-Caveat Lector- http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=1425

Controlling the News Part 33

During the middle of March, 2003, tbrnews received an email from a man who claimed to be a mid-level executive with a major American television network. He stated in this, and subsequent, emails that he was in possession of âthousandsâ of pages of in-house memos sent from his corporate headquarters in New York City to the head of the networkâs television news department. He went on to say that these memos set forth directives about what material was, and was not, to be aired on the various outlets of the network.

(January 9, 2004) âSend a memo to all department heads looking for any and all French-speaking journalists. This does not apply to cameramen. If the Administrationâs plans for a military adventure vis a vis the French materialize, we want to be right off the line with coverageâminute our people in Iraq that they must, under no circumstances, permit anyone other than our own employees to make use of our computer systems in place there. We have been virtually ordered under threat of prosecution under ânational securityâ directives to keep irate military personnel from âleaking sensitive and always inaccurateâ material. Make sure everyone gets thisâ

(January 10) âwith reference my memo of the 9th, do not discuss the French business unless and until. The Bush people want an administration change in Paris and we have to be careful not to mention any military assistance from our side. Diplomatic and economic pressure will be tried first. The French will cave in just like Brazil will stop its fingerprinting of US citizens. Either that or the World Bank and IMF will put them on the grill. Bush is visiting their president and will give him the word that we will not permit some third world state to dictate to usâthey have even been photographing diplomats and CIA commercial cover people!

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