-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.16/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 16
The Laissez Faire City Times
April 19, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 16
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Government is a Quack Faith-Healer

by Wolf DeVoon

Humans exist in perfect freedom. Obedience is a choice. Government is
therefore an illusion.

The evidence isn't hard to gather, and it requires no special twist of
language, no cognitive somersault. Just pick up the telephone and summon
a policeman to attend a crime in progress (robbery, rape, murder,
kidnapping). Good luck getting help in time. Nor is it clever to claim
that the state's protection exists in a more diffuse, but efficacious
realm beyond the average response time of emergency services. In any
public street, the law is observed by its citizenry without police. Los
Angeles has 7,000 cops and 7 million citizens. The LAPD are garbage
collectors in fancy uniforms, picking up the dead and praying that the
rest of us will argue quietly. Our dwellings are rendered safe from fire
by homeowners and tenants, employing nothing more coercive than an
individual desire to survive. All instrumentalities of community
protection and public welfare existed first as private, voluntary
organizations (constabularies, fire brigades, libraries, schools,
hospitals) before dilettantes and ward-healers proposed that a
bureaucracy should monopolize and run them badly. The historical origins
of governments were neither rational nor provident. In every instance,
ancient and modern, sovereigns were created by plunder and a fairy tale
of divine right (British Empire), a crackpot theory of destiny (USSR),
or a bad bargain improvised under duress (U.S.A.) Any student of the
U.S. Constitution can see through the myth of glory: the Virginia Plan
was a recipe for Civil War.

Noam Chomsky wants government to thwart "evil predators." Robert Nozick
fears competition. Hobbes, von Mises, and Ayn Rand hail the state as a
champion of the weak, a bulwark of liberty. Burke sighs that the
established order of ermine and tithes is comfortable; all innovation a

Phooey! Their theoretical defense of an illusion makes no donut
disappear from a cop's mouth, no soldier more likely to question his
orders, no real evil less vicious. Government is the sole, permanent
source of repression and waste. It does not exist of necessity, but
rather by virtue of a tragic, almost comical combination of klutzy,
opportunistic terrorism against sitting ducks whom it pretends to
shelter, plus our childish phobia of responsibility, praying to be
exempted from the hard reality of life on life's terms. It is daft to
moan about crime. Government cannot stop a thief, a lunatic, or a kid
playing with matches. It took the Nazis twenty years to flatter and
frighten the German nation into collective obedience -- and still
someone shoved a bomb under the Fuhrer's conference table. The state
does not and cannot triumph by coercion. Ayn Rand was correct: "Evil
requires the sanction of the victim."

During the war, German factory owners wheedled endlessly to avoid losing
skilled Jewish workers. Twenty percent of all Nazi munitions were duds,
sabotaged on the assembly line. The greatest tragedy of the Holocaust
was the role of Jewish Councils, who collaborated with and made possible
the systematic transportation of innocents. In 1935, SS troops only
numbered in the hundreds, not tens of thousands. Jews were ordered to
emigrate from Nazi Germany. It is an uncomfortable fact, but the state
at its worst and most triumphal was incapable of genocide without the
passive compliance of its intended victims. In Soviet Russia, the only
tyrant was not Stalin; it was millions of citizens who chanted slogans
and perished as a consequence of their own folly. Thirty million British
trade unionists, doctors, butchers, bakers and candlestick makers
democratically cut their own economic throats in the 1970s with the same
Marxist slogans. Harold Wilson did not "force" them into penury, and
Margaret Thatcher did not "force" the British to wake up and smell the
bank statements. We the people do these things to and for ourselves.

