-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Your Freedoms and the Destruction of Their constitution to Keep Them in Check was Destroyed in 1791

The Reality of today existed back in 1792. Nothing has changed - except it got worse....


      Some real interesting reading from 1792 that reads like what is happening today in 2004. Actually it started in 1791 when Washington actually destroyed the first parts of the constitution when creating the first bank of America forbidden by the dictates of the Constitution to start the monarchical ball rolling. I believe this was why the below was written, as they knew a monarchy was in the making . This is exactly what Patrick Henry stated in his 1788 Virginia debates that the "constitution squinted toward a monarchy" and "was a document designed to enslave men." and Washington proved that when instituting the emergency powers act so he could take complete control. Any time a president wanted dictatorial control he instituted the war power clause in the Constitution. Those that did were Washington, Lincoln, Wilson, Roosevelt, and from that point on all presidents have kept it up so as to sit behind the scenes controlling, as Bush does now. That's why the people, since 1933 have been under war powers acts since then. As stated by Congressman James Beck in the Congressional Record 1933


      "I think of all the damnable heresies that have ever been suggested in connection with the Constitution, the doctrine of emergency is the worst. It means that when Congress declares an emergency there is no Constitution. This means it's death. * * *


     The rest is too long to key in but when reading the 93rd Congress 1st Session, Report 98-549, Nov 19, 1973 it states in the very beginning.....

     "A majority of the people of the United States have lived all of their lives under emergency rule. For 40 years, freedoms, and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency. * * * from, at least the Civil War--- in important ways shaped the present phenomenon of a permanent state of national emergency."

     This is why we have hardly any freedoms left like some of us old timers remember having in the 40, 50, 60 and 70's. This is why you are treated like a terrorist when you board a plane, train or other means of locomotion and the Patriot Act was invoked to keep us, the enemy of Government, as Albert Nock wrote in his book, "Our Enemy, The State, under control. Your papers Comrade. Sound Like Russia or people under Hitler's control when they demand of you ID under the guise of protection from terrorists? Russians and German's never thought it could happen, just like the dumbed down sheeple of America can't see it happening right in front of them. So read the below and you will think it was written today by some "kook". Reality is stranger than fiction, huh?
Big Al


How To Change a Republic Into a Monarchy

by Philip Freneau July of 1792 zzz


       1. It being necessary in order to effect the change, to get rid of
constitutional shackles and popular prejudices, all possible means and
occasions are to be used for both these purposes.


       2. Nothing being more likely to prepare the vulgar mind for
aristocratical ranks and hereditary powers than titles, endeavor in the
offset of the government to confer these on its most dignified officers. If
the principal magistrate should happen to be particularly venerable in the
eyes of the people, take advantage of that fortunate circumstance in
setting the example.

       3. Should the attempt fail through his republican aversion to
it, or from the danger of alarming the people, do not abandon the
enterprise altogether, but lay up the proposition in the record. Time may
gain it respect, and it will be there always ready, cut and dried, for any
favorable conjuncture that may offer


       4. In drawing all bills, resolutions, and reports, keep
constantly in view that the limitations in the Constitution are ultimately
to be explained away. Precedents and phrases may thus be shuffled in,
without being adverted to by candid or weak people, of which good use may
afterward be made.


       5. As the novelty and bustle of inaugurating the government will
for some time keep the public mind in a heedless and unsettled state, let
the press during this period be busy in propagating the doctrines of
monarchy and aristocracy. For this purpose it will be particularly useful
to confound a mobbish democracy with a representative republic, that by
exhibiting all the turbulent examples and enormities of the former, an
odium may be thrown on the character of the latter. Review all the civil
contests, convulsions, factions, broils, squabbles, bickering, black eyes,
and bloody noses of ancient, middle, and modern ages; caricatureize them
into the most frightful forms and colors that can be imagined, and unfold
one scene of horrible tragedy after another till the people be made, if
possible, to tremble at their own shadows. Let the discourses on Davila
then contrast with these pictures of terror the quiet hereditary
succession, the reverence claimed by birth and nobility, and the
fascinating influence of stars, and ribands, and garters, cautiously
suppressing all the bloody tragedies and unceasing oppressions which form
the history of this species of government. No pains should be spared in
this part of the undertaking, for the greatest will be wanted, it being
extremely difficult, especially when a people have been taught to reason
and feel their rights, to convince them that a king, who is always an enemy
to the people, and a nobility, who are perhaps still more so, will take
better care of the people than the people will take care of themselves.


