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-Caveat Lector-

Inference and Nuance: The Corporate Media and the War
Les Blough, Editor, Axis of Logic

Sep 14, 2004, 12:23 - The slaughter continues as one day drags into another
for the weary victims of the unprovoked, criminal war and occupation of Iraq
by the U.S and British governments. This analysis will attempt to examine
the shifting sands and stands of the corporate media on the war and

The Corporate Media Distances Themselves From the War

Yesterday, the morning's corporate news headlined:

Bloody day in Baghdad
by Jackie Spinner

-on the front page of the Boston Globe (September 13, 2004). Spinner (no
pun) describes how 80 civilians died on Sunday in "some of the most intense
fighting in months". Later in this article, we will examine the methods by
which the Globe and other corporate media report this and other bloody days
in Iraq.

Today, November 14, 2004, the front page Boston Globe headlines read:

Agents knew case flimsy, Powell says.
Doubts on Iraq kept from him, he testifies
by Bryan Bender, Globe Staff

"WASHINGTON -- Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said yesterday that at the
time he made the case to the United Nations for the invasion of Iraq some US
intelligence officials already knew many of the claims about weapons and
terrorist ties were suspect, but they had not informed him or other senior
policy makers about their doubts."

Where were the Boston Globe’s front page reports on the "flimsy case" for
attacking Iraq in late 2002 and in the Spring of 2003 and following?

Today, November 14, 2004, Boston’s "other paper", the Boston Herald, has
bold headlines taking up nearly the top half of the front page:

Bush family follies: Bombshell book rips clan for sex, drugs - by Rosemary

"Laura Bush was a college co-ed who dealt the dope and smoked it. Her hubby,
George W., hired some meatheads to threaten a former flame hoping to sell
her sordid story. And the elder Bush, when vice president, hired an
uneducated woman he shared the sheets with to be his assistant."

Where were the Boston Herald’s front-page attacks on the Bush family in 2002
and 2003 while the Neocon-Bush family was killing with impunity in
Afghanistan and Iraq?

Today the Washington Post Headlines:

Car Bomb Blast in Iraqi Capital Kills at Least 47
More than 100 injured;
attack in Baqubah kills 12 Iraqi policemen.
by Rajiv Chandrasekaran and Fred Barbash

"BAGHDAD, Sept. 14--Two separate attacks on Iraqi police left at least 59
dead and more than 100 wounded Tuesday in a continuation of violence that
has claimed more than 137 lives since Sunday."

Where were the Washington Post’s front page reports on the massive killing
in Iraq in the Spring of 2003 and following?

Today, September 14, 2004, the Chicago Tribune headlines:

Car Bomb Kills at Least 47 in Iraq

"BAGHDAD, Iraq -- A car bomb exploded near a police station in Baghdad early
Tuesday as dozens of Iraqis were applying to join the force, killing at
least 47 people and wounding 114, officials said. In Baqouba, gunmen opened
fire on a van carrying policemen home from work, killing 11 officers and a

"The attacks were the latest attempts by insurgents to disrupt U.S.-backed
efforts to build a strong Iraqi police force capable of taking over security
in many towns and cities ahead of nationwide elections slated for January."

Where were the Chicago Tribune’s front page articles on the massive death
and destruction in Iraq in the Spring of 2003 and following?

Also, the front page of today’s Chicago Tribune headlines:

Racial profiling on rise in U.S.; Amnesty International reports increase
tied to Sept. 11 terrorist attacks
by Glenn Jeffers and Sarah Frank

"Nearly 32 million Americans, including 1.5 million in Illinois, have been
victims of racial profiling by authorities, a practice that has increased
since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, an Amnesty International USA
report released Monday stated.

"The study--a result of 100-plus interviews, extrapolated polling data,
census records and university studies--also warned that 87 million Americans
were at risk of being targeted because of their race, ethnicity or religious

Where have the Chicago Tribune’s front page reports on racial profiling of
Muslims and people of Arabic descent been from 9/11/01 until now?

Where were the corporate media during the buildup for war in 2002 and the
attacks on the U.S. invasion of Iraq in the Spring of 2003 and the
occupation since?

Four days ago (September 10, 2004), even the corporate-funded Financial
Times in England published:

Time to consider Iraq withdrawal

"This week a macabre milestone was passed in Iraq. More than 1,000 American
soldiers have now been killed since the US-led invasion of the country began
nearly 18 months ago. The overwhelming majority lost their lives after
President George W. Bush declared major combat operations over in his now
infamous 'Mission Accomplished' photo-opportunity in May last year.

