-Caveat Lector-

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Will Rita be used as pretext to reflood New Orleans?

    CNN correspondent (and likely British agent) Jeff Koinange said something interesting on Thursday night. He reported that "The latest threat from Hurricane Rita now has construction crews working around the clock to rebuild barriers that might have to keep impending waves from flooding a waterlogged city."

    Now, this sounds like they are installing temporary walls at the end of the canals that connect to Lake Pontchartrain -- supposedly to guard against a surge from a storm that is set to hit Galveston, Texas. The problem with this is the greater threat could easily be from the rain. And with these canals closed, New Orleans will have to rely on a relative handful of temporary pumps in the middle of the storm, which will barely put a dent in a good-sized rainfall.

    The Louisiana Air National Guard should counteract this move by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by firing dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide, CO2) into Rita, or at least the air above and around New Orleans. This is a simple, long-proven technology to prevent rainfall. It has been used to clear the skies for concerts put on by the alleged PAUL MCCARTNEY and is a service offered by firms based in Russia and Florida.

    The 159 Fighter Wing Louisiana Air National Guard can be reached at (504) 391-8300 .
.....| Posted at 09:55 | PERMA-LINK | Feedback? | (0) comments

Farrakhan consulted with Nagin before levee sabotage statement

    Check out this video of a spokesman, name of Nazinga, for Louis Farrakhan talking about how Farrakhan met with New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin before making his remarks on the sabotage of the levees (concrete floodwalls). This was broadcast live on Monday night Sept. 19 on Fox News' Hannity & Colmes.

    Again, it's important not to fall too far into the race-baiting aspect of this. Basically every concrete floodwall on the East bank of the Mississippi that had federal contractors on it the last couple of years blew up. Many nice white neighborhoods were flooded out too. The only way the dry neighborhoods would have been flooded as well would be if the earthen levees along the Mississippi were blown as well.

    Relevant transcript:
    COLMES: There was actually a device that went off, that purposely blew up the levees, is that what you're claiming?

    NAZINGA: I also know that Minister Louis Farrakahn chartered two planes and put 16 people on them and flew to Dallas, Texas; Houston, Texas; Baton Rouge, Louisiaina; and Jackson, Mississippi on a factfinding mission, and he met the mayor of New Orleans in Dallas, Texas and was told these things directly from him.

    COLMES: You're claiming that Mayor Nagin, he himself, the mayor is claiming that this was a planned event to blow up the levess to hurt the black population, according to the Mayor of New Orleans?

    NAZINGA: I'm saying to you that Minister Farrakhan met with him in Dallas, Texas; and in Atlanta, Georgia announced to the world before 6400 people that this is what he was told.

    COLMES: Do you have any evidence, can you produce? If this is true, if what Minister Farrakhan, and what you're confriming, is true, there would be some evidence, there would be some... you would see fragments, you would be able to prove that it was a bomb or something else that went off, you would literally be able to prove it if what you're saying is true.

    NAZINGA: Sir, as you know there is nobody in New Orleans now but federal agents and the National Guard. I was in New Orleans yesterday and they won't let you go near no levees, and they won't let you go near your house.
.....| Posted at 04:02 | PERMA-LINK | Feedback? | (1) comments

Katrina evacuees to be injected with neurotoxin

    It is well known that mercury is a neurtoxin, the cause of autism and other cognitive maladies. It has been taken out of most vaccines but is still in tetanus shots and has actually been increased in the flu vaccine. [Background from RFK Jr.]

    From the Times-Picayune Sept. 21:
    To prevent a potentially catastrophic outbreak of influenza in crowded hurricane shelters, the state Office of Public Health is giving vaccines to occupants of about 80 shelters around Louisiana.

    The shots aren't being offered to the general public at this time because they might not be effective when flu season peaks in January and February, said Dr. Frank Welch, the Office of Public Health's medical director for immunization programs.[...]

    About 10,000 shots have been given since the eight-day program started Friday, he said.

    In addition to flu shots, people are administering hepatitis A and tetanus shots to ward off infections when people return to their homes, frequently by wading through foul water, and try to clean up.

    Even though it is unlikely that people could contract hepatitis A from contaminated water, the vaccine is "a protective measure we can offer,"
    Welch said.

    Childhood vaccines also are available to shelter residents, he said.

    Working with the Office of Public Health have been teams from other organizations, Welch said, including the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Public Health Service, Louisiana State University and the Mayo Clinic.
    Turns out this guy Welch has a history of being a hardcore thug in using the bio-terrorism meme to leverage attacks on the immune systems and health freedoms of the citizenry. This is unfortunately not an uncommon trait in Louisiana. Here's his bio from the New Orleans alt-weekly Gambit 10 20 03:
    Until the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Frank Welch was pursuing his Ph.D. in epidemiology. Since that day, however, his dissertation has been on hold. Welch, the medical director of the state Office of Public Health, has been busy preparing a plan for the state and the city of New Orleans in case of bio-terrorist attack. Beginning last summer, Welch directed a statewide effort to vaccinate 1,200 emergency response officials from 85 hospitals against smallpox, one of the most successful efforts of its kind in the nation. "I am incredibly proud," he says. "Louisiana is far ahead of other states in bio-terrorism preparedness." Recently, Welch also led a general immunization effort that quickly vaccinated 12,000 children statewide, a further demonstration, he says, that Louisiana has the capacity to respond to a bio-terrorist threat, pandemic disease outbreak or natural disaster by providing medicine and vaccinations on a mass scale. In addition, the Los Alamos, N.M., native has played a key role in developing and maintaining the state's nationally recognized immunization database, known as the Louisiana Immunization Network for Kids Statewide. Welch -- who has worked for the state Office of Public Health in New Orleans since 1998 when he served as a medical consultant for environmental epidemiology, addressing public health concerns around Superfund sites -- is active with Project Lazarus, a hospice program for AIDS patients; Kent House, which provides temporary housing for people with HIV or AIDS; and the Human Rights Campaign.
.....| Posted at 03:15 | PERMA-LINK | Feedback? | (0) comments

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