-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

I'm sending this and an Email from RePorterNoteBook to as many people as I possibly 
can. Please do so too.


Arlene Johnson
http://www.truedemocracy.net the home of The Journal of History

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Nov 3, 2004 10:52 AM
Subject: Fw: 12 Ways Bush is Stealing The OHIO vote since voting began!

Dear friends,
Here is a very good article that's extremely current, TODAY, that we need to circulate 
far and wide. You know I don't like Kerry because I know who he's working for, but I 
despise Bush. Let's see what we can do to prevent him from stealing another election.


Arlene Johnson
http://www.truedemocracy.net the home of The Journal of History
To access the e-zine that publishes the documented truth, click on the icon that says 

-----Forwarded Message-----
Sent: Nov 3, 2004 6:20 AM
Subject: 12 Ways Bush is Stealing The OHIO vote since voting began!

Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 02:54:27 -0000
  From: "ghwelker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Frightening times: Twelve Ways Bush is Now Stealing the Ohio Vote  Published 
on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 by The Free Press (Columbus, Ohio)

Twelve Ways Bush is Now Stealing the Ohio Vote

by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman

The Republican "November Surprise" to steal the 2004 election is in full force here in 
Ohio. With polls showing a dead heat, the GOP is staging an all-out attack on a fair 
vote count in the Buckeye State.

Here are a dozen ways they're doing it:

Under an archaic Ohio law, both the Republican and Democratic Parties, or any slate of 
five candidates, may embed official election challengers inside polling places. The New
York Times reported on Oct. 23 that the Republican Party intends to place thousands of 
lawyers and other GOP faithfuls inside the polls to challenge voters. Republican 
insiders confide here that the key goal is to jam lines and frustrate new voters. The 
GOP apparently figures many voters
in key Democratic precincts won't wait in line more than 15 minutes to vote.

This is certain to be a major tactic in Cleveland's Cayahoga County and other 
Democratic strongholds. The GOP is not planning to challenge voters in Republican 
Republican party has sent letters challenging thousands of Franklin County students 
who are registered to vote absentee. Franklin County is home to Columbus, the state's 
city and its capitol. Though it is also home to Ohio State University, thousands of 
local students go to schools outside the county or state. The GOP apparently does not 
want their votes counted.

This unprecedented mass challenge has prompted the Franklin County Board of 
Elections,whose director is a conservative Republican, to reserve the large Veterans 
Auditorium downtown to process the challenges this Thursday, as John Kerry comes to 
town with Bruce  Springsteen. The  County has told thousands of students that if they 
don't appear in Columbus to answer the GOP challenges, they may lose their right to 

The Franklin County Board of Elections has called or written an undetermined number of 
voters who obtained absentee ballots, challenging their addresses. In at least one 
case, after a series of angry phone calls, the Board admitted there was nothing wrong 
with the address in question and
 re-instated voting rights. The voter in question was a registered Democrat. His wife, 
an independent at the same address, was not challenged. It is unclear how many others
have been wrongly knocked out.

Even if they are counted, Franklin County's absentee ballot forms are rigged in ways 
strikingly reminiscent of those in Florida 2000. On many absentee forms, Kerry is 
listed third on
the list of presidential candidates. But the actual number you punch for Kerry is "4." 
If you punch "3" you've just voted for Bush. Sound familiar?

Franklin County's right wing Elections Director is insisting on e-voting machines 
which have malfunctioned in at least two Congressional elections, and which have no 
paper trail.

The November issues of Popular Science and Popular Mechanics Magazines ran the 
following  headlines on their covers, respectively: "E-vote emergency: And you thought 
chads were  bad'" and "Could hackers tilt the election?" Vigorous protests against the 
paperless machines have been staged here, but many will be used, rendering a 
meaningful recount impossible.

In four other Ohio counties, the notorious Diebold company, whose CEO Wally O'Dell has 
pledged  to deliver Ohio's votes to Bush, will provide the e-voting machines to count 
without any paper trail while using proprietary "secret" software.

O'Dell lives in the wealthy Columbus suburb of Upper Arlington and is a major Bush 

Twenty GOP-dominated Ohio counties have given wrong information to former felons about 
their voter eligibility. In Hamilton County, home of Cincinnati and the Republican Taft
family, officials told numerous former felons that a judge had to sign off before they 
could vote, which is blatantly false.

 Franklin County, which normally cancels 2-300 registered voters a year for felony 
convictions, has sent at least 3500 cancellation letters to both current felons and 
ex-felons whose convictions date back to 1998. The list includes numerous citizens who 
were charged with felonies but
convicted only of misdemeanors.

