-Caveat Lector- Dick Eastman (Grot), shown for what he is -- again.

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-Caveat Lector- Grot wrote:

> Please explain this - And supply one witness to the 757 after
> the Pentagon. Which way did the 757 turn?

The Boeing overflew the Pentagon flying approximately west
14th Street Bridge is east of the Pentagon.

The Pentagon is east of Columbia Pike, Navy Annex, VDOT,
Sheraton Hotel.

Earlier the plane had flown west over the White House and
Georgetown. I think it passed east of the Pentagon and may
have crossed the river over 14th Street Bridge, and you
are confusing witness accounts and saying the plane flew
over 14th Street Bridge twice.

You're saying the Boeing flew west over DC twice. You have
no witnesses who saw it fly over DC a second time. Your
little loop over the river would have been noted as even
more of a military style high-G turn than the only high-G turn
that really happened, when the plane turned from flying north
up I-95 in Virginia to flying west over the Capitol, White
House, Watergate, Georgetown, then out of sight for a
bit until it came up Columbia Pike.

The only so-called high-G military style turn happened when
the Boeing counted coup over the downtown area around the
US Capitol and White House, continuing over Watergate
and Georgetown, turning south over CIA HQ Langley,
wrapping around south of Rosslyn and the convenient
high rise building along the ridgeline followed by Courthouse
Road, which crosses Columbia Pike. After completing the
wide turn by passing east or south of that high rise on the
ridge, it was a straight shot up Columbia Pike to the


These photos where you click on the checkboxes will
show people that any witnesses who watched the Boeing
between Courthouse Road and the Pentagon, then saw
it disappear from view(there were some who said that),
would have seen if the plane flew over the Pentagon.
Actually it would have crashed due to already being
at treetop height when you say it banked sharply,
which would slip air, lose lift, and crash the plane.
When the Boeing 707 was introduced with a barrel
roll caught on film, still broadcast on TV documentaries,
it appeared to lose several wingspan lengths of altitude
during that roll. Think again. Our pilot here, Steve
Wingate, assures us that jumbo jets lose lift
drastically when their wings are tilted, and surely
you remember that witnesses said the plane descended
hundreds of feet not inches when it did the one and
only high-G turn? Losing altitude was a function of
tilting the wings to turn, not just of using flaps.


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