-Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> from:
> http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.17/pageone.html
> <A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.17/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
> Times - Volume 3 Issue 17
> </A>
> -----
> The Laissez Faire Times
> April 26, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 17
> Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Littleton Shootings
> Who Is Really to Blame?
> by Don Lobo Tiggre

> The One-Room Schoolhouse
> This is the current trend in American education, but it hasn’t always
> been so. Consider the one-room schoolhouse of last century. Is it even
> imaginable that something like the Littleton shootings could have
> occurred in such an environment?
> No.
> And there are reasons for this. The first and foremost would be that
> parents back then did not expect the school teacher to teach their
> children to become responsible, healthy, moral adults. That was their
> job, and the teacher was there to teach letters and numbers (which he or
> she did with a success rate that would put many modern schools to
> shame).
> Another important reason is that the school was too small for any
> misunderstood outcasts to be neglected. The teacher would know much of
> the life history of each child, would know their parents, would
> understand their unique situations and challenges. Even if the teacher
> wasn’t particularly sympathetic, he or she would at least be
> knowledgeable about every single child under his or her care. There were
> probably mal-adjusted outcasts in most one-room schoolhouses, just as
> there have always been outcasts—how long ago did Hans Christian Andersen
> write "The Ugly Duckling"? But those unhappy souls would have a much
> better chance of getting the attention they needed back then than the
> misfits in today’s massive indoctrination centers.
> To say that the increasing size of today’s huge urban high schools is a
> contributing factor to school violence may seem to be making the same
> mistake that people who blame inanimate objects (like guns) make. But
> who designs these giant, politically-correct reprogramming factories?
> There are people, individual policymakers, who have been pushing things
> in this direction. Who are they, and where can we write them letters of
> protest? It would be useful to find out and let them know that we will
> hold them accountable.

   I recently spoke on the phone with the former superintendent of our
school district in Michigan. In the sixties he had done research on the
relative quality of education in the district while pursuing a doctorate
(I think at U of M). He compared the IQ information with tests
indicating achievement to establish a difference between potential
learning ability and results. He then rated the differences between the
various schools in the district expecting to show that the larger
schools with modern libraries and facilities and more highly educated
teachers would prove to have the least differential (i.e. performance
met expectation). However, he found that the best performing school was
a one room school house with eight grades taught by a teacher with only
a two year certificate (soon to be closed). The second best was a two
room school house (also soon to be closed). The poorest performance came
from the largest and most modern school. He checked his figures in
disbelief, but they were correct. He realized that the whole philosophy
of bigger is better in education was unfounded. When he presented his
data and findings to his professor he got a rude awakening. This was not
the finding that was desired and his professor destroyed his data and he
had to change to other research to obtain his doctorate.

Howard Davis

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