-Caveat Lector-


November 2004 -



Part III (last)

We must find new lands from which

we can easily obtain raw materials

and at the same time

exploit the cheap slave labour

that is available

from the natives of the colonies.

The colonies would also provide

a dumping ground for the surplus goods

produced in our factories.”

- Cecil Rhodes, “founder” of Rhodesia

La comedia est finita.

Get out the corpses.

The Ukrainian parliament of USA have declared the “elections” results were not valid and in addition humiliated the people of the Central Electoral Commission, and recommended to all of them to sign their resignations.

Right. They have been rather naughty: they have declared the wrong candidate for the future president of the former comparatively independent state of Ukraine – after today it will be only one more client “state” of USA/EU/NATO/OSCE/NED/CIA/MOSSAD/SOROS/ maybe even MPRI* and Madonna plus Arnold the Ugly Muscle from California.

New members of the Central Electoral Commission will be “elected” when Yushchenko of USA is ready with the list of names of suitable people.

It doesn’t matter how people will vote and even whether they will vote or not.

We know who will be the next “president” of Ukraine of USA.


The Ukrainian people should remember forever those MP who voted in such a way today – 27.11.2004.

In the next years they will have many reasons to remember that Day of Treason and the names of the Traitors who sold their Motherland to the Beast of USA without batting an eye.

If you keep them under watch, you will soon mark the new flats – houses – cars that will crop/pop up in their families; you will soon notice the sweet life of their sons and daughters.

Gold/dollars and swords/F16/Mothers of all Bombs, the long new range of deadly weapons*etc.

These are the tools of the World Conqueror coups and military triumphs.

(By the way, it’s interesting how much Mr. speaker of the ukrainian parliament has been given. How much is the Market Price now of a Parliamentary Speaker?

How much is the Market Price of a country? Of a Motherland?…)


"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared" -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 BC


I am not going to comment the coming grand pillage under the IMF titles of “privatization”/“structural reforms”, the kicking away of all the social protections the Ukrainian people enjoy now - the future pauperization of the Ukrainian people, that will naturally follow.

Neither will I comment the political tightening – the impossibility to protest anymore if you cannot steel yourself against getting dragged along the streets and in courts, the uniform servile media.

I think about the people that will go with the winds like dry autumn leaves…

Some of us here, the Balkans people - especially the much suffering people of YUGOSLAVIA, know too well what will follow during the inevitable process of “democratic” hygienization of the newly acquired colony of USA.

Because there are still people that can be neither frightened nor bought. They might threaten the “democtratization” and should be efficiently cleared away.

Here step in MPRI and the other brother agencies advertised by Abu Graib, Iraq.

And the Mossad professionals.

Or maybe not – maybe the UKRAINE FASCISTS will prove to be quite enough for all the wet operations planned?

I see them even now fervently filling up their lists of the Doomed…

There will be numberless mysterious car accidents in Ukraine of USA, direct kills, mysterious deadly heart attacks in the police stations of the UKRAINIAN “DEMOCRATS”...

Some Ukrainians will be charged - dragged to prison and sentenced to long prison terms.

(That holds true especially for those who have talked today about referendums and autonomy in Ukraine. Do it really if you do not want to leave behind orphans and widows!

And also for those MPs who have refused today to throw themselves on their bellies in front the USA blood-dripping boots - the ones that have not voted the right way - if there are such…)


What do you know about that methodical clearing away of people in YUGOSLAVIA after the USA-NATO victory in 1999?

Where are many of the honest and courageous Yugoslav persons today, politicians, army people, intellectuals?

Gone with the Winds…

Do you really want to know a little more about what the USA authorities and their murdering agencies and their put-in-power puppets on a string in their client “states”/colonies/conquered territories are doing to people there to clear the way for their corporations and provide their security? Or to frighten and humiliate the local people, the newly acquired slaves by forcing them on their knees?

Here is an example for you.

Do you remember the date 24th of March 1999?

You SHOULD! It’s a pity you don’t.

Then the USA-NATO started bombing YUGOSLAVIA, a European country almost in the heart of Europe…

(And the most cynical part of that USA-NATO bombing exercise was that Europe itself took an active part in it - cutting and bursting to pieces a part of itself!…)

Who of you remembers what happened on the 23rd of April 1999? Nobody?

Then the USA-NATO bombed the Belgrade TV and sixteen people died at their work places. Exactly according to the demands of the International Law and Geneva Convention, no doubt about it!

Mr. Dragoljub Milanovic was the Director of the Belgrade TV in 1999.

Where is Mr. Milanovic NOW?

He is in prison.

Sentenced to 10 (ten) year prison term by servile Serb judges - ordered by servile Serb “politicians” - ordered by the corresponding USA agents at different levels who watch and monitor the Serb colony of USA!

You will perhaps ask: “But why”?

An excerpt from a mail:

“…Mr. Dragoljub Milanovic, former Director of the Radio Television of Serbia bombed by NATO, is sentenced by the (Serb) DOS regime (of USA) to ten years in prison for the alleged negligence due to which 16 people were killed during the (USA-NATO) bombing.”

He was sentenced because in 1999 he did not order his people to desert their posts in wartime!

Will you comment the ARROGANT CYNICISM of that? Will you?

What will you write to his wife who is still bravely fighting for him – what?

Would you – would you go to her to kiss her hand and bow your head in silent acknowledgement of her love, her integrity, her bravery?

At least hold your breath for a moment and listen to the anguish – the ENORMOUS TERRIBLE ANGUISH of those far away people, men and women – do you hear their silent deafening SCREAMS?…

But it is not all.