In fact and in reality, we are ungoverned and ungovernable. I defy
anyone to name a single instance of governmental action that succeeded
in achieving its intended outcome. Above all, please don't tell me that
you filed an honest tax return, or that you know someone who did. No
public work was raised without delay, confusion, cost overrun, graft, or
outright disaster as a final consequence. Every morning, the state
mangles reason and justice to perform simple tasks that private actors
(a) would not undertake because the project is stupid; or (b) could do
faster, cheaper, and better than government; or (c) are implicitly
required to do anyway, since the state has no competence except that
which is supplied by private contractors. All the U.S. politicians and
bureaucrats combined could not repair a flush toilet.

I become bored with discussing the state's incompetence, so obvious a
fact. The worst toxic waste sites are government property. The Soviet
Union wrought environmental catastrophe, because wanton misery and
economic folly are proportionate to the size of government. They never
learn, never fail to make stupid decisions. Boris Yeltsin spent $3.5
billion of IMF cash trying (and failing) to defend the rouble, precisely
reproducing Black Wednesday, when Britain emptied her purse trying (and
failing) to defend the pound's membership in the Exchange Rate
Mechanism. "Bad protection drives out good," Alan Greenspan used to say,
condemning the ludicrous spectacle of government conducted by morons. If
the peace and prosperity of the entire world rests on Bill Clinton's
shoulders, how does the Commander-In-Chief have time to masturbate in
the Oval Office during office hours? Answer: Peace and prosperity don't.
Clinton's leadership is an illusion. Politicians have nothing of
consequence to do, say, or decide. They are physiocratic windup toys,
floating in a bubble bath of lukewarm hysteria, reciting platitudes
written by schoolboys. We prosper to the extent that government does
nothing. Clinton feels our pain, didn't inhale, whimpers for
forgiveness. If there is any justification for this carnival of hot air,
it must be discerned from an abstract principle, because none of the
empirical data suggest any tangible benefit produced by these "sterile"
public employments.

What Good is the State?

"Supposedly, there exist important services, such as national defense,
which benefit people whether they pay for them or not. The result is
that selfish agents refuse to contribute, leading to disaster. The only
way to solve this problem is to coerce the beneficiaries to raise the
funds to supply the needed good. In order for this coercion to work, it
needs to be monopolized by a single agency, the state. Public goods
arguments have been made not only for national defense, but for police,
roads, education, R&D, scientific research, and many other goods and
services. The essential definitional feature of public goods is
'non-excludability'; because the benefits cannot be limited to
contributors, there is no incentive to contribute." Prof. Bryan Caplan's
Anarchy FAQ

How this justifies Kosovo, the Vietnam War, or the defense of Kuwait is
impossible to guess. So, let's suppose that it's 1939 and our national
security problem is Adolph Hitler. Selfish plutocrats are weary of
throwing good U.S. savings after bad, rescuing England. Jewish Americans
raise funds to help their kinfolk in Poland, and German-Americans parade
through Wisconsin waving swastikas. These are historical facts. It is
undeniably true that, at any moment in history, the community will be
divided into rival interest groups, each demanding that all the others
contribute to some "public good." See The Federalist Papers, No. X.

I am not an infantile individualist, demanding the right to be let alone
by my neighbors or by whichever dominant faction has control of the
elephantine mousetrap of state. Nor is David Friedman's example of
housetrailers in France a solution. We do not live in housetrailers. Our
lives and fortunes are deeply rooted in geographical community. Try
building a factory or a nuclear power station on a housetrailer! Even in
some micro-agrarian society, where the population is geographically
dispersed and scatters farther into the hills at the first whiff of
trouble, like the peasants of Corsovo, the penalty for isolation is
deprivation, and ultimately you run out of room to run. Kropotkin's
"sensible dictates of [Polish] tribal conscience" are a joke, when the
problem is a ruthless neighbor like Adolph Hitler, mobilizing twenty
Panzer divisions with absolute air supremacy.

