The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-56, Day 34, Update 1
Apr. 26, 1999; 0:10AM EDT


Novi Sad               1. Last Novi Sad Bridge Destroyed; Hungary to Let
                                  NATO Use Its Three Air Bases

Italy                       2. An Italian Soldier: Very Little Time Left;
Maybe a Week?

Naples                   3. Italian Police Battle anti-NATO Protesters

U.S. Midwest          4. Jewish Students Support NATO's Bombing of Serbia;
                                  An Anglo-American Student Fights Back

Florida                   5. Roundtable's Reaction to Independent's Story:
                                  About Exposing the CFR Sins?

Belgrade                6. German Mothers Say No to NATO's War


1. Last Novi Sad Bridge Destroyed; Hungary to Let NATO Use Its Three Air Bases

Novi Sad, Apr. 25 - This just in from a TiM source in Novi Sad:

"After several attempts, they (NATO) have finally managed to completely
destroy the last remaining bridge in Novi Sad. The attack started at 1:15AM
(local time; 7:15AM EDT), and ended 30 minutes later."
TiM Ed.: And now, "let the games begin!" (i.e., the NATO invasion from
Hungary).  After all, despite a general sentiment among the Hungarian
population against NATO's war on Serbia which this writer encountered
earlier this week, while traveling through Hungary, the Hungarian prime
minister, Viktor Oban, acceded to Washington's request, and agreed to let
NATO operate out of its three air bases.  Many of the additional 400
airplanes, which Gen. Wesley Clark has requested from the Pentagon, are
expected to fly out of the Hungarian air bases in Taszar, Kecskemet and Papa.

Meanwhile, there are some 300,000 ethnic Hungarians living in the northern
Serbian province of Vojvodina who are also targets of NATO's wrath against
civilians, just like their Serb neighbors.  Many of them are freedom
fighters who escaped to Yugoslavia following the unsuccessful 1956
Hungarian uprising against the Soviets.  Having been welcomed with open
arms in Yugoslavia (see a letter from a Hungarian refugee - Day 31, Update
2, Item 4, Apr. 23), wonder what they will think of the Hungarian prime
minister's decision to help NATO wage war on them, too?

2. An Italian Soldier: Very Little Time Left; Maybe a Week?

BELGRADE, Apr. 25 - TiM has just received a letter from an Italian soldier
who warns that there is very little time left for a political solution to
the Kosovo crises; "maybe a week," he says.  Here is an excerpt from his

"Today, the Italian newspaper, 'Liberazione,' published the following note
received from an informer in the Italian army in Macedonia:

'A gigantic military maneuver has been under way for 48 hours on the
territory of Macedonia, up to the frontier with the Yugoslavia. The
operational NATO HQ is situated in Krivolak (Macedonia). Another command
center, only for U.S. troops, is in the (Macedonian) capital Skopje.

Principal protagonists of the maneuver, beyond to the 'bersaglieri' of the
of the (Italian) brigade 'Garibaldi,' is a German tank division - the best
of Bonn's army. The Germans have 100 powerful "Leopard 2" (similar to U.S.
heavy Abrams tanks)n and 200 armored vehicles. The Italian brigade has 60
mobile batteries of TOW optically-guided missiles. There are also two
British tank brigades with activated missile heads.

These forces, once the order arrives, have the possible assignment of
attack on the Yugoslav troops in Kosovo that are facing the Italian
"alpini" (alpine troops) along the Albanian border.

The way to the forces coming from Macedonia should be opened by a well
armed and trained KLA special detachment, which penetrated 48 hours ago
into Kosovo, along the famous corridor number 10.
TiM Ed.: TiM has no idea what that is, nor why it is "famous?"  We suspect
it may have to do with the Lepenac river valley entry into Kosovo from

>From Friday (Apr. 23), despite the persistently bad weather, all of Kosovo
territory under Serb control has  been subjected to a continuous
"preparatory" aerial and missile bombardment .

There is very little time (perhaps one week) for a "political"
intervention.  Otherwise it would go off the 'Plan X', of which I have
given many details some weeks ago."
TiM Ed.: Not to TiM, anyway.  We are not aware to what our correspondent is
referring here.
"Otherwise, God save  the Italian army, once more sent to battle without
any preparation.
This soldier swore to the Italian Constitution, art. 11, 'Italy repudiates
war as an instrument to attack other peoples freedom and to resolve
international disputes.'
The traitors are in the government."
TiM Ed.: As is evident in ALL NATO countries, including the U.S., the
alliance's war on Serbia is also the New World Order's quisling
governments' war on all peoples of NATO countries.  It's just a matter of
priorities; first, the Serbs, then the folks back home...

Oh, by the way, never mind that Macedonia has said it would not allow the
NATO troops to use its soil for aggression against Serbia.  It goes to show
us how much national governments matter at this day and age of neo-imperial

3. Italian Police Battle anti-NATO Protesters

NAPLES, Apr. 24 - Speaking of which (the NATO governments vs. the people
actions), police used tear gas against protesters who showered them with
stones, bottles and balloons filled with paint during a demonstration
Saturday outside a NATO base in suburban Naples, news reports said.

