-Caveat Lector- http://www.joevialls.co.uk/aus/howard.html


Agent Provocateurs prepare weapons for lethal false-flag "Terrorist" attack
Copyright Joe Vialls, 14 January 2004

According to an Australian police spokesman, on Saturday morning a huge "car bomb" rocked western Sydney with a boom that could he heard up to 35 kilometers away. Doonside resident Rodney Gonzalez, who lives more than 3km from the abandoned Government radio station situated near the epicenter of the blast, said his family woke at 6.45am to an unnerving experience they thought was an earthquake. "There was a huge boom and the whole house shook," Mr Gonzales said, "We've had a lot of accidents in this area, but nothing has scared us as much as this because of the house shaking."
The bomb left a crater twelve feet wide and six feet deep, and once more according to police, "spread bits of the car over 350 metres, smashing it so completely that neither its model nor make could be identified from the wreckage". They subsequently enlarged on this theme by claiming "Fragments were later found a kilometer away." This is ridiculous and misleading of course. When a car bomb detonates, there are always big pieces of wreckage left for analysis.
As with an air crash, dense objects including engines, gearboxes, wheels and axles are invariably recovered more or less intact for identification, which was certainly the case after Air France Concorde 4590 hit the ground near Paris at more than 250 miles per hour. Though this reality would not be very obvious to a couple of general duties police constables in the Doonside area, it certainly would be to the five hundred or so "instant response" counter-terrorist experts who should have arrived less than thirty minutes later to secure the perimeter, and then track down and capture the guilty "terrorists".
Unfortunately, despite this being "easily the biggest bomb ever detonated in Sydney", the counter-terrorist experts stayed in bed. Where there should have been 100+ armed SOG officers diligently probing the tree line with automatic weapons and rocket launchers, there were none. Where there should have been tactical helicopters frantically scouring the area for escaping terrorists, there were none. Where there should have been fire engines and ambulances looking for survivors and/or body parts, there were none.
You do not have to take my word for this. The photographs spread across this page were taken at one-hour interval starting 30 minutes after the weapon exploded, and show very clearly that no one bothered to show up at all. Remember once again that this was touted by authorities as "easily the biggest bomb ever detonated in Sydney". Now take a very careful look at the photos, because unlike the Australian Government, they cannot lie.

If the counter-terrorist teams and emergency services had arrived as required in their assortment of heavy vehicles, there would be fresh tire tracks all over the grass, but there are no tire tracks. The counter-terrorist teams would then have conducted a meticulous line-search through the grassed areas looking for clues, while their specially-trained tracker dogs would have been hunting for a scent. All of this would leave hundreds if not thousands of fresh footprints all over the grass, but there are only a handful of footprints to be seen.
Next would come the counter-terrorist forensic teams, who would mark and tape the position of every fragment that might reasonably be connected to the awesome blast, leaving the entire field festooned with luminescent red cones, and with several hundred yards of  bright yellow "Crime Scene" tape fluttering in the breeze. In less than three hours, the entire area would have resembled a fairground. Now then, can you see any luminescent red cones, even one, or a solitary inch of bright yellow Crime Scene tape?
Because Australia maintains an incredibly high terrorist alert status dictated jointly by the American and Israeli Ambassadors in Canberra, you can rest assured that the counter-terrorist teams would have reacted like lighting and swarmed all over Doonside in less than an hour, unless they were specifically ordered not to do so by a very senior bureaucrat in Canberra, himself acting on the direct orders of Prime Minister John Howard. On this evidence alone, it is proved that the Doonside blast was initiated by a person or persons unknown, working inside the Australian Federal Government structure.
It gets much worse than this. The Australian Government, in the form of Attorney General Philip Ruddock, has stated that the bomb was constructed of materials easily obtained without a license, specifically Ammonium Nitrate. A single casual glance at the crime scene is sufficient to prove this statement is absolute rubbish. When crude ANFO [Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil] low-explosive detonates, it leaves an oily black residue all over the place, and sets fire to nearby objects, especially the bone-dry grass you can see in the photographs. But there is no oily residue visible, and not a single blade of grass was set on fire. See for yourself...
Next is the fact that this weapon was buried long before it was finally detonated, the latter presumably by remote control. Once again, the grass serves as both clue and proof of this statement. If detonated on the surface of the ground, the shock wave from a blast as powerful as this would break and flatten every blade of grass within a radius of two-hundred feet. It did not do so, proving that the grass was shielded from harm by the rising blast vector of the underground detonation. This is illustrated in my [crude] diagram below.

Then without a chase and without any expert counter-terrorist input, a "security person" who just happened to be driving past this remote abandoned facility at 6.45 a.m. on a Saturday morning,  alerted local police to the "bomber" whom he had personally seen running away from the crime scene! Damn, how lucky can you get? Then, apparently without a concern in the world for any other members of the terrorist team who might have been dismembered by the blast, or escaped from the scene to bomb someone else another day, the solitary "suspect" was taken into custody.
So how did the incredibly alert "security person" know for sure that this man was operating solo? For now, we will have to reasonably assume that the security whiz kid was working for the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation [ASIO], or the Australian Federal Police, and in all probably was the suspect's personal handler.
After being politely ushered into a police paddy wagon without handcuffs, suspect Mark John Avery graciously appeared in the Magistrate's Court looking like a proper villain, as is traditional for a man accused of building and then detonating the largest bomb in the history of Sydney. At that stage, the uninitiated police prosecutor was clearly expecting Avery to be sent down for a very long time, as would befit any terrorist of his obvious stature and demonstrated ability. Alas, the police prosecutor was in for a big surprise.
Unlike Australian David Hicks, who has been incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay for more than two years without trial for merely training with the Muslim Taliban, terrorist bomber Mark Avery was about to demonstrate just how many good Christian friends he has in the Australian political and judicial establishment.
Within 24 hours and despite the fact that he had just triggered "easily the biggest bomb ever detonated in Sydney", Avery was released on a lousy $2,000.00 bail, with Magistrate Brian Lulham saying he had heard no evidence that the defendant had set off the explosives for any sinister or criminal purposes. Lulham continued that Avery had very strong community ties and, "was confident he would turn up for his next court appearance."
If this gross incident proves anything at all, it is simply that a hard core of maniacs in Canberra have finally crossed the invisible line which normally separates public servants from criminals. Those who funded, organised and executed this covert operation must be weeded-out and punished very quickly, before they take the inevitable next step in this crazed process, i.e. that of blowing up a few dozen or a few hundred Australians in order to make everyone else "believe" in the fictional al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah.
This event may be closer than any of us think, because the Commonwealth of Australia is due to hold its biggest-ever counter terrorism exercise in early March 2004. No doubt a few dozen bloodied and mangled [real] corpses on the streets of Sydney or Melbourne, would go down very well with those in Canberra who have already slipped over the edge into complete insanity.

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