The solution is here at ground zero, the foundation of society. If the
American government had been disbanded in 1910 (to pick a date when it
might have been historically feasible), the problem of Adolph Hitler
would never have arisen. The mass suicide of World War I would have
ended without Wilson's mismanagement, and there would have been no Great
Depression to bankrupt postwar Europe. The American society of 1933,
sans Franklin Roosevelt, would have been free of Keynesian doctrine,
trading in hard currency and guided by a consortium of wealthy private
bankers and industrialists -- a vastly different regime than Kropotkin's
"tribal conscience." American military adventures in Europe and Asia
have always been pointless and unprofitable, from a strictly commercial
perspective. War is an irrational waste of resources that no business
would dare undertake. Consequently, the capitalist policy of national
defense is to: (a) maximize industrial output; (b) maintain a strategic
intelligence network; and (c) when necessary, call upon the whole
community for men and munitions to meet any clear and present danger,
providing capital and moral support to those who volunteer to fight. If
this seems preposterously simple, then you have not read the history of
the American Revolution. Most people are not mercenaries; they will not
fight for money alone, unless they perceive that their communities and
their loved ones are in real peril, a natural counterweight to reckless
abuse of policy. The only difference between a coercive state and a
consortium of leading citizens is competence. In the economic crisis
that brought Hitler to power, leading citizens refused to participate.
They stupidly entrusted the mechanism of state to Hindenburg, Hoover,
and Chamberlain, who preferred National Socialism to Marxism. It is no
surprise that German democracy ended badly in 1933. Politicians
routinely proffer disaster, since their social contribution consists of
flattery, fantasy, hatred and fear.

If roads are needed, communities have local bankers, landlords, and
employers to determine and pay for local development. Ditto schools and
hospitals. Every example of American philanthropy was an Andrew Carnegie
or Sam Walton "rags-to-riches" story. My proposal is very simple. Do not
let these men (or anyone else) compel obedience via legislation. Make
the law of society de jure anarchy and promulgate the idea that some
will govern more than others, not by virtue of piecrust campaign
promises and balloon drops at a party meeting, but as a consequence of
diligence, effort, savings, and sobriety.

Inequality, Legal Fictions & Legal Rights

It is silly to cry "fascism!" as an objection to my proposal. The
operative feature of fascism was direction of industry by government. I
would hope that critics have enough sense to say that an elite banking
consortium constitutes an oligarchy -- i.e., rule by a few -- and is
hence undemocratic. Quite so. Yet democracy is a disaster. Nothing you
can say will convince me that your vote is equal to mine, or that the
two of us together have a legal right to silence one of our economic or
intellectual betters, or that someone's childish whims deserve to be
given a free microphone in aid of "the public good." I am not in favor
of "free speech" by morons and children. Nor do I believe that free
speech exists in contemporary society. Speech is the weapon of broadcast
ers. These are trifling side-issues, but it won't hurt to sweep them
aside. I am a media exile. My works don't have a hope in hell of
publication. As far as I'm concerned, CBS is a "predatory force" and
their New York headquarters should be short-listed for a surgical

The society in which we live is neither democratic nor fair. Take away
their Federal license to print money, and CBS falls tomorrow. We cannot
be rid of them too soon. Their agenda of glib vacuity, opinion polls,
blandishments, and flashy manure is anesthetizing our society. Sport is
next on my hit list. If I were a religious man, I'd fall on my knees and
beg God to turn the NFL into thirty pillars of salt, ending one of the
vainest vulgarities in human history.

I hope I have demonstrated a core proposition: that your vote and mine
are incompatible and cancel one another. If you comfort yourself with
the knowledge that a "majority" agree with your preference, I hereby
denounce your brainless majority as de facto fascism and blame you for
wrecking the American economy. Forty-four of GDP is government outlays.
When the market crashes, don't look for oligarchic villains on Wall
Street, or State Street, or in Grand Cayman. The next Depression will be
of your own majoritarian making, because you pretended that political
wishes were horses and beggars could ride, if enough of them wanted to.

