-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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-Caveat Lector- "Americans forgive big mistakes -Sarkos Soghanalian of AirAm911"

"[Sarkos] Soghanalian said he would not have had anything to do with
the deal had not the CIA been aware of it"

"The most popular conspiracy theory is that the CIA wanted to escalate
violence in Colombia to justify Plan Colombia

"CIA says that the Jordanians had checked in with the agency’s station in
Amman to make sure there were no problems with the sale. The Jordanians
got the go-ahead. Four deliveries were made, ostensibly to Peru but in reality
the Ukrainian mercenaries were dropping the weapons over FARC strongholds
in Colombia.


"Oliver North had been traveling around to heads of state getting them to sign
end-user certificates for the shipment of arms that would disguise their ultimate
destination. One leader he approached was Olaf Palme, Prime Minister of Sweden.
North asked Palme to sign misleading end-user certificates for weapons to be
shipped from the Swedish arms company Bofors to the Contras. To let Palme
know the noble purpose that would be served, North outlined for him the whole
Contra-supply operation. Palme was offended. Not only would he not cooperate by
signing end-user certificates, he told North, but moreover said the Contra operation
was a breach of international law and that he was going to expose it in the
international organizations. Blabber-mouth Ollie North now panicked, and plotted
Palme's termination with some Bofors executives. The Bofors executives hired an
assassination team headed by a South African named Williamson, which succeeded
in killing Palme on February 28, 1986. "


Sarkos Soghanalian and Monzer Al Kassar, CIA asset Lockerbie Pan Am 103 bomb.
Is Soghanalian a CIA asset according to the Al Kassar and Ollie and Olaf forged
end user cert pattern? Goddard, Trail of the Octopus, links Al Kassar in a CIA
cocaine for Iran-Contra arms deal that Les Coleman was instructed to obstruct,
and similar to the assassination of Olaf Palme, Swedish PM, payback was the
Pan Am 103 Lockerbie plane bombing killing the Coleman's superiors who had
instructed Coleman to stop Al Kassar's coke for arms Iran-Contra deal.

http://www.sitbot.net/re/bboys http://www.sitbot.net/re/atta CIA drugs for guns biz


Interview with Sarkis Soghanalian

Sarkis Soghanalian, 74, was born in Turkey and is one of the largest private arms
dealers in contemporary history. He was worked with the CIA in operations ranging
from Central America, Africa and Iraq. The CIA asked him to help attempt Ferdinand
and Emelda Marcos to power from exile in Hawaii. But his most important operation
was Iraq. He was recruited after the Reagan White House and government of Saudi
Arabia decided to supply Saddam Hussein during the Iran Iraq War. He supplied billions
in military hardware to Iraq. When the “Iraqgate” scandal broke exposing the Bush
Administration to potential legal action, the Bush Justice Department went after Soghanalian.
He was convicted of conspiracy of shipping unauthorized weapons to Iraq. His jail sentence
of six years was cut short when the U.S. Secret Service and the Clinton Administration used Soghanalian’s services to breaking the $100 bill counterfeiting ring in Lebanon. Soghanalian
moved to Paris in 1995 and began work with the French government. He subsequently opened
up an office in Jordan in 1998. In 2,001 Soghanalian was arrested again, this time on bank
fraud charges while visiting Miami. He was held for a year in the federal lock up in Los
Angeles until he revealed the details of how a top CIA asset in Peru was in fact funneling
thousands of rifles to the Marxist rebels in Columbia. Soghanalian’s revelations resulted the
collapse of the Fujimori government in Peru. After being released from custody Soghanalian
moved all his operations to Jordan.

Trento: 1. How do we determine if the US intelligence community is successful? They have
not located bin Laden.

Soghanalian: Laughter. It depends. In the 1980’s the old Bush loved Saddam. I brought his
friends to Iraq on my planes. He defeated Iran on behalf of the United States and Saudi
Arabia. The cost was extremely high in the number of dead for Iraq and Iran. So I guess
that was a success for the CIA. Then he asked the US to help him with a dispute with Kuwait.
The Americans refused and he decided we had betrayed him. Because the CIA not read him
correctly that was a failure.

Trento: Has this undermined the public and President’s confidence?

Soghanalian: What confidence? Bush believes anything the CIA tells him. The public – the Americans – don’t really know. When Osama bin Laden attacked the World Trade Center a
second time and the CIA missed it, that should have undermined the public and President’s
confidence. Americans forgive big mistakes.

Trento: 2. President Bush stated flatly that Saddam has connections to Al Qaeda and weapons
of mass destruction. The intelligence community has failed to back him up on either assertion.
Did the President overreach or are the intelligence organs being too cautious?