Republican Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell has reversed a long-standing Ohio 
practice and is barring voters from casting provisional ballots within their county if 
they are registered to vote but there's been a mistake about where they are expected 
to cast their ballot. In this year's spring primaries, Blackwell allowed voters to 
cast provisional ballots by county, even if they were in the wrong precinct. But this 
fall, such voters will have to leave the wrong precinct and find their way to  the 
right one.

Blackwell hopes to succeed Republican Bob Taft as governor, and has labored hard to 
install e-voting machines with no paper trail, to give the statewide contract to 
Diebold, and to
 take a long series of steps apparently designed to help hand Ohio to George W. 
Bush.Blackwell is being widely compared to the infamous Katherine Harris, who handed 
Florida to
George W. Bush in 2000 and was rewarded with a safe Congressional seat.

The Columbus Dispatch (which has endorsed Bush) and WVKO Radio have both documented 
phone calls from people impersonating Board of Elections workers and directing
registered voters to different and incorrect polling sites. One individual was falsely 
told not to vote at the polling station across the street from his house, but at a 
"new" site, four miles away. UnderBlackwell's new rules, such a vote would not be 

In Cincinnati, some 150,000 voters were moved from active to inactive status within 
the last four years for not voting in the last two federal elections. This is not 
required under Ohio law, but is an option allowed and exercised by the 
Republican-dominated Hamilton County Board of Elections.

Secretary of State Blackwell ruled that any voter registration form on other than 
80-pound weight bond paper would not be accepted. This is an old law left over from 
pre-scanning days. Many voters who had registered on lighter paper, had their 
registration returned, even though the forms
 had been officially sanctioned by local election boards.

No Republican has ever won the presidency without carrying Ohio. This year the GOP 
seems determined to win it, no matter what they have do to the electoral process.

Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman are co-authors of "George Bush Versus the  
Superpower of Peace"
and "Imprison George Bush", from http://www.freepress.org./
Frightening times

Dear everyone,

Unfortunately the man described by his former Japanese teacher at HLS as a 
"pathological liar" and weak character seems to be wining the elections, and he might 
soon start a couple of new wars.

He clearly lost the televised debates against Kerry, despite being remote 
controlled,tutored and whispered by his advisors during the debates. As usual he lied 
about it (see Kevin Berger: NASA Photo Analyst: Bush Wore a Device During Debate", at 
http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2004/10/29/bulge/ ). Despite remote control the Bush 
camp was on the brink of losing.

As expected, the 11th hour sort of thing happened. It is the Bin Laden video--released 
four days before the counting of the vote starts--that will help him to win. Be it the 
old friendship between the Bush and Bin Laden families that doesn't rust easily or the 
belief of some observers that Bin Laden remains one of the most valuable assets of the 
CIA, who knows.

Why will Bush win? Chiefly because the US voters trust him more to win the "war on 
terror" (a misnomer and false strategy). This seems odd taken the very fact that Bin 
Laden has not been brought to justice, "dead or alive" as Bush promised three years 
ago, after 9-11.

The result of the first Bush presidency does not support the voters' belief: Bush's 
"war on terror", which is in reality a war for oil in Iraq (predated by a military 
advance to the borders of China and the former USSR in Afghanistan), has resulted in 
the most effective spread of terrorism in
recent times.  Remember, we are talking about US-made terrorism. Modern Islamists 
terrorism exists since Brzezinski
convinced Carter (the peace angel) to fund and facilitate the building-up of al-Qaeda 
and the training of ten thousands of Mujaheddin, future terrorists (as Rashid 
convincingly disclosed), in order to undermine the USSR and China--for which 
Brzezinski has credited himself, when he was a little tipsy in Paris someyears ago. 
Bush's remote-controlling advisors are eager to beat Brzezinski's record and create 
havoc in even more countries.

Bush might win because reality doesn't count for US voters, especially for Bush 
voters. 75% of those still believe that Saddam had WMD and relations with al-Qaeda; 
despite all inquires that proved that the Iraq war was started under false pretences.

The Bush gang the most serious threat to world peace since the end of the Cold War. 
This small power elite is both, a relative novelty and aberration. It is the result of 
an unholy alliance of extremists, the `born-again' Christian fundamentalist hard right 
combined with Lukidists (radical Zionists) and neo-conservatives (PNAC). They are 
accountable to no one but "chosen by God". The gang, less than a dozen of "advisors" 
and officials, decided to invade Iraq. It soon turned into a nightmare.

They will increase the troops in Iraq, soon after the US elections, assault Fallujah 
and other no-go areas, but it won't help them.

The gang will have ample time to continue bulling other nations, invading resource 
rich countries and tearing down all rules of civilized international behaviour--until 
January 2009, if they don't go nuclear and start World War III.

Frightening times in the fore!
CP Scherrer



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