune to criticism. Anyone who opposes their political agenda is a Nazi.

Popular Fronts

Fumiko Ishioka studied "gender issues" and "human rights" at university. She was hired by an unnamed "non-governmental organization" to start the Tokyo Holocaust Education Resource Centre. She wrote to Auschwitz for some artefacts and received an empty can of poison gas and Hana's suitcase.

While on "business trips" to Europe, she continued to research Hana's story and discovered a brother George who survived the war, and lives in Toronto. Now she, George and the book author Karen Levine, a Toronto CBC radio producer, tour schools, churches, libraries and synagogues together.

Ishioka's activities are paid for by "donations." A clue to where these donations might originate is the company Ishioka keeps. Her Holocaust Resource Centre is the only non business involved in Temple University's Tokyo Intern Program. www.temple.edu/studyabroad/Programs/TUJ/tuj-internships.htm

The other participants are a Who's Who of international finance and Illuminati media in Japan. They include the International Monetary Fund, Goldman Sachs (Japan ltd.), American Express International, TIME Inc. Asia, Bloomberg LP and Reuters Japan Ltd.

The modus operandi of the Jewish Illuminati is to disguise their propaganda and mind control as a spontaneous popular movement. They use the mass media to pretend that these movements have struck a chord with the population. (Conversely, opposing voices are "sandbagged.") This tactic had its heyday in the 1930's and 1940's when the Communists organized hundreds of "popular front" movements.

An example is Feminist pioneer Betty Friedan, a long-time Communist activist who pretended to be an ordinary housewife. The media promoted her vicious attack on the heterosexual family, a book called The Feminine Mystique (1963). www.savethemales.ca/000185.html

The Communist goal has always been to undermine resistance by destroying the family. The Luciferian forces behind Communism are behind the New World Order. www.savethemales.ca/000275.html

Zionist Complicity in the Holocaust

Many Jews were duped by Communist promises of "social justice and equality." Similarly, they have been duped by another creation of international finance, Zionism.

Jews think Israel was created as a refuge from anti Semitism. In fact, the Jewish holocaust was engineered to induce Jews to build Israel, intended as the capital of the New World Order. http://thegoldenreport.com/articles.aspid=00180.html

"Inside Zionism", Chapter One of Jewish historian Alfred Lilienthal's The Other Side of the Coin (1965) documents how Zionists had no use for their fellow Jews except as Israelis. Zionists vetoed plans to rescue people like Hana Brady. For example, FDR had a plan to rescue 500,000 Jews but said: "We can't put it over because the Zionist movement won't stand for it." (22) www.alfredlilienthal.com/greaterisrael.htm

Zionists helped enumerate Jews and their property, and steer them into cattle cars, while rescuing themselves. Lilienthal writes: " The submissive meekness with which the Jews of Europe (save in Warsaw) went to their death can be explained only in terms of the overpowering obsession with Palestine on the part of the only leaders who were able to act to save them, but who simulated rescue while practising statecraft." (20)

The Hana Bradys were worth more to Zionists dead than alive. (www.savethemales.ca/091202.html) Their deaths provided moral capital to guilt the world into dispossessing the Arabs and establishing Israel. Now the same forces are using Hana Brady for the next step in the New World Order.

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