Ayn Rand had the right idea. The guiltiest of men are the natural
oligarchs, who abdicated their leadership of an anarcho-capitalist
revolution. Instead of giving Harry Truman the atomic bomb, it could
have and should have been developed in a laboratory at Galt's Gulch.
 This is the moral meaning of inequality. When the men of brains
collaborate with a mob of dullards, it's unfair to blame the resultant
calamity on a crowd of pickpockets and cheerleaders. Sadly, a moral
principle never reaches beyond itself. Its ethical arms are too short,
extending no farther than one man's soul, one man's purpose and
lifespan. We have to look elsewhere for political guidance, because the
thing at issue is "a nation of laws and not of men."

I deal in very simple ideas. The rotten timber is a fiction, so let's
blast the fictions. In reality, there are living human beings whose
freedom and interest are the subject of this debate. There is no divine
right of incorporation, whether as a government, or a Subchapter S tax
dodge, or a family trust that never dies like a natural person. I hereby
propose that the law abolish all corporations. Let each parcel of land,
each railroad and airline, every road and factory be the property of
some individual (or partnership of individuals). Legal cases shall be A
vs B, two natural persons. I don't care if embryos, animals, and plants
qualify for legal standing. Fine. Whatever. But no more fictitious,
disembodied, immortal "corporate persons" like the United States of
America, or CBS Inc. Let's get the bullshit out of the way and call some
real defendants in court, to explain their guilt or innocence.

I am not impressed by the need to combine capital for big projects. The
laws of banking and agency are sufficiently imaginative for any
requisite venture. When J.P. Morgan owned J.P. Morgan, there was no
legal limit to his activities or scope of responsibility as proprietor.
He bailed out the Federal Government twice (the damn fool). When a
natural person dies, his fortune can be willed to anyone he chooses, but
not to a charitable ghost. All religious groups and trade unions are
hereby dissolved. Associate as you please, go where you like, and sing
your heart out in the choir -- but legal ownership of property pertains
to real persons from now on. God owns nothing, unless he shows up in
court and speaks for Himself.

The Initiation of Force

"There is certainly one truth in anarchistic beliefs: Every large
organization contains an element of veiled or open force, and every kind
of force is an evil, if we consider its effects on the human character.
But is it not the lesser evil? Can we dispense with force? When this
question is clearly put, the case for anarchism seems extremely weak. It
is true, that the experiment of an entirely forceless society have never
been made. But such evidence as we have does not indicate that ill
intentions will cease to exist if repressive force disappears, and it is
clear enough that one ill-intentioned person can upset a large part of
society if there is no repressive force. The fact that some intelligent
and highly idealistic men and women have believed and still believe in
anarchism shows that there is a type of sectarianism which accepts a
belief in spite of, or perhaps because of, its apparent absurdity."
(Landauer, quoted in Prof. Bryan Caplan's Anarchy FAQ)

Every kind of force is an evil? Does that include Toyotas and Beamers,
screeching past me as I attempt to cross an intersection? The way
Landauer talks, you'd think that anarchists have to foreswear use of
pesticides and cash registers. Lord-amighty! -- I might economically
"force" someone to act differently by bribing her, or threatening to
withhold a job promotion. (Sound familiar?) Does Landauer expect all
anarchists to be Buddhist monks, or what?

Let's put this on a sensible basis. Force is good. I like force. I wish
I had more of it at my disposal, and that I was able to wave a battalion
or two at my enemies. However, being a hothead by nature, some years ago
I made a moral decision not to carry a handgun -- mainly because I was
tempted to shoot two or three people a day. If I began to indulge the
habit of shooting people, it was unclear to me how I might ever wean
myself from the practice. So, I decided to "Just Say No" to homicide.
Don't laugh. This is serious business. When I got held up at gunpoint in
Beverly Hills, had I been armed, there would've been at least two dead
and several injured. I passionately hate being threatened at gunpoint.

