-Caveat Lector-

this is a response from j.p. desmoulins concerning claims from ralph
olmholt (http://home.comcast.net/~skydrifter/exp.htm) that the
aerodynamic "ground effect" would prevent a 757 from getting low enough
to the ground to strike the pentagon at the impact area.  (one thing
not mentioned here which also should be factored in is the fact that
numerous witness reported specifically that the plane's flaps were not
down.  note also that the ground under the approach path was not level,
but had a rising slope towards the impact area.  therefore, the plane
was at very low height for only a short distance, not at constant
ground-hugging height).

btw the olmholt page, which is promoted by jeff strahl, is interesting
overall, peppered with *highly credible* claims, such as the claim that
firefighters at the scene were deliberately not doing their jobs, and
were engaged in arsonry or allowed it to occur under their noses around
the scene to add extra damage as part of the coverup!!

nothing better for 9/11 truthseekers than to be seen as accusing
firefighters and rescue workers, who are seen by the public as heroes
of the day, as being in on the conspiracy, based on nothing but hollow

This ground effect is real, and reported by planes which can't land, or have some problems to land, needing more distance on the runway than usually.

Two factors increase this effect :
- The heat (no such factor at 9 am in Washington DC)
- The albedo. Strong effect on dark runways. Private pilots report
that they sometimes prefered landing on grass besides the runway than
on it to avoid this.

Of course speed increases the effect. If you arrive too fast, you
can't usually land until your speed has decreased. Not only due to
ground effect but to the fact that holding to ground a plane which is
over take off speed is a real mess. Usually, with the landing gear
down, it ends in a kangaroo jumps like trajectory.

Now, all the reports of this effect have been done by pilots who
survived. The topography of the place (Rd 27, heliport, pentagon) and
witness accounts show that the plane arrived to the ground at ~350 mph
(more than two times the take off speed), with a pitch angle of
approximately 5 degrees - and not razing the ground as "shown" in the
faked pentagon cctv frames - and rolled 15° to 20° to the left. Such
conditions, even without a building to hit, would normally destroy the
plane and kill everybody on board. So the question which should be
asked, wether the ground effect can prevent a plane from touching
ground if it arrives at 350 mph with a 5° pitch angle and a 15° roll
angle must receive the answer : nobody ever came alive to report of

Personnally, I would say that it should "round" the trajectory in the
last meters, but couldn't prevent the plane from hitting ground. As
when you send a flat stone onto water. With a small angle, it bounces,
with a greater angle, it just dives into water. Now what is the angle
for a B 757 over a grass ground at 9 am in septembre... Perhaps we
could ask Ralph Olmholt, a retired B 757 pilot if I'm not confused, to
try in the conditions of the Pentagon's crash to see if his plane
bounces as a kangaroo instead of touching the ground... Personnally, I
would not try.

I will post this answer to "frameup" and "the911coverup" lists on
yahoogroups. Feel free to forward my answer where the claim quoted
below was publicly displayed.


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