-Caveat Lector-

Government Spending  A Tax on the Middle Class
by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

All government spending represents a tax. The
inflation tax, while largely ignored, hurts
middle-class and low-income Americans the most.

The never-ending political squabble in Congress
over taxing the rich, helping the poor, "Pay-Go,"
deficits, and special interests, ignores the most
insidious of all taxes  the inflation tax. Simply put,
printing money to pay for federal spending dilutes
the value of the dollar, which causes higher prices
for goods and services. Inflation may be an indirect
tax, but it is very real  the individuals who suffer
most from cost of living increases certainly pay a

Unfortunately no one in Washington, especially
those who defend the poor and the middle class,
cares about this subject. Instead, all we hear is that
tax cuts for the rich are the source of every
economic ill in the country. Anyone truly concerned
about the middle class suffering from falling real
wages, under-employment, a rising cost of living,
and a decreasing standard of living should pay a lot
more attention to monetary policy. Federal
spending, deficits, and Federal Reserve mischief
hurt the poor while transferring wealth to the
already rich. This is the real problem, and raising
taxes on those who produce wealth will only make
conditions worse.

This neglect of monetary policy may be out of
ignorance, but it may well be deliberate. Fully
recognizing the harm caused by printing money to
cover budget deficits might create public pressure
to restrain spending  something the two parties
don't want.

Expanding entitlements is now an accepted
prerogative of both parties. Foreign wars and nation
building are accepted as foreign policy by both

The Left hardly deserves credit when complaining
about Republican deficits. Likewise, we've been
told by the Vice President that Ronald Reagan
"proved deficits don't matter"  a tenet of
supply-side economics. With this the prevailing
wisdom in Washington, no one should be surprised
that spending and deficits are skyrocketing. The
vocal concerns expressed about huge deficits
coming from big spenders on both sides are nothing
more than political grandstanding. If Members feel
so strongly about spending, Congress simply could
do what it ought to do  cut spending. That,
however, is never seriously considered by either

If those who say they want to increase taxes to
reduce the deficit got their way, who would
benefit? No one! There's no historic evidence to
show that taxing productive Americans to support
both the rich and poor welfare beneficiaries helps
the middle class, produces jobs, or stimulates the

Borrowing money to cut the deficit is only
marginally better than raising taxes. It may delay the
pain for a while, but the cost of government
eventually must be paid. Federal borrowing means
the cost of interest is added, shifting the burden to a
different group than those who benefited and
possibly even to another generation. Eventually
borrowing is always paid for through taxation.

All spending ultimately must be a tax, even when
direct taxes and direct borrowing are avoided. The
third option is for the Federal Reserve to create
credit to pay the bills Congress runs up. Nobody
objects, and most Members hope that deficits don't
really matter if the Fed accommodates Congress by
creating more money. Besides, interest payments to
the Fed are lower than they would be if funds were
borrowed from the public, and payments can be
delayed indefinitely merely by creating more credit
out of thin air to buy U.S. treasuries. No need to
soak the rich. A good deal, it seems, for everyone.
But is it?

Paying for government spending with Federal
Reserve credit, instead of taxing or borrowing from
the public, is anything but a good deal for everyone.
In fact it is the most sinister seductive "tax" of them
all. Initially it is unfair to some, but dangerous to
everyone in the end. It is especially harmful to the
middle class, including lower-income working
people who are thought not to be paying taxes.

The "tax" is paid when prices rise as the result of a
depreciating dollar. Savers and those living on
fixed or low incomes are hardest hit as the cost of
living rises. Low and middle incomes families
suffer the most as they struggle to make ends meet
while wealth is literally transferred from the middle
class to the wealthy. Government officials stick to
their claim that no significant inflation exists, even
as certain necessary costs are skyrocketing and
incomes are stagnating. The transfer of wealth
comes as savers and fixed income families lose
purchasing power, large banks benefit, and
corporations receive plush contracts from the
government  as is the case with military
contractors. These companies use the newly printed
money before it circulates, while the middle class
is forced to accept it at face value later on. This
becomes a huge hidden tax on the middle class,
many of whom never object to government spending
in hopes that the political promises will be fulfilled
and they will receive some of the goodies. But
surprise  it doesn't happen. The result instead is
higher prices for prescription drugs, energy, and
other necessities. The freebies never come.

The Fed is solely responsible for inflation by
creating money out of thin air. It does so either to
monetize federal debt, or in the process of
economic planning through interest rate
manipulation. This Fed intervention in our
economy, though rarely even acknowledged by
Congress, is more destructive than Members can

Not only is the Fed directly responsible for
inflation and economic downturns, it causes
artificially low interest rates that serve the interests
of big borrowers, speculators, and banks. This
unfairly steals income from frugal retirees who
chose to save and place their funds in interest
bearing instruments like CDs.

The Fed's great power over the money supply,
interest rates, the business cycle, unemployment,
and inflation is wielded with essentially no
Congressional oversight or understanding. The
process of inflating our currency to pay for
government debt indeed imposes a tax without
legislative authority.

This is no small matter. In just the first 24 weeks of
this year the M3 money supply increased 428
billion dollars, and 700 billion dollars in the past
year. M3 currently is rising at a rate of 10.5%. In
the last seven years the money supply has increased
80%, as M3 has soared 4.1 trillion dollars. This
bizarre system of paper money worldwide has
allowed serious international imbalances to
develop. We owe just four Asian countries 1.5
trillion dollars as a consequence of a chronic and
staggering current account deficit now exceeding
5% of our GDP. This current account deficit means
Americans must borrow 1.6 billion dollars per day
from overseas just to finance this deficit. This
imbalance, which until now has permitted us to live
beyond our means, eventually will give us higher
consumer prices, a lower standard of living, higher
interest rates, and renewed inflation.

Rest assured the middle class will suffer
disproportionately from this process.

The moral of the story is that spending is always
a tax. The inflation tax, though hidden, only makes
things worse. Taxing, borrowing, and inflating to
satisfy wealth transfers from the middle class to
the rich in an effort to pay for profligate government
spending, can never make a nation wealthier. But it
certainly can make it poorer.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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