-Caveat Lector-

In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 
01:59:56PM +0200
Organization: http://www.cosmicpenguin.com/911

On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 01:59:56PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Dick Eastman sent a post to yahoogroup "911crimefile", visible at :
>This yahoogroup, where he is the only person to post, seems to be used by
>M. Eastman as "personal web pages". In this post, at the paragraph "Proof
>2", he uses a sketch (a B 757 hiting the Pentagon) copied on my web site at :

M. Desmoulins,

1. Eastman did not copy your picture impact757-2.gif, but rather
*linked* to it, using this HTML code (taken verbatim from his
web page at the URL you gave):

<IMG alt src="http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jpdesm/pentagon/damage/impact757-2.gif";>

It is universal practice to link via HTML to objects in someone
else's website *without* including a copyright notice and in most
cases without even mentioning the other person.  People routinely
place hyperlinks in the middle of sentences, without either type
of credit.  This is the way hypertext was designed to function,
to allow the free interconnection and communication of ideas and

2. Anyone who wants to learn the original intent of the picture
can easily use its URL to access your site.  However, you should
make it simpler for people in all circumstances to access your
site by putting links to, e.g., your Pentagon study, on your
home page, rather than only putting your e-mail address there:


3. You have committed a worse "crime" than Eastman in your picture
impact757-2.gif and others, because you "stole" graphic material
-- the column designations shown as numbers inside circles, plus
color-coded squares, etc. -- from the diagram published by the
American Society of Civil Engineers [ASCE], *without giving them
credit*.  You *copied* that information without attribution and
combined it in a picture of your own with other material.  You
didn't just link to it as Eastman did to yours.

4. It is recognized by most free-thinking people, as represented
by, e.g., the Electronic Frontier Foundation:


and the Free Software Foundation:


that the use of copyright and other "intellectual property" laws
to restrict the flow of information is extremely harmful to the
actual survival of all people everywhere.  The U.S.-Israel-England
Fascist Axis has already murdered at least 100,000 people using
9-11 as a pretext, and it has been reported in a major British
newspaper that 1,000,000 Iraqis have "disappeared".  Without the
free flow of information via the Internet to expose such
operations, this would already have been much worse.

In order to shut down freedom of speech (at least in the U.S.)
legislators are pushing the SSSCA/CBDTPA and INDUCE laws, which
would utilize technology such as Microsoft "Palladium" to take
control of all computers connected to the Internet.  To send or
receive any e-mail, web page, etc., each computer would have to
get permission from a government "digital rights" server.
Without that permission -- which would be specific to that
particular computer and that particular data -- the computer's
owner would be unable to access it, due to the total control of
censorship hardware and software built into every computer,
without which it would not be permitted by any ISP to connect to
the Internet.

The pretext for this monstrous abrogation of fundamental human
rights is to protect "intellectual property" (e.g., of music
recording and movie companies) and to prevent the transmission
of child pornography.

And now you, M. Desmoulins, want to destroy Dick Eastman's
ability of free speech.  You have already sent the letter below
to Yahoo's copyright department -- "Daniel Dougherty"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- and you want them to "forbid to
M. Eastman to create groups, manage groups, post to groups".

Your pretext for this is that Eastman linked without attribution
to a picture that you created -- which you did by *copying without
attribution* graphic material created by the ASCE.

Aside from the absurdity of your pretext, the magnitude of your
demand -- to totally deny a human being the ability to speak
effectively -- is enormously greater than the size of his alleged
"crime" (even if he had copied your picture, which he didn't).

It certainly suggests, M. Desmoulins, that your desire for this
outrageously inappropriate "punishment" of Eastman (for a "crime"
that in fact he did not commit but you did) is for the purpose
of preventing him from broadcasting an analysis of the Pentagon
hit that you disagree with.  (An analysis which, by the way, is
also held by 9-11 researchers Mike Ruppert, Ralph Omholt (a 757
pilot), Kee Dewdney, Brad Mayeux, Chris Bollyn, Carol Valentine,
John Kaminski, Gerard Holmgren, Thierry Meissan, Jerry Longspaugh
(physics911.org), Jim Hoffman, myself, and others.)

That is the charitable interpretation of your action; I do not
believe in accusing someone of working for the Fascists without
more extensive evidence.

  Mark S Bilk

On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 01:59:56PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Hi everyone
>Dick Eastman sent a post to yahoogroup "911crimefile", visible at :
>This yahoogroup, where he is the only person to post, seems to be used by
>M. Eastman as "personal web pages". In this post, at the paragraph "Proof
>2", he uses a sketch (a B 757 hiting the Pentagon) copied on my web site at :
>He has put on it the text : "Civil engineers have plotted to scale a Boeing
>757 and
>the wall and supporting pillars of the Pentagon."
>First : this could be a detail, I'm not "civil engineers" but a "systems
>engineer", and I have a name.
>Second : usually I am not too much bothered by people using my work, even
>without quoting their sources, if they keep the arguments in the original
>sense I wanted to mean. But I cannot admit that a sketch could be taken in
>my web site, and, without context and without source quoting, be used to
>demonstrate the contrary of what I explain about this sketch.
>Moreover, in this same post, M. Eastman writes that he has sent "this
>evidence" to the 911 event investigation commission !
>I begin to be sick of the way of doing of this person. I have already
>writen what I think of his "small plane - killer jet" theory and of his
>personnal behaviour.
>I have put on line a page about the "Lagasse case", on which it is shown
>that it is highly probable that either he is a liar, or he is used as a
>psyop by the 911 coverup cells of some three letters agencies.
>For those who will doubt of the role of psyops in the diversion theories,
>create tension among different groups, enhance dislike and discord, see :
>I want this type of behaviour to be stopped. I thus ask publicly to M.
>Eastman to send to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, with copies to
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, a message
>with references to his first message above, explicit apologies, and quote
>of the original web page where he copied this sketch, with the mention that
>in this page the explanation of the B 757 crash, with the particular point
>of the pillars destroyed by the starboard engine, is in complete
>contradiction with the statement that he wants to promote.
>If this is not done, I won't give up and I will ask, by all available ways,
>to have exposed to public the way of doing of M. Eastman. I will also ask
>Yahoogroups service to take any practical decisions in order to avoid this
>to happen again by forbidding to M. Eastman to create groups, manage
>groups, post to groups.
>Sorry for wasting your time with such silly things.
>Best regards everybody.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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