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Israel Preparing To Attack Iran N-Sites, Says Report

Washington, May 9 (NNN): Israel may be preparing to attack Iranian nuclear facilities within the year, according to US administration assessments reported on Israeli Army Radio on Saturday.

The report was first released by an American wire service, which said President George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had discussed the issue during Sharon's visit to the White House on April 14.

The possibility of an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities came up when the two leaders were discussing a likely Israeli response to the completion of an Iranian nuclear bomb, the wire service said.

Following the meeting, Bush said it was inconceivable for the Middle East that Iran acquired nuclear weapons.

The news agency and the Israeli Army Radio quoted US and Israeli officials as saying that the attempt to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons had been discussed at various levels, as well as the effects such an attack would have on US efforts in Iraq and in the Persian Gulf.

The wire service report said: "US authorities have extensively considered the possibility that Israel will attack Iran's nuclear facilities, perhaps this year".

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