Soghanalian: Al Qaeda hates someone like Saddam. Saddam has no serious religious interests.
Saudi Arabia, Quatar, all America’s so-called friends have more ties to Al Qaeda then Saddam.
AlQaeda scares people, so if you say Saddam is Al Qaeda it will scare people. That’s why Bush
is doing it.

Trento: 3. Numerous articles have said that Saudi Arabia is responsible for funding Al Qaeda
through various Islamic charities and front groups. Should the intelligence community have
known this before 9/11 and should the administration have acted upon it?

Soghanalian: The Saudi’s and the CIA turned the Islamic fundamentalists into a major force.
So the CIA knew. They moved the money through Saudi banks and through BCCI and Pakistan.
The US went along because it helped get weapons to the anti Soviet forces. They were never
going to stop there friends because it would expose those in the CIA who played a role,
including Bush’s father.

Trento: 4. Many supporters of the CIA claimed that President Clinton handicapped the Agency
with too much government oversight and political correctness in recruiting. Did our failure to
penetrate Al Qaeda and find out why bin Laden was planning having anything to do with
restraints on the CIA?

Soghanalian: I don’t agree. I think Clinton and Bush were both afraid of Saudi Arabia and that is
who controls the money to Al Qaeda. If you won’t go after the brains how can you cut off the feet?

Trento: 5. We have been fighting in Afghanistan for 18 months and the country is not yet secure. Are you confident that the intelligence the government is getting about the status of the war on terrorism is reliable?

Soghanalian: Look the CIA paid off factions in Afghanistan and bought their loyalty for a short period. It is impossible for you to go into a place – throw some money around and think you can change everything about it. To fix Afghanistan the Americans have to spend a fortune and keep larges numbers of troops until the warlords are convinced we mean business. Firing some predator rockets convinces no one. If Al Qaeda kills Karzai then where are you?

Trento: 6. The CIA’s current leadership has issued numerous and often dire but vague warnings about the continued threat of Al Qaeda and bin Laden. Is the leadership trying to cover itself with these warnings?

Soghanalian: Of course. Look they had the evidence in 1995 that bin Laden might try to fly a plane into buildings and they warned no one. Now they issue warnings. They issue them so they will not be blamed if something happens again.

Trento: 7. What five things would you do to improve the intelligence community?

Soghanalian: Laughter. You cannot fix it. How can you have people covering up what they did be your source for information? It cannot work. You need to do what the French do, have one check on the other. Americans believe everything.

Trento: 8. How does the public resolve the contradiction between the White House and intelligence community. For example we are told that an Al Qaeda terrorist base located in a Kurdish controlled section of Iraq demonstrates Saddam is connect to Al Qaeda and the base is producing toxins to be used against the infidels, Yet the CIA reported that the base was established with the permission of the Kurds and Saddam had nothing to do with it...

Soghanalian: Please Joe, Americans fund the Kurds and the Kurds helped with the anti-Russian effort in Afghanistan. They control that territory, not Saddam. It is in the no fly zone. Al Qaeda has many more interests in common with the Kurds. Bush used this lie to convince people to go to war.

Trento: 9. The Administration seems to have sided with the CIA. In fact, two weeks after 9/11 President Bush went out to the CIA and gave the Agency a pep talk. Has the President’s blessing of the CIA made it difficult top correct or even recognize failures and problems at the CIA?

Soghanalian: He should have kicked their ass. The biggest failure since the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. But he could do nothing else because his father used to be in charge. Why is the press not screaming about that? Bush’s father set up Saddam, I was part of that operation. Bush’s father helped bring Arabs into Pakistan. How can you stand up to the CIA when it was your father who did these things?

Tom Mooney wrote:

DRUG WAR BRIEFS: Who Really Supports Cocaine Traffickers?

By Kevin Nelson, AlterNet
April 6, 2004

This week, despite having no clear evidence, US prosecutors announce an investigation of Jean Bertrand Aristide's alleged ties to cocaine traffickers; meanwhile, a Peruvian court tries Vladimir Montesinos – a 30-year CIA asset – for supplying Colombian drug traffickers with weapons.

April 3- AFP reports: Prosecutors are investigating whether Haitian former president Jean Bertrand Aristide took millions of dollars from drug traffickers who moved cocaine through his impoverished nation, it was reported.

"It's in the early stages," one law enforcement source told The Miami Herald. "It's a bit premature to say we've got anything yet. But you're not wrong if you say that's where we're going."

The report quoted officials in Florida and Washington as saying investigators had been briefed on reports that relatives of Aristide and his wife, Mildred, hold nearly 250 million dollars in European banks. The officials added, however, that there is no indication yet whether the funds actually exist.

Haiti's Justice Minister Bernard Gousse meanwhile said that Friday he planned to set up a commission next week to investigate allegations against Aristide "from misuse of government funds to human-rights abuses."