The rule in current law, as I understand it, is that "initiation" of
force is not an issue. (Attention, all Objectivists. Initiation of force
is irrelevant.) The crime of assault is the threat of violence. Victims
can take whatever actions seem reasonable under the circumstances. It is
a complete justification for killing someone, if you can prove in the
context of the situation that you had reason to believe that your life
or the life of another was in jeopardy. If you kill somebody by mistake
(wrongly believing that he meant to kill you) it still isn't murder --
just manslaughter. You could be paroled in two years, assuming that you
hadn't killed anybody before and you were genuinely sorry for killing an
innocent person by mistake. That's the law.

Where does that leave us? Clearly, the government intends to hunt us
down if we refuse to pay taxes. If we resist, like Randy Weaver or the
Branch Davidians, the FBI will use lethal force. That's their whole game
plan, eerily reminiscent of Hitler. Obey or die.

Having resisted the Federal Government by nonviolent means (in court), I
suggest that their intermediate weapon of coercion (imprisonment) is
just as deadly. My life was in jeopardy on numerous occasions while in
custody, and I witnessed several deaths. The practical enterprise of
coercive government is to take life, liberty, and property for the
enrichment and satisfaction of government officials. Motives are another
story. Tyrants always think well of themselves and explain their
activities as some kind of "public service." Hitler certainly did.

But the law is quite firm on this point. You do not have to understand
an assailant's motive. All you have to do is reasonably interpret his
behavior as a clear threat to your life or the life of another, and you
are legally justified in launching a preemptive strike. Of course, the
law grants special immunity to government employees. You are never
justified in disobeying or impeding the actions of a sovereign -- not
even when he aims a gun at you, or drops napalm on your village, or
regulates your employer out of existence, or orders your child to die as
a conscript, thus sparing Bill Clinton the inconvenience of interrupting
his political career.

I admit that I am sometimes overwhelmed with bitterness, because
Jefferson's Declaration of Independence is never far from my heart. No
sovereign has the right to take life, liberty, or property. The
historical cost is numbered in hundreds of millions killed, two billion
enslaved by Communism, five billion denied an example of liberty --
largely because America chickened out in 1787. The Framers lost the
courage to say that all men were created equal.

Randolph of Virginia was not a fool, Benjamin Franklin no devil. I'm
sure that Madison hoped for the best, and Hamilton thought that the
survival of the Republic mattered more than technical issues of justice.
Washington admitted that he was a simple man, unable to understand what
ought to be done or why. Few imagined that the Constitution would
survive more than a few decades, and Jefferson expected a revolution
every 20 years or so. No one believed we would fight a Civil War. No one
wanted it. They did everything possible to avoid it -- and yet, it was
implicit from the first signature in Philadelphia. I have made the point
elsewhere, but it bears repeating, that the Civil War was fought as a
result of protectionist trade tariffs. It was the government's sole
source of revenue at its inception. When the South was denied a voice in
the Senate, saw her economic prospects sinking, and knew that Randolph's
Compromise was being eclipsed by westward expansion, the Constitution
was finished.

Until the moment of secession, the Federal Government never exerted
substantial coercion against anyone, neither private citizen nor state
nor foreign power. (I am not discussing Native Americans: the topic is
not germane to my present thesis.) Hamilton's doctrine of "implied
powers" sat on the shelf, disused. For the umpteenth time, President
Andrew Jackson vetoed the construction of the Cumberland Road, saying
that the Federal Government had no lawful power to "promote the general
welfare." Banking and commerce were still in the hands of private
individuals. There were few corporations. America was not a world power.

If Murray Rothbard felt free to argue natural law, he inherited a
tradition that skipped twice into the American Experiment and died at
the Ford Theater. Jefferson's inspiration became Lincoln's epitaph: that
all men are created equal. I spent a long time studying "Lincoln's
claim" (If A may enslave B, why not B steal the same argument and
enslave A?) because his was a beautiful eulogy of American common law,
on the occasion of its eclipse by hardship and chicanery, paper
greenbacks and Federal land grants -- the desperate acts of an
embattled, failing leadership. When the Supreme Court reconvened, after
a million Americans had been sacrificed in battle against one another,
the American Experiment was legally ended. In the Legal Tender Cases,
common law was buried by the will of the sovereign. Graft and power
politics took over. Henceforth, the only thing that mattered were votes.

