-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/26/2004 11:26:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> "Obviously the virus of anti-Semitism is far more resilient and determined
> than we might have thought in the past," said Rabbi David Rosen, of the
> American Jewish Committee.
The Rabbi is wrong.  It's really difficult to feel tremendous sympathy for a people who are fencing and  killing their enemies at what is really an admirable rate, and who kill even those who are trying to get them to ease up on their eradication procedures.  Anti-Semitism is not even a pimple in the picture.  What we are now watching go on is a kind of reflection of all those horrors that stunned us when we discovered what the Nazi had done in the forties, only now we are watching as the decendents of the survivors of that catastrophe perpetrate a like horror on another people.  There is no Holocaust denial here.  We are all just wondering why we're being forced to witness another one.   Prudy      
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