"In that time, an unknown number of mostly civilian Iraqis, certainly not
less than 10,000 and possibly three times that number, have perished, and
hundreds more are dying each week. After an invasion and occupation that
promised them freedom, Iraqis have seen their security evaporate, their
state smashed and their country fragment into a lawless archipelago ruled by
militias, bandits and kidnappers.

"The transitional political process, designed to lead to constituent
assembly and general elections next year, has been undermined because the
nervous US-dominated occupation authority has insisted on hand-picking
various permutations of interim Iraqi governors, mostly exiles or
expatriates with no standing among their people. Whatever Iraqis thought
about the Americans on their way in - and it was never what these emigré
politicians told Washington they would be thinking - an overwhelming
majority now views US forces as occupiers rather than liberators and wants
them out."

Where were the Financial Times when Tony Blair was rabidly pursuing
brotherhood with Bush and the war on Iraq in late 2002 and throughout 2003?
Where were their reports of Blair’s lies about weapons of mass destruction
in Iraq before the invasion?

What has changed about the corporate news industry’s position on the war?
When did the corporate media begin to gradually distance itself from the
Neocon-Bush war on Iraq. We saw the corporate media begin to gradually
"shift horses" by distancing themselves from this massive failure and
unconscionable slaughter by the Neocon-Bush regime as early as November,

When Did the Distancing Begin?

On November 2, 2003, I wrote The Corporate Media Abandons the Sinking Ship
of Fools in Washington - an analysis of an article in the New York Times (
chive=34&num=2936 ). This is an excerpt:

"The real story in the New York Times article about Paul Bremer's complaints
about the media is not just about a political bum moaning about a great
media-watchdog - as the NYT would have us believe.

"Quite the contrary. Lest we forget, - this same media about which Paul
Bremer bitterly complains - is the media that supported the war on Iraq
until the destruction [of the invasion] was complete. The Neocons in Zionist
"think-tanks" who served as advisors to the Bush regime - engineered the
war. The corporate media garnered and maintained the support of the
flag-waving U.S. population for the war ...

"...Now this same corporate-media - distances itself from the war it wanted
all along, burning it's U.S. and U.K. lapdog-governments along the way -
with headlines that scream about the injustice of this ill-conceived,
criminal war against the sovereign nations of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Justification for 'pre-emptive wars' has been established as a valid way of
dealing with conflict for all nations. The world may be skirting the edges
of thermonuclear war and anyone who says so is marginalized by the media as
a 'conspiracy-kook'. In the article cited above, the New York Times has it
both ways - preserving it's status as a watchdog, victimized by Bremer and
Bush-administration, but also selling the propaganda for the regime in
Washington that things aren't as bad as they seem to be in Iraq."

The corporate media supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq until the
destruction and killing by the U.S. government was well in place. They began
their move to build a reputation as the watchdog of government in late 2003.
Their support for the war in Iraq began before the onset of the invasion in
March, 2003 and immediately followed when the media industry cooperated with
the U.S. government and "embedded" their reporters within the ranks of the
military. It followed since that time with cat and mouse game the media has
played with tidbits of criticism of the Neocon-Bush wars but the absence of
any significant, aggressive, investigative journalism by them.

The corporate media has been distancing themselves from the Neocon-Bush
wars, but how are they doing it? We think careful, textual analysis of these
reports reveals some answers. It is important to read the way they employ
innuendo and suggestion in the text of these reports to understand their
game. Allow us to take a few minutes to examine just a few of these recent
articles published in the corporate media.


"It's not enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers,
without understanding the hidden agendas of the message and the myths that
surround it".

- John Pilger


Textual Analysis

- In yesterday’s Globe/Post article, originally written by Jackie Spinner
(no pun) of the Washington Post and headlined on the front page of the
Boston Globe introduced the text of this article in a large subhead:

Militants target capital; 80 die amid violence.

Analysis: The inference, of course is that the Iraqi resistance is
responsible for these deaths rather than U.S. military forces. The opening
paragraph (beyond which many do not read) states:

"Baghdad - Car bombings, mortar attacks, and clashes between insurgents and
US and Iraqi security forces killed at least 80 civilians across the country
yesterday, Iraqi officials said."

