June 7 @ Noon-1 PM PT
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COOP RADIO - CFRO - 102.7 FM Vancouver, B.C.
Date: Monday, June 7, 2004/ Time: 12 -1pm PT

CANADA & U.S. MISSILE DEFENCE - COOP RADIO CANDIDATE FORUM - "The radio forum has invited candidates from the Canadian political parties to address the issue of Canada & U.S. Missile Defence.  The goal is to raise the issue of stopping U.S. Missile Defence & the weaponization of space above partisan electoral issues, as 7 in 10 Canadians oppose U.S. Missile Defence in an IPSOS-REID-Council of Canadians-Polaris Institute poll of March 31, 2004."  Canada's federal election will be held on Monday, June 28, 2004, with 308 seats in the House of Commons at stake.

Elections Canada - http://www.elections.ca
Bloc Quebecois - http://www.bloc.org
Canadian Action Party - http://www.canadianactionparty.ca
Communist Party of Canada - http://www.communist-party.ca
Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) - http://www.cpcml.ca
Conservatives - http://www.conservative.ca
Green Party of Canada - http://www.greenparty.ca
Liberals - http://www.liberal.ca
Marijuana Party - http://www.marijuanaparty.org
New Democrats - http://www.ndp.ca

HOST: Alfred Webre, JD, MEd

The United States is building a ballistic missile defence shield (BMD) informing the public that it will defend it from missile attacks by rogue nations.  Canadian officials are meeting with U.S. counterparts to strike an agreement whereby Canada will participate in the missile shield.  Without publicly expressed opposition, the decision to join will likely be made soon.

Is it necessary?
 Ballistic Missile Defence system's purported rationale is to defend against so-called "rogue states" launching a nuclear missile attack against the US.  None of the named "rogue states" possess ballistic missiles.  Iraq is in shatters, Iran has no nuclear weapons or ballistic missiles delivery system, and Libya does not have the technical ability.  North Korea abandoned its missile program and will not pursue it if there is no threat of an attack from the US. 
 The United States has the greatest military strength in the world and a nation that would attack faces immediate nuclear annihilation.
 It will not protect against terrorist attacks.

Can it work?
 To date tests have failed - they have not been able to hit a "missile with a missile."  It has a very complicated guidance system yet it would be necessary to work perfectly the first time. - One slip and Canada would experience a nuclear explosion.
 The interceptor missile cannot distinguish the real target from dummy targets
 Canadian physicists felt they could not keep quiet and have provided PM Martin with their study  "âthe proposed US missile deface system has little scientific chance of working and could endanger Canadian lives and property." (Toronto Star & study published in Physics in Canada magazine).
 A 400-page study by the American Physicist Society concluded that it was highly unlikely any of the proposed defence systems would protect North America from current missiles and virtually certain they would not be effective against next-generation missiles.
 49 former US Generals told Bush missile defence is a waste of funds, and urged Canada no to join.
 Would-be terrorists will not attack using missiles; rather they could carry their weapons in a briefcase, ships and planes.

Why is the US asking Canada to join?
 The US MD is part of a US strategy to convert Canada into a war-fighting client of the US permanent warfare state.
 If Canada becomes involved with land-based US Missile Defence, Canada would be involved in using space weapons.  BMD will include a network of sensors and command and control nodes which may be used for space-based weapons.
 In 2002 the Bush administration directed the US Department of Defense to develop and protect not only US but friends and allies, encourage industrial participation by friends and allies, promote international missile defense in NATO

Why is the US administration intent on deploying BMD?
 It is part of US Administration war-fighting strategy and policy to weaponize space.
 They know that if a country joins BMD they will be unable to veto the deploying of weapons in space.

Does it improve or do more harm to our safety?
 It will promote other countries to build up their arsenals and spark new conventional and nuclear arms race.  Russia and China have said they will step up their nuclear and missile weapons programs if the US goes ahead with BMD.

Where do the Canadian federal political parties stand on BMD?
 Liberals: Defence Minister Pratt said on TV "We're not saying no. We're not saying yes."  The Martin-Liberal government is misleading the public about Canada's participation in US MD.  They have said they will participate in NORAD operation of the aerospace early-warring system for North America which would mean Canada functionally joins US MD.   Canada signing onto "an aerospace early-warning system for North America", is in fact "a move that smoothes the path for almost certain participation in the US missile defence shield."  (Globe & Mail, April 30, 2004.).
 Conservative:  is in favour and would join without further investigation.
 New Democratic Party: The NDP is opposed and their leader Jack Layton has made this an issue for discussion in the upcoming federal election.
 Bloc Quebecois is opposed
 Greens - are opposed to Canada joining BMD
 Canadian Action Party is opposed to BMD
 These other smaller parties are opposed -Communist Party of Canada, Canadian Communist Party Marxist-Leninist, and Marijuana Party.

Where does the public stand?

 Canada has a 30-year record of opposing weapons in space.
 A March 31, 2004 Ipsos-Reid-Council of Canadians-Polaris Institute poll found that "seven in ten (69%) of Canadians disagree with the statement, "Canada should actively support the Bush administration's missile defense system even if it may require dedicating military spending to the program or allowing US missile launchers in Canada."
 A poll released in April in Washington DC showed that the vast majority of US citizens support arms control.  86% of respondents to the poll said the US should work with other nuclear powers toward eliminating nuclear weapon s and 74% favoured a treaty banning all weapons in space.
 Nunavut say they have not been consulted as required in their Land Claims Agreement.

Are there better alternatives?

 The estimated one trillion US dollars to build the system would be much better spent by addressing the
    root causes of conflict and terrorism such as inequality.
 By following the path of militarism and war we are neglecting to deal with the recent scientific studies on climate change. While briefing the Bush Administration on a scientific study of climate change, commissioned by the US Department of Defense, Pentagon officials pointed out that the threat to the world is greater than terrorism.
 Canada should take the initiative in developing a Space Preservation Treaty prohibiting the weaponization of space. In 2000 at a meeting of the United National General Assembly 163 - 0 countries voted to prevent space-based weapons and in 2001 156-0 countries approved the basis for a treaty permanently banning space-based weapons.
 The City Councils of Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo, Burnaby, Sparwood, and Bowen Island, B.C. have all passed Space Preservation Resolutions urge the Government of Canada to convene a treaty-signing conference for the Space Preservation Treaty, as Canada did in the treaty-signing conference in December 1997, where 122 countries signed the Convention Banning Land Mines, known as the Ottawa Convention.  This Treaty conference would ban Missile Defence systems and space-based weapons worldwide.

LISTEN ONLINE: http://www.coopradio.org/

LISTENER-SPONSORED CO-OP RADIO is broadcast across Canada on the Star Choice satellite system on channel 845.  Co-op radio, CFRO fm is located in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Its frequency in the Vancouver area is 102.7 MHz and we are also found on various cable frequencies in most major cities throughout British Columbia.

RealAudio and Program information for radio station CFRO can be found on the internet at http://www.coopradio.org

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(604) 684-7561.
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