-Caveat Lector-

Organization: http://www.cosmicpenguin.com/911

Kris, this attack from you (below), like your similar ones
against Dick Eastman, contains only unsupported smears with
no data to back them up, except for your claim that the people
you're attacking created forged e-mails from Brian Quig.

But that claim is based on the fact some people addressed in
those e-mails say they didn't receive them, or at least can't
find them.  This is _not_ valid evidence, even if the recipients
in question actually didn't get copies of the messages, because
e-mail sending and receiving software is quite fallible:

I administer two mailing lists (Kris is on one of mine, and I
am on two of his), and I have seen dozens of instances in which
messages are bounced by mail servers because of subtle errors
in their configuration with respect to certain recipients;
this occurs only intermittently -- most messages to those
recipients get through.  One cause of this can be erroneous MX
(mail exchanger) records for these recipients.  If the sending
server can't reach the receiving server listed in a primary MX
record (which happens intermittently due to high loads), it may
try to send to a server listed in a secondary MX record which
may be out of date, and that server may bounce the mail because
the recipient is no longer known to it.

This situation has been made much worse during the last ten years
or so as mail servers have been programmed to reject "relaying"
-- reception of mail destined for recipients on other servers --
as a means of cutting down on spam.

Also, mail client software, especially the programs from
Microsoft, sometimes lose messages that they've received.  I've
heard complaints from Windows users about this (I use the much
more reliable -- and free -- Linux system).  And certainly it's
very easy to hit the wrong key and accidently delete an e-mail
without realizing it.

Finally, many messages are mistakenly and silently deleted as
spam by people's mail servers and never sent to them.  The same
messages may reach other recipients whose servers employ
different spam rejection programs.

Kris, I apologize for not giving you this information before,
although we've had a number of phone conversations.  I've only
gradually become aware of it, correlated it, and learned the
technical facts behind it.  So your accusations of mail forgery
may have resulted from your not having this knowledge.  You
should then rethink all the conclusions you've drawn from your
belief that these "forgeries" occurred.

As to your other disagreements with the people you're attacking,
I haven't followed your disputes with Webfairy, but I have read
many of your attacks against Eastman.  These come down to your
uncritical acceptance of various witness reports that the 757
hit the Pentagon, and your refusal to deal with the physical
evidence.  Witnesses can be mistaken; movies frequently portray
airplane and helicopter crashes by showing film of the aircraft
flying toward a building and then film of a large petroleum
explosion; actually there was no crash.  This is very likely what
was arranged for the Pentagon attack; it's exactly like a stage
magician "vanishing" in a puff of smoke.  It would certainly
fool witnesses, who almost always think they've seen what they
expected to see.  In fact, when some of the witness accounts
that claim the plane hit are examined carefully, they contain
details that would have occurred far too rapidly -- in a few
thousandths of a second -- for the human eye or brain to
perceive; this is proof that these witnesses either imagined
these details, or are intentionally lying.

Witnesses can easily be deceived, and false witnesses can easily
be planted, but the physical evidence against the government
story tells the truth.  The original hole in the building was far
too small; there was no evidence of the impact of the huge engines
or the tail fin; there was no fire, and very little debris, on
the lawn despite the plane allegedly hitting the wall at nearly
a 45 degree angle which would have caused much of it to end up
outside; the plastic nosecone (designed to pass radar waves to
and from the radar antenna inside it) could not possibly have
penetrated the many layers of walls without shattering -- it must
have been planted; and a rusted part -- allegedly from an aircraft
that was kept polished to a mirror finish -- was photographed
inside the building, and so must also have been planted.

All this is why almost all 9-11 researchers agree that the 757
did not crash into the Pentagon, but rather passed over it, and,
possibly after loitering over the ocean for a while, landed at
Reagan airport or some other during the very chaotic period when
all planes were being forced to land immediately, wherever they

In the last year or so there have been many accusations from some
9-11 researchers that various people who disagree with them are
fascist agents.  I'm sure this isn't true in Dick Eastman's case
because I've come to know him very well, and besides, the evidence
backs him up!  I've also seen his mistaken accusations against
others (e.g., Mike Ruppert), based on inadequate knowledge of what
they've written, just like I've seen your unproven accusations,
Kris, against him.  Based on the various good work you've done,
and your willingness to talk about things on the phone, I don't
think you're an agent either, just a hothead like he is.  The
same is probably true for Mark Robinowitz, who also ignores all
the Pentagon physical evidence and attacks Eastman, and Gerard
Holmgren, who's been doing a lot of yelling and screaming about
other researchers lately, too.  And I sense complete sincerity
from Webfairy, and hope soon to have my computer modernized so
I can properly see the videos on her website.

People, let's try to avoid the circular firing squad scenario.
If we don't hang together...


On Sun, Aug 15, 2004 at 12:46:25PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Webfradudy, full of crap and throwing mud as usual.
>Trying to put in wegdes all over the place aren't you.
>Your comment - "Your research about Gray/Khashoggi opened up such a big hole
>that even
>Milligan could see it."
>Just what are you trying to imply?
>Don't be shy Webfrauddy.
>Oh, and you are real cute playing the poor ol' victim game. I feel so sorry
>for you. Not.
>Webfrauddy, remember, you were caught twice using Email forgeries. You,
>Eastman and "Sean Mc Bride"
>That is reality. You have no credibility, just mud, rhetoric and lies
>In a message dated 8/15/04 9:23:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>> So you still stand by notions like there is no such thing as
>> perspective, close stuff can look exactly the same size as distant
>> stuff, and a "plane" doesn't have to exhibit any of the symptoms of
>> plane-ness to be a plane, as long as your imagination adds the missing
>> elements, huh?
>> Pathetic.
>> The video footage has it's own story to tell.
>> Yes, it is manipulated.
>> Yes it is faked.
>> I didn't do it.
>> I noticed it.
>> You help play the shoot the messenger game against me.
>> I say "woah, nellie" when they try the shoot the messenger game against you.
>> Your research about Gray/Khashoggi opened up such a big hole that even
>> Milligan could see it.
>> Rabidnitwitz hit a wall and left a rabidnitwitz shape hole.
>> Your continued attempt to legitimize the thoroughly discredited media
>> version of events leaves you with some pretty dicey comrades. You have
>> my sympathy, and my pity.? At least you can see how quick they are to
>> turn on you.
>> I rue your continued attempt to cover up Missilegate, but I'm still
>> grateful you exposed the money and players behind Missilegate.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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