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-Caveat Lector-

'Dream team'
Chris Floyd, Moscow Times

October 16, 2004 - It's another story of the American Dream come true, the
kind you see every day in George Bush's blessed realm. All the usual
inspiring elements are there: a couple of plucky kids starting a business
with nothing but hustle and a whole lotta heart; a few lucky breaks crowned
with big-time success; a duffel bag stuffed with millions in cash from a
war-zone slush fund; a father and son held hostage at gunpoint to block a
corruption probe, then dumped in hostile territory with no papers, no money,
no protection.

Yes, it's the story of Custer Battles LLC., a mercenary firm run by two
former covert operators and Bushist Party bagmen who sharked up more than
$40 million in the usual no-bid conquistador contracts from the rape of
Iraq -- and may have skimmed an extra $50 million in fraudulent cream, the
Los Angeles Times reports (
http://www.uruknet.info/?colonna=m&p=6223&l=x&size ... ).

Custer Battles is not, as you might think, named for that earlier
undermanned, overconfident military incursion that ended in disaster at
Little Big Horn. No, the ill-omened moniker comes from the company's
founders: ex-Army Ranger and "Special Operations" vet Scott Custer and his
partner, fellow Special Opnik Mike Battles, who also brings his experience
as a clandestine CIA officer, FOX News commentator and failed Republican
congressional candidate to the mix.

Although CB had no previous security experience, the plucky firm somehow won
a $16.8 million no-bid contract to provide security for Baghdad Airport.
This was followed by $24.4 million to take part in the gargantuan porkfest
surrounding the replacement of Iraqi currency, along with sundry other
hired-gun work -- including a sideline in supplying military dogs for raids
on Iraqi homes, which the company called a "beneficial interaction with
civilians, lessening the cultural divide."

But their gravy train hit a roadblock last week, when the firm was suspended
from further government pork-gobbling. The Pentagon and FBI were forced to
launch investigations after former company executives -- including ex-FBI
man Robert Isakson -- filed a "whistleblower" lawsuit against CB citing what
the Pentagon itself called "adequate evidence of ... fraud, antitrust
violations, embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, false statements" and
other offenses "indicating a lack of business integrity." Actually, that
sounds like a dream resume for a top post in the Bush Administration, but
with a pesky civilian court making noise, the Pentagon pets are in the
doghouse -- for now.

CB's alleged shortcomings in business integrity include setting up offshore
front companies and sham sub-contractors to inflate costs in its lucrative,
Halliburtonish "cost-plus" contracts, where the government covers all
expenses and guarantees a set profit for favored cronies. The company's own
documents also detail "forged leases and inflated invoices" and an
outrageous $6 million overcharge on its expenses in the currency-exchange
racket. When Isakson objected to the scams, two unnamed "top company
officials" burst into his office with machine guns, held him and his
13-year-old son at gunpoint for hours, then stripped Isakson of his ID,
money and gun and told them to find their own way out of Iraq, the LA Times
reports. Father and son finally made their way through the hellhole of
Fallujah to safety in Jordan.

Custer Battles still has friends in high places, however. In what legal
experts say is a "highly unusual move," the Justice Department is refusing
to join the case, which could recoup tens of millions of defrauded taxpayer
dollars. The reason given for this coyness is the usual cartload of cowflop
from Attorney General John "Jesus is King of America" Ashcroft. His office
says the federal government has no jurisdiction in the matter because CB's
contracts were not with the federal government but with the "Coalition
Provisional Authority" -- i.e. the occupation authority appointed, led and
funded by, er, the federal government. Such logical contortions are beyond
the ken of mere mortals, of course -- but then the Lord works in mysterious
ways, His cronies to reward.

Ashcroft's divine non-intervention effectively puts the kibosh on the case:
As Knight Ridder notes, whistleblowers -- and taxpayers -- win 95 percent of
such fraud-recovery suits when the Justice Department joins in, but only 25
percent when the feds stay on the sidelines. Thus it's a good bet that the
smooth operators will get to keep every drop of blood money they've squeezed
from Iraq. And why not? Plucky little guys with plenty of moxie always win
out in the American Dream.

But just how little are these pluckers? Their web site offers a suitably
Lincolnesque tale of humble origins: how they had to scrape and borrow money
just to get to Iraq, where their unknown company was magically chosen by an
unnamed Bush honcho who gave them the no-bid airport contract -- along with
a duffel bag stuffed with $2 million just to get the ball rolling. Plucky
Mike promptly deposited this swag in a Lebanese bank, far from the prying
eyes of American regulators. From this seed sprang a mercenary/consulting
outfit now worth $100 million.

Yet this pretty tale of cash-strapped kids chasin' the dream is rather
belied by the partners' hard wired connections into the military-corporate
power grid that rules the former American republic -- and by Mike's other
career as well. He's a top executive in the Camelot Group, a heavy player on
the international "private equity" scene -- colleagues of the Carlyle Group,
that deep well of backroom deals where Bushes and bin Ladens once watered

No doubt all will be clear when Mike finally finishes the book he's been
touting on the company web site -- a title that captures the essence of the
whole Bushist enterprise: "Blood in the Streets: Seizing Opportunity in

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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