So, I find it somewhat remote and nostalgic, to discuss "initiation of
force" and common law assault. The notion of justice survives because we
live in constructive, actual liberty. We are self-governing in daily
life, and we use justice to regulate our private intercourse. But it is
no longer operative in law. The will of the state is our master, and We
The People are servants, unequal as a matter of legal principle. If you
are a government official, you are exempt from personal liability -- in
fact, you aren't even present in court; you are a manifestation of the
immortal, disembodied, corporate Sovereign (local, state or federal, it
doesn't matter). So long as government employees execute the will of the
sovereign, they are immune from prosecution, like the guards at
Auschwitz who were "only following orders." Oliver North was able to
take this another step farther, claiming that he served his country by
intuition, without asking for embarrassing orders. His conscience was
clear. It was his duty to shred documents.

As a citizen, you are guilty with nothing to say in your defense, if you
refuse to obey or to provide such information as the state may demand.
The state has first claim on your property, perpetual title to your
liberty. In tax matters, you are presumed guilty until proven innocent.
If you refuse to speak, you can be jailed without trial. In antitrust,
trade and consumer protection law, you are guilty without knowing what
might constitute a crime. In immigration law, you are guilty by reason
of your place of birth.

At the moment, none of this matters to the American people. Unemployment
is low, inflation a distant memory. The stock market quadrupled in value
in ten years. Life is good. Television is amusing and familiar, like an
old family friend. What could possibly go wrong?

The Right of Revolution

"The basic argument of the advocates of 'propaganda by the deed' was
that anarchist terrorism would provoke governments -- even avowedly
liberal and democratic governments -- to resort to increasingly harsh
measures to restore order. As governments' ruthlessness increased, their
'true colors' would appear for all to see, leading to more immediate
results than mere education and theorizing. As E.V. Zenker notes in his
Anarchism: A Criticism and History of the Anarchist Theory, a number of
Western governments were driven to adopt anti-terrorist laws as a result
of anarchist terrorism. (Zenker goes on to note that Great Britain
remained true to its liberal heritage by refusing to punish individuals
merely for espousing anarchist ideas.) But as one might expect, contrary
to the terrorists' hopes, it was the reputation of anarchism -- peaceful
and violent alike -- which suffered rather than the reputation of the
state." Prof. Bryan Caplan's Anarchy FAQ

It is difficult to understand how the reputation of the state was
enhanced by the Unabomber, inasmuch as he remained 100 percent invisible
to the FBI for a decade until his mother turned him in. Nor is the
arrest and prosecution of Timothy McVeigh quite the same thing as
preventing Timothy McVeigh from blowing up a Federal office building.
Had the attack taken place at night, with no one killed except DEA and
ATF agents, our national reaction would have been different.

I lived through an interesting period in American history. I was in
Madison when the Army Math Research Center was blown up. I was in
Milwaukee when an anarchist was shot dead as he attempted to firebomb a
supermarket. I was in Washington when half a million students fought a
U.S. Marine Corps division, hoping to stop the Vietnam War. The
revolutionary cell had guns, explosives, and a medical team. We were at
war. People died. With other survivors of that struggle, I concluded
that the enemy was not Richard Nixon or Dow Chemical. It was the
American majority -- an overfed, self-satisfied, obedient bourgeoisie.
To the majority it is a matter of indifference whether their salaries
are paid by Lockheed or IBM or the Dept of Paperwork. Their moral sense
is superglued to their stomachs. We cannot expect acts of revolutionary
sacrifice to play in Peoria, where folks applaud Bill and Hillary.