Aristide's Miami lawyer Ira Kurzban attributed the investigation to politics: "After kidnapping President Aristide, the Bush administration is not content to simply end democracy in Haiti – they need to politically assassinate Aristide."

April 4- The Scotsman reports: Vladimiro Montesinos is a legendary figure in Latin America and is now at the centre of the most explosive trial in Peruvian history, watched with the kind of devotion usually only reserved for soap operas.

But the 58-year-old's latest trial, in which he is accused of smuggling 10,000 rifles to Colombian terrorists, has also seen the US intelligence services become embroiled in an embarrassing row about whether the CIA not only knew what Montesinos was up to and turned a blind eye, but have actively undermined Washington's multibillion-dollar war on drugs by doing so.

The plot is something out of a John le Carre novel. In 1999 a shadowy spymaster brokers an arms deal to send 10,000 AK-47 rifles to guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

A Lebanese arms dealer, Sarkis Soghanalian, known as 'The Merchant of Death', gets the rifles from Jordan and puts them on a Ukrainian plane that parachutes them into the Colombian jungles controlled by the rebels.

The payment for the consignment comes from Brazil's most feared drug lord, Luiz Fernando da Costa, better known as 'Freddy Seashore' after the slum from which he rose to power. He gets his payment in drugs from the FARC, allegedly 20 tonnes of cocaine.

The story is spectacular enough, but there is another complicating and compelling element: if not the involvement, then the knowledge of the deal on the part of the CIA. Peruvian prosecutor, Ronald Gamarra, after two years of investigation of the case and hundreds of interviews, is convinced the CIA knew of the plot.

"In the trafficking of the arms to the FARC, Montesinos could have had the support of the CIA," said Gamarra. "I don't have hard evidence of it, but various leads indicate that it is probable."

That there have been links between the CIA and Montesinos for the best part of 30 years is no secret. In 1976, Montesinos was expelled from the army and put in prison for selling secrets to the CIA, when George Bush senior held the top post at Langley.

Montesinos then put himself through law school and became the defender of drug traffickers. But once he became former president Alberto Fujimori's right-hand man in 1990 the relationship with the CIA became still closer and Montesinos became known by the American agency as 'Mr. Fix'.

Gamarra believes the CIA have something to hide, saying that the FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration have been very co-operative in his investigations, while the CIA has stonewalled him on everything.

His fears are supported by arms dealer Soghanalian, currently in US custody. Soghanalian said he would not have had anything to do with the deal had not the CIA been aware of it.

In his declaration to US authorities he said: "When I went to get the license from the Jordanian authorities I went to [US] military intelligence and foreign intelligence [the CIA]. I said that this was an area very sensitive to the Americans on a political level."

His testimony is backed by the Jordanians. The AK-47s, made in East Germany, were destined, so the Jordanians thought, for the Peruvian army.

According to Atef Halasa, the head of protocol at the Jordanian Foreign Ministry, his country would not have released the weapons without informing US authorities. Halasa was reported as saying that the American government not only knew of the deal, but that it was authorized by the CIA.

The severity of the accusations against the CIA has sent US authorities into panic. The FARC have long been on Washington's terrorist list and the Colombian government is one of the largest recipients of US military aid in the world after Israel and Egypt. Over the years, several Americans have been killed by the Colombian rebels, who have threatened to target US personnel in their bloody war to seize power and establish a Marxist regime.

Indeed the FARC have three US intelligence operatives in their power, captured after their spy plane crash landed in guerrilla territory in February last year.

The CIA has refused to comment, except to say, "it's a matter before the courts".

The former CIA Head of Station in Peru, Robert Gorelick, believed to have been the linkman for the agency with Montesinos, has also refused to testify in a Peruvian court.

Montesinos during interrogation in May 2002 said he "met an average of two or three times a week with Mr. Gorelick".

State Department spokesman Phil Chicola, responsible for the Andean nations, called the accusations against the CIA "the greatest foolishness... irresponsible, black propaganda made by people that do not know what they are talking about".

Many find it unbelievable that the CIA would have turned a blind eye to, or actually helped with, such an order, actively undermining the work of the US in Colombia, arming the guerrillas that Washington describes as "narco-terrorists".

But a senior judicial source in Peru said the CIA appears to be instigating a process to get Montesinos extradited to the US to face some charges there, most likely in an attempt to halt the damaging proceedings in Peru and prevent more explosive revelations.

"How can people doubt that the CIA is capable of something like this," said a senior Peruvian judicial source on condition of anonymity. "Did the Iran Contra scandal teach you nothing?"




Please let us stay on topic and be civil.-Home Page- www.cia-drugs.org

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www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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