-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 7/8/2004 7:14:30 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Vice President Dick Cheney faces criminal indictments for illegal activities
while CEO of energy giant Halliburton and also illegally intervened to secure a
$7 billion no-bid contract for his former employer after his election to office,
an analysis by the White House counsel's office concludes.

The Vice President is currently under investigation by French authorities for
bribery, money laundering and misuse of corporate assets while at Halliburton
and also faces a U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission probe of a $180 million
"slush fund" that may have been used to pay bribes.
Impossible.  We all know that the Bush White House is the most moral and honest that has ever been.  Ask Mr. Cheney.  He'll tell you I'm right.  Prudy
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