What about those Yugoslav people directly shot in restaurants – in the streets – in gardens or in their beds?…

What about those arrested - dragged to police – tortured - killed there?

What about the widow of one of the directly killed well-known person?

She was beaten and dragged to police, her face – deliberately disfigured…

She happened to be a popular folk singer and a rather beautiful woman…

Does she sing anymore? I don’t know…

And I do not dare to think what else she might have gone through there…

So, what about the Balkans Abu Graibs and Guantanamo Bases?

Do you remember the Balkans?

You even don’t know the names of the countries here but you send your troops and pilots and hit men to murder us!

Now when I have lifted a little the curtain and the Empire’s continuous Ugly Deeds in YUGOSLAVIA are staring you in the face, will you comment the HORROR of it all? Will you?

Yes, now everything pales at the background of the flames and screams of Fallujah – Guantanamo – Abu Graib - Mosul - el Nassirya… Afghanistan…

There are NO great and lesser crimes!

Don’t forget that the TERRIBLE HORROR of our days had been unleashed on us in full rage with the bombing of YUGOSLAVIA!

YUGOSLAVIA was the first victim – her (!) death marked the start of the Globo Killers’ crusade against the Mankind!…

The HORRORS of Abu Graib, and Fallujah – of Iraq! – and Baghdad’s Library and Museums, and Mosul’s University library pillage, and the 300+ Iraqi scientists killed by CIA’s and MOSSAD’s hit men - are terrible bloody consequences of the Globo Killers’ first victory: the annihilation of YUGOSLAVIA…

Never – never – never forget that date: 24th of March 1999!

The former state of Ukraine is also a part of that same crusade, started on the 24th of March 1999.

A part of the USraeli Globo Killers’ Grand Conquest of the World... the Planet Earth!…


I am not interested in Ukraine anymore - I know too well what will happen both politically and economically.

I know what it is like to live in a client “state” – in fact in a totally enslaved one. I live in such a “state” for 15 years.

I am not interested in Russia either: it is so pitiably helpless – so writhing and twisting in front of the Ugly Master – so ready to step back*… It keeps making me sick.

It cannot offer any hope.

It needs hope itself.

When I come to think of that, China seems also doubtful. They can kill and buy people there too, don’t They? I even remember a march of young (!) Chinese (!) so-called “dissidents” (!) I watched in horror some months ago on BBC or EuroNews!…

But maybe still there is hope.

This evening I have learned that there are some differently colored flames/sparkles of light on the Moon especially active nearby some Crater.

But maybe one should not be in a hurry to enthusiastically concentrate one’s hope on them and start building fantasies of Extra-Terrestrial Saviours.

It was NASA’s information…

And here come the wise sayings

Today it will be only one:

Dolores Ibaruri: “It is better to die standing, than to live on our knees!”

It naturally ties with Dugin’s cry:


It is better to resist than to wait listlessly for your tormented end in the Global Slaughterhouse – either by sniper’s bullets, mothers of bombs and flames, or by a despicable, humiliating hunger and illnesses you have no MONEY to take care of.

That last one is from me,

Blagovesta Doncheva

Bulgaria, The Balkans


"There's a new book out now that lists all the foreign

countries that hate or resent the United States. It's called

the World Atlas."

-Jay Leno


I am tempted to offer my farewell to the zombied STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE and GREEDINESS being rushed forward and backward in Kiev streets and squares by well-paid professionals from foreign agencies, helped by (Serb) CIA Otpor*, Georgian Kmara, local CIS/NED etc agents.

The STUPID MASS OF MOB are supporting the sell of a beautiful country to the Globo Vampires while eating oranges, and waving orange rags in the paroxysm of the euphoria of the zombie orgy!

Very small number of that orange MOB will receive for services rendered some more tasty bites.

"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. . . . All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

Hermann Goering, commander of the Luftwaffe, said before being sentenced to death at Nuremberg

CIA/NED/Mossad/ etc. clever ones have studied that Great Man’s writings very diligently indeed!


And that is from all of us on Earth

doomed to terrible untimely death in horror and wild anguish

to the Space – and all its Galaxies – and all its Planets – and all its Moons - and Stars…

"Morituri te salutamus".

" …los que van a morir te saludan"

"We who are about to die salute you."

* www.MPRI.com - Military Professional Resources Incorporated, Rent-a-Soldier outfit called MPRI — Military Professional Resources Incorporated — that operates in the shadow of the Pentagon and has been hired by the CIA and our State Department for ops in ex-Yugoslavia (and elsewhere). The company, headed up by former U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Carl E. Vuono, is filled with former U.S. Army personnel, from generals to senior sergeants, all of whom draw handsome wages on top of their Army retired salaries. See http://toogoodreports.com/column/general/hackworth/071001.htm

* See http://globalresearch.ca/articles/WOR406A.html

*electronic, psychotronic and information weaponry

* high altitude ultra low frequency weapons

* plasma, electromagnetic, sonic and ultrasonic weapons

* laser weapons

* strategic, theater, tactical or extraterrestrial weapons

* chemical biological, environmental climate or tectonic weapons

* chemtrails (this item was stricken from a later version, suggesting duress)

* Recently Russia has bent again to the will of Great Uncle Sam: it has “forgiven” 80% of the Iraqi debt of billions of dollars! In that way Russia supports the USA criminal campaign in Iraq!

While Russian children and elkderly people are dying of hunger and cold!

While the overwhelming part of the Russian people live in humiliating poverty, thrown to the winds!


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