-Caveat Lector-

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BBC NEWS  Scotland  Frontline Scotland The Memory Thief: The Story of Dr Ewen Cameron  "He was a Scottish doctor whose burning ambition was to be a scientific legend.  Dr Ewen Cameron, a graduate of Glasgow University, became one of the most eminent psychiatrists in the world.  His work in Canada in the 1950s was radical and groundbreaking but now some of his patients are finally receiving compensation.  Ross McWilliam reveals that Cameron subjected his unsuspecting patients to massive electric shocks and a cocktail of powerful drugs in a "brainwashing" programme funded by the CIA.  Frontline Scotland hears for the first time the horrific personal stories of patients who suffered at his hands." http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/3696920.stm

Russia's recruits wrecked by abuse
Jeremy Page in Moscow
October 22, 2004 "hundreds of thousands of recruits who suffer appalling abuse every year as part of initiation rites to Russia's underfunded armed forces, according to a report released yesterday.  New York-based Human Rights Watch said ritual abuse, or "hazing", killed dozens of conscripts every year and caused hundreds to commit suicide. Thousands more desert their units. Ahead of the report's release, Russia's chief military prosecutor, Alexandr Savenkov, revealed that 25 soldiers had died as a result of hazing in the first half of this year alone."
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