Ayn Rand said it best: "It's earlier than we think." Revolutions are, of
necessity, occasioned by hardship and oppression. We simply have to wait
for a 21st-century Stamp Tax. Those of us in the vanguard have plenty to
do in the meantime. Idle libertarians can concentrate on agitprop
activities, such as:
1. Publicize the declining "private sector" share of GDP and growth of
2. Practice the virtue of speaking the truth. Identify religion for the
sewer it is.
3. Defend the rights of children. Boycott compulsory public education.

But we cannot win without direct action. Real revolutionaries must
implement John Galt's strategy, persuading American industrialists to
shut their factories, American bankers to quit. It doesn't matter
whether this happens by accident or design, but it is vital to strip as
much competence as possible from the economy, to hasten and deepen the
inevitable crash.

Minor Matters

In answer to Murray Rothbard, there is no such thing as "natural law" or
"human rights." All that exists are natural persons and human

In answer to David Friedman, invisible hand utilitarianism is impossible
to test or measure, because historical data are incomplete, and because
the "greatest good" is conjecture. I don't care what happened in
medieval Iceland.

In answer to Karl Marx, property rights are created and maintained by
general consent. If the anarcho-capitalist oligarchy imposes a tyranny,
the downtrodden will revolt. The masses will not accept a paradigm shift
until their majoritarian welfare state hits an economic brick wall,
creating an opportunity to rally them behind a new set of Founding
Fathers. I think we need to rewrite the common law definition of
"property" to defeat Marxist liberals like Ralph Nader.

Should there be restitution for crime? No. I favor an Old West Nevada
approach to crime. In previous writing, I suggested deportation of
unwanted criminals to Upper Michigan. Public prosecution is not part of
my scenario. All court cases are A vs B. Nor do I see the courts as a
beehive of activity. Anarchy means conducting your affairs in propria
persona, choosing good partners, consulting mentors as needed, and
taking risks.

Pareto-optimal calculations are lost on me. It all sounds like Garrett
Hardin's "The Tragedy of the Commons" and an excuse for
environmentalists to join the debate as intellectual equals, which they
are not.


I have suggested above that mankind exist in perfect freedom, and that
government is a choreographed ritual, nothing more than a public parade,
or a secularized religion of quack faith-healers. We can increase or
decrease the size of government at will. In a totalitarian state, the
parades are bigger, there are more people in uniform, and they have less
to eat. There is only one way to end tyranny: from within. Hitler was
not defeated by Churchill or Eisenhower. He was defeated by stupidity
and disobedience. Tyrants exude the former and inspire the latter.

My theory does not rely on a moral code. I view morality as a personal
choice. Perhaps that makes me an emotive anarchist.

Because government does nothing and alters nothing, I am far more
concerned with personal choice and private action. Hitler could not have
come to power without the support of his intellectual superiors, who
wrongly assumed that they could "control" him like a puppet. This is
also the tragic legacy of American political history since the Civil
War. So long as scientists and businessmen support the majoritarian
fable, average Americans have no choice but to admire the Emperor's New
Clothes with embarrassment and concealed terror. They know that
something is wrong with our country, despite reports of a "strong
economy" and everyone's best efforts to parade in cheerful rhythm. But
the figures tell a different story, and I name Alan Greenspan as the
guiltiest man in America for withholding the bottom line. Public debt as
a percent of M2 has risen to wartime levels. Public spending will exceed
50 percent of GDP in FY2015. When it does, the IMF cannot rescue us. We
are the IMF, boys and girls.

How each person chooses to cope with this unfolding disaster is
unimportant. I cannot say that "survivalists" have it wrong, nor the
whores led by Rupert Murdoch, nor the vultures led by George Soros. But
I speak the truth as I understand it, and I accept the risk of public
humiliation, rather than wait in silence for another, smarter person to
someday speak for me and proclaim: All government is theft.


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 16, April 19, 1999
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Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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