We note the initial reference to the weapons by which these people were
killed: "...car bombings, mortar attacks, and clashes", rather than U.S.
helicopter gun ships, tanks and missiles.

We note that it is not until the third paragraph that they mention:

"A US military helicopter fired into a crowd of civilians who had surrounded
a burning Army armored vehicle, killing 13 people, said Saad Amili,
spokesman for the Health Ministry. Among those killed was a Palestinian
journalist ..."

The third paragraph rather than the first? Splitting hairs? Not in our view.
Decisions about where to place articles and words in newspapers are not made
carelessly and without aforethought. Those decisions are made by very
well-paid editors whose jobs are to select, organize and publish.

This front page news takes care to provide the US justification for these
killings by the US soldiers in the helicopter gunship:

"The US military said it was trying to scatter looters who were attempting
to make off with ammunition and pieces of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle,
which had been hit by a car bomb early in the morning on Haifa Street, a
troublesome north-south artery west of the Tigris River".

A helicopter gunship to "scatter looters"? So it's the Iraqis who are
"Troublesome"? Troublesome for whom?

We note that the article calls the Iraqi military forces who are fighting
back as, "militants", "militant group", "insurgents", and "fighters" with
one reference to a "suicide bomber". The U.S. militants are called "troops",
"army", "military" and "soldiers". The purpose of these verbal mechanics are
not accidental. The Iraqi resistance forces are fighting for their
independence and freedom from a foreign, invading, occupying army. Are they
not soldiers of the first order? Do they not comprise a legitimate army? Can
it not be said that their attacks on the invader, occupier are, in fact,
"reasonable military operations" and sometimes "successful military

The article also flatly states as fact how the fighting started (rather than
how it is alleged to have started). No source is given:

"The violence in the capital started as the sun rose. A steady pounding of
mortar shells began striking the fortified compound that houses the interim
Iraqi government and US Embassy. A large plume of smoke shot into the sky".

The writer then references a statement posted on a website to identify who
attacked the US-installed government and the US embassy in Iraq:

"In a statement posted on a website, the militant group Jamaat al-Tawhid and
Jihad (Monotheism and Jihad) said it had carried out attacks throughout the
country. The group is associated with Abu Musab Zarqawi, a Jordanian accused
of having links to Al Quaeda and blamed by US officials for other violence
in Iraq".

"The militant group .... associated with Abu Musab Zarqawi ... accused of
having links to Al Quaeda ... blamed by US officials for other violence in

A quote from "a website"? No reference is made to any attempt to verify the
source or even to raise any question about the real identity of the source.

At length, Spinner quotes "Major Philip Smith, spokesman for the First
Calvary Division" (note credibility), when he attempted to justify the
helicopter attack on Iraqi civilians:

"The aircraft was being fired upon", Smith said, adding that an hour later
the helicopters were given clearance to fire again, but they did not,
because they had not positively identified which people were insurgents".

To be fair, Spinner also wrote:

"But witnesses, including a Reuters cameraman who was filming the Al Arabiya
journalist when he was shot, said the crowd was peaceful."

Spinner reported this important detail, but where? - It appeared on the
ninth (9th) page at the end of Section A of the Boston Globe.

This quote, by no less than a Reuters cameraman, allows the corporate media
to claim the appearance of "fair and balanced" reporting. But what do the
headlines and preponderance of the article say to reader?The writer also
described a video, shown on Al Arabiya, that describes how Mazin Tumaisi the
Palestinian journalist who was killed by the helicopter.

Two other brief examples:

Washington Post, November 14, 2004 - Car Bomb Blast in Iraqi Capital Kills
at Least 47. More than 100 injured; attack in Baqubah kills 12 Iraqi

Analysis: In this front page article, Rajiv Chandrasekaran and Fred Barbash
describe "two separate attacks on Iraqi police left at least 59 dead and
more than 100 wounded Tuesday in a continuation of violence that has claimed
more than 137 lives since Sunday."

The Post reports attacks by the Iraqi "insurgents" no less than 11 times in
this article without a single mention of U.S. attacks on Iraqis and without
any comment about the attack by the U.S. helicopter gunship on Iraqi

Chicago Tribune, November 14, 2004 - Car Bomb Kills at Least 47 in Iraq

Analysis: In this front page article, SAMEER N. YACOUB, blames Tuesday’s
deaths of 47 Iraqi civilians on the "insurgents" and "gunmen". He charges
them with, "attempts ... to disrupt U.S.-backed efforts to build a strong
Iraqi police force capable of taking over security in many towns and cities
ahead of nationwide elections slated for January.

