-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Yes, and that is about all this guy said.  During this press conference,
>Steve Davis said NOTHING.  When asked about--by name, one of the
>students that had been arrested Tuesday, Steve Davis said, "I don't
>*even* know who that is."

I've actually admired Davis' way of dealing with the press...and yes, I
spotted right off that he was bluffing every time he said "I don't know
about that" and "I have no information regarding that", etc.

First off, this is an ongoing murder investigation, and one does NOT
reveal everything one has uncovered in the way of evidence to the press;
secondly, I like it that Davis doesn't seem to be a robot parroting the
'official' line...when the media was trumpeting the 'Harris left a suicide
note on his computer' line, Davis would not give any credence to the
story, and indeed from what I've seen, he's been leaving open the
possibility of more than 2 people having done the shooting and bombing on
Tuesday, and that Harris and Klebold may NOT have died by their own hands.

I'd be really bothered if he was spoonfeeding the press (and hence the
public) packaged 'answers'...

>One reporter actually said, "Are you taking notes on *ALL* of the
>questions for which you have NO ANSWER, so that you may ask
>your superiors the answer....So we can get some actual answers
>at the next conference?"
>Davis said, "Well, I have a pretty good memory,
>so I don't think I need to write them down."

Which was his way of saying "You'll get the answers on OUR schedule, not
YOURS..."...again, since this is an ongoing investigation, I have no
problem that he's not sucking up to the media by giving them what they
want, just so he can become a media darling...

That is called PROFESSIONALISM...

>You can actually hear the Trenchcoat yelling, and shooting, right
>outside the door.  Just on the other side of this unlocked door,
>more potential victims are waiting for the Special Weapons
>Assault Team to storm the building and protect them.
>This event gave police the exact location of the shooter.
>The single adult and untold amount of children
>were ALIVE and IN HARM'S WAY.
>The police ask,
>"Can you lock the door?"

First of all, it wasn't 'the police' saying that, but the 911 dispatcher;
secondly this call came within the first four minutes of the initial call,
hence the SWAT team wasn't even there yet...

>Incidentally, a few of these children have stated that when
>they initially dialed 911, the line was busy for the first seven
>to ten minutes.

Presumably because the switchboard got overwhelmed with incoming calls;
remember, there are just so many lines available, and they were keeping
some tied up, as in the case of the teacher you just mentioned, where they
made sure they kept her on the line...

>*At least* three (3) hours AFTER the original telephone calls from the
>kids that were INSIDE, S.W.A.T.  "appeared" to enter "about" 1.p.m.,
>and this was, "about a half-hour AFTER" the "authorities said the last
>shots were heard".

The first calls to 911, made at the beginning of the rampage, were made at
approx. 11:25am, during the school's lunch period...so if the cops went in
at 1pm, that's a 90 minute delay, NOT a 180 minute one...


           It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April
           Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

                  -- Edna St. Vincent Mallay:  Spring
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