At least two police officers were treated for injuries, the ANSA news
agency reported, and at least one demonstrator was taken to a police
station for questioning.

Police said 1,500 protesters joined the rally outside the base in Bagnoli,
headquarters of the alliance's southern command. After the violence was
quelled, several hundred demonstrators remained outside the gates to
continue the demonstration.

In Rome, tens of thousands of people joined in a rally against racism that
also attracted anti-war protesters.

4. Jewish Students Support NATO's Bombing of Serbia; An Anglo-American
Student Fights Back

U.S. Midwest, Apr. 23 - TiM has received the following comment from Ben
Cameron, a student at "a major university in the Midwest," who reacted to a
recent piece by Barry Chamish (see Day 28, Update 1, Item 6, Apr. 20), an
Israeli journalist, as follows:

"(This is) in regards to Chamish's vain attempts to convince us that
Cohen's, Albright's, and Rubin's Jewishness doesn't matter.  I attend a
major university in the (U.S.) Midwest.  Yesterday (Apr. 22), there were
posters sown across the campus in support of NATO, a rally was held, and
donations were accepted on behalf of NATO.  I nearly swallowed my tongue,
when lo and behold, if there wasn't a huge sign telling us that this action
was brought to us by the Jewish Students Association and the Hillel Chapter.

No one else has shown such support for the bombing of Serbia.  And these
signs were full of the usual media lies and rhetoric.  I'm no anti-Semite,
but Chamish is obviously full of it.  Who put these groups up to this?
Someone had to.  After all, those donations go somewhere, don't they?

Today I fought back and posted my own signs saying:


* NATO is operating in Yugoslavia without a mandate from the UN Security

* Kosovar Albanians are fleeing Kosovo not so much as a result of the
Serbian Army but because of NATO bombing.

* NATO has enlarged its bombing campaign from military targets to civilian
targets like schools, hospitals, and commercial buildings.

* NATO is acting against the wishes of at least one NATO member (Greece)
and without the universal consent of further members.

* NATO is violating the sovereignty of Yugoslavia by interfering in a civil
war and is therefore violating international law.

* NATO is proposing to end a civil war by widening the war into a possible
international conflict.

* NATO is a defensive organization now engaged in offensive operations,
something it was never intended to do.

* NATO is destroying the Serbian infrastructure so that it cannot sustain
its population, and NATO is doing this intentionally.

* Reliable reports exist which say at least 40 NATO aircraft have been shot
down and 90 airmen killed, and neither NATO nor the media are talking about it.

* NATO is positioning ground troops in Macedonia along the Serbian Border
without the consent of the Macedonian people.

* President Clinton has mobilized 20,000 reserve troops for a ground
offensive he assured us would never be necessary.

* By threatening Russia with NATO expansion, Europe may experience an
escalation in violence it has not seen since WWII.

* By engaging in an operation it was never intended to undertake, NATO is
severely damaging the credibility of both itself and the US.

* Despite Russian pleas to avoid escalation in the conflict, it still
considers Serbia as being specifically within its domain of influence and
has expressed intentions to react should a NATO ground offensive take
place, and NATO is provoking her.

* The Western media has undertaken a massive propaganda campaign to
demonize both Milosevic and the Serbian people even though it knows much of
its rhetoric is outright dishonesty designed to manipulate American public

* NATO and the US has used both the carrot and the stick to gain access to
Romanian and Bulgarian airspace for offensive operations against Serbia
even though both are keenly aware that these actions may result in Russian
intervention and the widening of the conflict on an international scale.

* On 4/14/99 NATO bombers killed 85 Albanians and injured countless others
by bombing a refugee column not once but twice.

* On 4/12/99 NATO bombers attacked an destroyed a Serbian civilian
passenger train killing 9 and injuring countless others by bombing the
train twice.

* As a result of NATO actions in Serbia, we are closer to another world war
than we have been since the Cuban missile crisis and the Berlin airlift.

* NATO has intentionally bombed petrochemical facilities which released
toxic chemicals into both the atmosphere and soil of Serbia.

* NATO is using shells containing depleted uranium which will inevitably
result in an increase in the cancer rate of the Serbian population for an
untold number of years.

* NATO is creating a new Iron Curtain by seeking to fill the void left by
the fall of the Soviet Union and the destabilization of Eastern Europe.

* As a result of NATO bombing countless civilians are killed every day that
the bombing continues.

* As a result of NATO actions a Russian-Chinese-Middle Eastern anti-NATO
axis is being nurtured.

* The Serbian reaction to NATO bombing was perfectly predictable and that
both the Albanians and Serbians are now further from the negotiating table
than they have ever been.