Yacoub also explains that "Warplanes hit the city west of Baghdad after
‘intelligence sources reported the presence of several (Abu Musab)
al-Zarqawi operatives who have been responsible for numerous terrorist
attacks against Iraqi civilians, Iraqi Security Forces and multinational
forces,’ - a quote attributed to the U.S. military.

Yacoub also states, "The military said reports indicated the strikes had
achieved their aim, but did not name the operatives". He again quotes "the
military": "This strike further erodes the capability of the Zarqawi network
and increases safety and security throughout Iraq".

Yacoub blames the deaths on Iraqi "insurgents" and "terrorists" nine times
and "suicide bombers" twice in the article. He attempts to justify the
warplane attacks by the muscle-bound U.S. military. In Yacoub’s view, what
is an "insurgent"; what is a "terrorist". Is the use of the term, "suicide
bomber" intended to conjure up images of explosive belts detonated in a
"settlement" in Palestine? Who can deny that these reports by the corporate
media are carefully designed to support the war and occupation of Iraq,
while at the same time allowing them to distance themselves from the same
war and occupation?

We could go on and on, citing the twisting path of a media industry that has
too much ill-gotten wealth, far too much power and their own agenda to
influence and the public. We could cite ad-nauseam the clever nuance,
inference and parsing of words, creating impressions, images, heating up
racist and aggressive sentiment against Muslims and Arabs and advancing the
objectives of the corporate, global empire.

The Central Issue

But even our painstaking identification of the clever wording of these
reports does not go to the central issue:

Why is the United States military in Iraq today? Why are U.S. soldiers,
Iraqi soldiers and Iraqi civilians being slaughtered? Where are the
treasures plundered and stolen from the Iraq National Museum of Antiquities
while U.S. Marines stood by and watched? There were no WMD. Saddam is gone.
Iraq is never was a threat to the United States and is not a threat today.
So why is does the U.S. continue its occupation?

On May 31, 2004, Uriel Wittenberg argued that the New York Times
deliberately misled the public prior to the war on Iraq in his letter to
Daniel Okrent 8 http://www.urielw.com/nyt/disaster.htm ), NYT Public Editor:

"Dear Mr. Okrent,

"It has seemed for some time now that the U.S. war of "self-defense" against
Iraq was an outright mistake, based on an erroneous belief that Iraq
possessed W.M.D.

More recently it has been emerging that this mistake may have been
encouraged, perhaps even perpetrated, by liars with an agenda -- Iraqi
exiles intentionally manipulating the U.S. into ousting the Saddam regime.

Now a wholly inadequate editors' note to readers and a vague public editor
column suggest that these deceptions were abetted by a journalistic Abu
Ghraib at the Times itself.

The editors' note says coverage sometimes "was not as rigorous as it should
have been" or was "insufficiently qualified," and wishes the Times had been
"more aggressive" in re-examining dubious claims.

"Administration officials now acknowledge that they sometimes fell for
misinformation [from biased sources]," the note continues, adding that "many
news organizations -- in particular, this one," did so too. ("The Times and
Iraq," May 26, 2004.)

But these confessions of innocent error are followed by examples that
suggest deliberate efforts to present slanted information to readers ..."

The corporate media has danced around the truth about Iraq far too long with
their propaganda game of cleverly chosen words and phrases. They have
already lost what credibility they may have had before this war began with
the American people and the rest of the world. The time has long passed for
the corporate media-arm of the United States government to begin to report
the whole truth about the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The killing must

The corporate media must be stopped. Otherwise we can expect that U.S. and
U.K. war, occupation, colonization and interference in countries like
Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Haiti, Venezuela, Sudan and other nations will
continue. The most effective means available for informing and educating the
public is through the many alternative news and information services on the
Internet. The most effective ways to stop the U.S. and U.K. governments are
by sharing information with our friends and neighbors and voting with our
"feet on the street". There is no substitute for standing up in massive
protests and telling them to end the occupation and bring the troops home
now. The next such national mobilization and anti-war protest in the U.S.
will be the October 17 Million Worker March to Washington D.C. Join us in
this and other local and national protests against the war!

© Copyright 2004 by AxisofLogic.com

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