-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

From: Matthew McDaniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 9, 2005 10:22:01 PM PDT
Subject: [cia-drugs] Akha Journal: Akha babies dying like flies, moquito nets needed

Dear Friends:
The Akha villages are many, the villagers have no mosquito nets and the babies are dying like flies, no money for the hospital, and fever rampant, not a speck of food in the houses. Malaria taking its toll, villages were relocated. 
Its simple. We need at least $1500 for 500 or more large mosquito nets to get out to the villagers as fast as we can and money to get some of these tiny babies into the hospital.
We have no more than about $50 at a time for ourselves, but do what we can for these people.
We are only scratching the surface.
Dig deep, find who can join you, do what you can.
Matthew McDaniel
Six of us in S.E. Asia

The Akha Heritage Foundation.
http://www.akha.org Akha Heritage Site.
PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

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Please let us stay on topic and be civil.


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