Ben Cameron
TiM Ed.: We forwarded Mr. Cameron's letter to Mr. Chamish for comment, who

"Shame on Hillel, but note that of the Western-allied nations ONLY Israel's
Foreign Minister, Sharon has spoken out against the NATO bombing. Barry."

TiM Ed.: To which we replied that the Israeli government's ambiguous
statements - with the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu supporting the NATO
action, and the foreign minister, Ariel Sharon, opposing it - reminded us
of a "good cop-bad cop" pitch.  The only question being - who is being
conned and for what (no good) purpose?

Besides, Sharon wasn't the "ONLY" "western" leader to speak out against
NATO.  The Italian foreign minister, A. Dini, also condemned the NATO raid
on Serb TV, for example.  And the Italian parliament voted overwhelmingly
against the NATO bombing of Serbia early on in the war (see Day 3, Update
1, Item 3, Mar. 26).  And that's even before the violent anti-NATO
reactions by the Greeks.

5. Roundtable's Reaction to Independent's Story: What About Exposing the
CFR Sins?

FLORIDA, Apr. 24 - In the article, "NATO Is Now Killing People Because It
Doesn't Like What They Say" (see Day 32, Update 1, item 1, Apr. 24), the
author, Robert Fisk, wrote: "Once you kill people because you don't like
what they say, you change the rules of war."

Here is a letter which we received from David Shedrow, a TiM reader and
publisher of the "Roundtable," an Internet newsletter, in reaction to this

"If Fisk is such a veteran war correspondent why is it that has never
exposed the Council on Foreign Relations of Royal Institute of
International Affairs, and told people how these two groups have been
responsible for most of the conflicts over the last 100 years.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff DoD Publication 1 (1987) Glossary Department of
Defense Military Associated Terms defines: "COVERT OPERATIONS: (DoD,
Interpol, Inter-American Defense Board) Operations which are so planned and
executed as to conceal the identity of or permit plausible denial by the
sponsor. They differ from clandestine operations in that emphasis is placed
on concealment of identity of sponsor rather than on concealment of the

Don't you find it odd that so many excellent investigative war
correspondents never investigate the Council on Foreign Relations, and
Royal Institute of International Affairs connection to sponsoring the wars?
The CFR/RIIA have the means (control of the government, media, and
military-industrial complex), motive (maximizing the profits of member
controlled industries of war -- medicine, munitions, media, food, banking,
and energy), and opportunity (control of the executive office, State
Department, Department of Defense, National Security Agency, and the
Central Intelligence Agency) to create conflict and war.

Fisk makes his money writing about war. Fisk has good reason to participate
in the covert operation of keeping the identity of the group who is
sponsoring the wars a secret.  If people are not aware of the group that is
sponsoring the wars, they can't stop the wars, and Fisk keeps on making
money writing about war. How about writing an article on hypocrites like
Fisk? Or printing this letter in your column?"

David Shedrow, Florida

6. German Mothers Say No to NATO's War

BELGRADE, Apr. 24 - A group of 130 German peace activists arrived in
Belgrade on Saturday (Apr. 24) to protest against NATO's month-long bombing
campaign against Yugoslavia. The members of "Mothers against the War" and
"Peace Now" lit candles and placed flowers in front of the Serbian state
television building where at least 10 people were killed when a bomb hit
Friday night, the Agence France-Presse reported today.

"We want the war to stop immediately," said Ilona Rothe, one of the trip

The group, comprising pacifists and left-wing militants, left Thursday from
Dresden, a town chosen because it was flattened in a World War II bombing
raid and is today a symbol of civilian casualties inflicted by air attacks.

The group came in three buses, decorated with mottos: "Stop NATO,"
"Solidarity with Yugoslavia," "For Freedom of Europe," and images of doves
as symbols of peace.  Among them were teenagers and elderly couples, all
demanding "an immediate end of war in the Balkans."

"We didn't give birth in order to see our children killed," Rothe said.

Rothe, whose son is now stationed in Macedonia, said that "all women in
Europe should be against the war."

After they crossed the Hungarian-Yugoslav border late Friday, the activists
visited northern town Subotica, hit by NATO air strikes last week.  They
visited a family whose house was destroyed in the attack, and spent the
night there.

"The constrast we saw in Subotica was terrible. Beautiful houses and
landscape, and then, smashed buildings," said Juergen Fischer. "We were
horrified by what we heard and saw. When we talked with people who lost
everything, we could realize the worst side of the war we have not seen
before," he said.

Peter, 26, said he was against the war, describing the NATO air campaign as
"terrorism for the new world order.  It is possible there were some wrong
things in Kosovo, there is a war going on there, but not everything can be
black and white, as our governments are presenting us," he said.

Fischer said the aim of their action was to "show people if peace can not
be achieved by politicians, it must be reached by ordinary people.  We want
to show that the Germans are divided: there are those who are fighting the
war, but also those who are suffering together with people of Yugoslavia."

The activists planned to join Belgrade residents in their night protest on
the main bridges in the Yugoslav capital.
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Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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