-Caveat Lector-

From: oliver vulovic

Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 2:10 PM

Subject: America and Europe love and create killers

Oliver Vulović

08.12.2004. Belgrade


Europe and America love and create killers

Inauguration of a fascist and war criminal, Ramush Haradinaj for prime minister of the occupied Kosmet, surprised only those not informed about, by now we can assert with certainty, way of acting of European-American coalition confirmed during several decades toward Slave people of Orthodox confession and all other ""disobedient" people of the Planet Earth.

Is there world known murderer that was not made in modern history through the policy of acting or not acting of European and American politicians in these and other regions? Let us begin with Hitler and Mussolini, who, with help of British and American restraint and continuous policy of letting up, succeeded in the 1940s to occupy with great speed dangerous positions from which they immediately started to eliminate entire peoples. and states, with special spade against Slave people and Jews. Even this lesson was not enough to creators of the World Order of that time, so they have in the similar manner after World War II placed Court Waldheim, proven war criminal and killer of the weak Kozara civilians, in the position of the UN Secretary General. Due to the continuation of the confrontation policy against Slave people under the guise of the fight against communism, Anglo-Saxons with the help of their Vatican friends have even organized the operation "rat channels" through which they succeeded to rescue from justice many murderers of Haradinaj caliber. They did not keep still in the meantime either. They have thus pushed to the very top of the international sport Huan Antonio Samaran, former intellectual kicking fist of Franco’s fascist regime.

Madeline Allbright, Hans Van Der Bruck, Karl Bildt, Kinkel, Fisher maintained continuity with such policy also during the civil war in the territory of former SFRY. It is their merit that in the so-called negotiation processes with Serbs were included such notorious terrorists and killers like Hashim Thachi in Rambuie or Ejup Ganic and Hasan Chengic in Dayton. Whom did Americans and Europeans position to be Albanian political leaders in Macedonia if not the same people whom they saved from surrounded Arachinovo, who had set on fire Tetovo monasteries and fired at the same city and drove from it entire not Albanian population?

Does anybody still pose the question that created Al Keida and Bin Laden, Basajev, Al Zavkari and many other not mentioned criminals? No, nobody poses such questions any more because the answers are known so that nobody politically literate was really surprised by inauguration of Haradinaj to head position in Kosmet under the guise of „democratic procedure observance". Such after the fact, distorted and essentially immoral „observance of democratic procedure" by Europeans and Americans in this region, so characteristic for their policy, commenced already at the very beginning of the conflict in former SFRY through their insistence on the negotiations with secessionist leaders and commanders of para-military formations like Kuchan, Tudjman and Alija Izetbegovic. Already since the first terrorist actions performed by the above mentioned, like the massacre of the Yugoslav People's Army recruits that were withdrawing or shelling of Serb villages, the scenario could be predicted on the basis of which would develop the story of Serb suffering to our days. Badinter’s commission, Dayton, Rambuie, Paris, Vienna, Ohrid, these are all the elements of the same matrix on the basis of which is persistently continued the war for territories at the cost of orthodox states of the former SFRY.

From the mouth of the Washington-Brussels officials and their domestic "non-governmental" epigones, these days we listen how the insistence on the forced resignation of Haradinaj would provoke the wave of Albanian violence that would endanger „realized security and political standards" in the Province, how the new situation is the product of Serb disobedience toward Hague Tribunal, the punishment for not voting in Kosmet elections and much more in the same style that fits well in the model of the „Serbian denacification and self-culpabilisation" operation. In translation, we are threatened with the driving out of the remaining Serb population from Kosmet if we continue to rise waves after this „wise" decision that somebody whispered to Rugova.

Will after all this anyone in Serbia be again surprised when soon in Vojvodina, Rashka and Montenegro instead of Chanak, Ugljanin and Djukanovic, as negotiators appear aged Horty participant of the Novi Sad raid, the first replacement of Zakarijev or youngish flag bearer of the unit that will bear the name of Sekula Drljevic? This might well happen, believe it, since there is no end to Serbian surprise and absence of any planed political action. Did not the blood bath in SFRY begin with declarations on Serb hegemony and don’t we listen now from Chanak how the Serbia is presently ruled by clero-fascist camarilla, from Ugljanin how Muslims were in fact never asked whether they wanted to be in Serbia and from Djukanovic how the separation of Serbia and Montenegro would finally destroy "great Serbian national project ". All this above-mentioned are telling all the time and under the patronage of the same those who are imposing to us Haradinay as negotiator. Our surprise and sobering up will disappear at the moment when we understand that, as long there still remains one Serb alive, there will also exist the story about great Serbian hegemony. On the basis of this alleged hegemony, this same Serb will always be confronted by his worst torturers in the role of negotiators to whom he would have to capitulate, thanks to the carrying Europe and America. It is upon us to decide whether we will live or disappear. In this sense we should also behave and react toward the election of Radonjic vampire for the usurpation of our territory and life, since they are all on the good way to usurp our soles as well.

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