-Caveat Lector-

From: Taking Aim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

1. Our next program
2. Lynne Stewart defense alert
3. Joan Mellen, author of "A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK's
Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History," to be
interviewed on WBAI's "Law and Disorder" program.

1. Taking Aim with Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone returns to regular
broadcast this Tuesday, November 1, 5:00 p.m. ET and 2:00 p.m. PT
WBAI-NY 99.5 FM and http://www.wbai.org for live Internet stream.

Our topic: The Hidden Agenda of the Fitzgerald Indictments

2. Lynne Stewart defense update:
Judge Koeltl upheld the verdict against Lynne Stewart. (The
judge also upheld the verdicts against the two other defendants,
Ahmed Abdel Sattar and Mohamed Yousry)  In a 54-page ruling that
recounted key evidence, U.S. District Judge John G. Koeltl rejected
all of Lynne Stewart's arguments that the Feb. 10 verdict should be
tossed out. In a separate ruling Judge Koeltl also rejected defense
request for a new trial based on allegations that one juror lied
about his past and that another juror had been unduly pressured to
reach her verdict.

These decisions clear the way for the sentencing now scheduled for
December 22. 

December 8, 7 p.m., a Speak Out and Forum on Lynne Stewart's case
will be held at The Community Church of New York. Details and
participants to be announced.

The Defense Committee has a new DVD, "The Struggle Continues" for a $10
donation; T-Shirts for $15.00; as well as the NLG booklet: The Case of Lynne
Stewart, a Justice Dept. Attack on the Bill of Rights. Available via the
website http://www.lynnestewart.org, 212-625-9696 or write

3. Joan Mellen will discuss her compelling investigation and book, "A
Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK's Assassination, and the Case That
Should Have Changed History," again on WBAI. Tune in to "Law and Disorder,"
Monday, November 7 at 10:00 a.m.

You can receive a copy of Joan Mellen compelling book,  when you
contributing online on the WBAI website, http://www.wbai.org, then follow
the links to the premium offerings. The particular page with "A Farewell to
Justice" is 
35bc38d5d3 - Another review of the book follows.

"A Farewell to Justice" by Joan Mellen
Amazon.com Reader Response:    Eddie Kasica (New York City)
***** (five star-top rating) Saint Joan, October 27, 2005
The United States of America has never truly had its equivalent of Zola's
"J'Accuse!" Until now. While the Dreyfus Affair is a joke compared to the
far-reaching PERMANENT effects of the National Security State execution of
President John F. Kennedy(don't think they're permanent? -- pick up the damn
newspaper), quite a few books on the crime have been labeled Zolaesque:
"Rush to Judgement", Weisberg's "Whitewash", Sylvia Meagher's "Accessories
After the Fact"(a worthy forerunner of "Farewell to Justice" -- Meagher and
Mellon are sisters of heart, toughness and understanding), Anthony Summers's
"Conspiracy" and, of course, Gerald Posner's "Case Closed"(just kidding).
But they weren't. Not even close, because they couldn't be. The cover-up of
the crime continued well into the 1990s and -- like the film or not -- it
was Stone's "JFK" which caused the break in the dam. The wave of the past 10
years, beginning with the publication and media-embrace of the malignant
"Case Closed", has been intensely anti-conspiracy. As all of U.S. society
has seemingly moved toward the worship of power for power's sake, leading to
the establishment of the Bush Reich, anti-conspiracy ideology has become its
own form of totalitarianism. In the power-saturated universe of Millennial
America, seething with plots, anti-plot pronouncements have become as
necessary as squeals in a slaughterhouse. But, there has been a counterwave.
And it's now tidal. More fresh evidence regarding 11/22/63 has become
available these past years than was available to the Warren Commission, Jim
Garrison or the House Assassinations Committee when they were conducting
their investigations or cover-ups. We have had to be patient, and now it's
pay-off time. Christopher Lawford on the family, Gareth Porter on JFK and
Vietnam, Bradley Ayers and Richard Whalen on Kennedy and Cuba, Gerald
McKnight on the Warren Commission, and David Talbot's coming book on Bobby
and the murder(`though the Mellen book may have made that release somewhat

"Farewell to Justice" is the book we have all been waiting for, since the
day the music died. Joan Mellen has always been one of the world's best film
critics, a magnificent biographer(Kay Boyle, Marilyn Monroe & Bobby
Knight!), and a great writing teacher. Now she has broken the case. There's
no guessing here. No theoretical chapters on the validity of the Zapruder
Film, the DalTex Building vs. a sewer drain opening, no jacket holes or
bullet fragments. Just the moment-by-moment narrative of what happened to
Jack Kennedy 42 years ago. And, best of all, why. The names are all here:
the initiators, the designers, the middle-managers, and the mechanics.
Mellen is also overwhelming in her recapturing what was really happening in
the early 1960s United States. Not only those who care not about history
relive it. As Americans, all of us relive Dallas every day of our lives.
Everywhere we look, we can see the ghost of John F. Kennedy - and the
shadows of the men and women who killed him. There is only one way to
finally let him rest in peace: a cleaning-out from power of all those
directly and indirectly responsible for his murder, and all those who have
knowingly benefited from it. Germany could only put the ghosts of the Third
Reich to rest through a complete de-nazification. The United States must do
the same. 

There is also sadness in this book too, for those of us who see the Kennedys
as true heroes. (And they are.) Mellen has solved many, many mysteries in
the book. One of the most startling is her clinching the case as to whether
or not Robert Kennedy knew of plots to murder Fidel Castro. As Mellen
demonstrates, his involvement went way beyond mere knowledge. By answering
this question, she also answers the questions as to why the Kennedy Family
has been so forceful in impairing post-Warren investigations of the crime.

Mellen's passion, brilliance, understanding, writing talent and
just-plain-sleuthing-genius has resulted in a book which will change
history. The corporate media will no doubt try to burn her at the stake.
They will fail. Because there is no answer to this book. Except justice and


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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