6. But the grand nostrum will be a public debt, provided enough
of it can be got and it be medicated with the proper ingredients. If by
good fortune a debt be ready at hand, the most is to be made of it. Stretch
it and swell it to the utmost the items will bear. Allow as many extra
claims as decency will permit. Assume all the debts of your neighbors ¡ª in
a word, get as much debt as can be raked and scraped together, and when you
have got all you can, ¡°advertise¡± for more, and have the debt made as big
as possible. This object being accomplished, the next will be to make it as
perpetual as possible. The more effectively to bring this about, modify the
debt, complicate it, divide it, subdivide it, subtract it, postpone it, let
there be one-third of two-thirds, and two-thirds of one-third, and
two-thirds of two-thirds; let there be three percents, and four percents,
and six percents, and present six percents, and future six percents. To be
brief, let the whole be such a mystery that a few only can understand it;
and let all possible opportunities and informations fall in the way of
these few to cinch their advantages over the many.


       7. It must not be forgotten that the members of the legislative
body are to have a deep stake in the game. This is an essential point, and
happily is attended with no difficulty. A sufficient number, properly
disposed, can alternately legislate and speculate, and speculate and
legislate, and buy and sell, and sell and buy, until a due portion of the
property of their constituents has passed into their hands to give them an
interest against their constituents, and to ensure the part they are to
act. All this, however, must be carried on under the cover of the closest
secrecy; and it is particularly lucky that dealings in paper admit of more
secrecy than any other. Should a discovery take place, the whole plan may
be blown up.



       8. The ways in which a great debt, so constituted and applied,
will contribute to the ultimate end in view are both numerous and obvious.
(1) The favorite few, thus possessed of it, whether within and without the
government, will feel the staunchest fealty to it, and will go through
thick and thin to support it in all its oppressions and usurpations. (2)
Their money will give them consequence and influence, even among those who
have been tricked out of it. (3) They will be the readiest materials that
can be found for a hereditary aristocratic order, whenever matters are ripe
for one. (4) A great debt will require great taxes; great taxes, many
tax-gatherers and other officers; and all officers are auxiliaries of
power. (5) Heavy taxes may produce discontents; these may threaten=20
resistance; and in proportion to this danger will be the pretense for a
standing army to repel it. (6) A standing army, in its turn, will increase
the moral force of the government by means of its appointments, and give it
physical force by means of the sword, thus doubly forwarding the main object.



       9. The management of the great funded debt and an extensive
system of taxes will afford a plea, not to be neglected, for establishment
of a great incorporated bank. The use of such a machine is well understood.
If the Constitution, according to its fair meaning, should not authorize
it, so much the better. Push it through by a forced meaning and you will
get in the bargain an admirable precedent for future misconstructions.
In fashioning the bank, remember that it is to be made
particularly instrumental in enriching and aggrandizing the elect few, who
are to be called in due season to the honors and felicities of the kingdom
preparing for them, and who are the pillars that must support it. It will
be easy to throw the benefit entirely into their hands, and to make it a
solid addition of 50, or 60, or 70 percent of their former capitals of 800
percent, or 900 percent, without costing them a shilling; while it will be
difficult to explain to the people that this gain of the few is at the cost
of the many, that the contrary may be boldly and safely pretended. The bank
will be pregnant with other important advantages. It will admit the same
men to be, at the same time, members of the bank and members of the
government. The two institutions will thus be soldered together, and each
made stronger. Money will be put under the direction of the government, and
government under the direction of money. To crown the whole, the bank will
have a proper interest in swelling and perpetuating the public debt and
public taxes, with all the blessings of both, because its agency and its
profits will be extended in exact proportion.

How To Change a Republic Into a Monarchyhttp://davidicke.com/

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