-Caveat Lector-
Miss. diocese agrees to $5.1 million abuse payout 3/20/06 Catholic News Service - Jackson, Miss. "The Diocese of Jackson has agreed to pay more than $5.1 million to 19 victims of sex abuse by priests during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s." http://www.catholic.org/printer_friendly.php?id=19119&section=Cathcom
Chicago Archdiocese releases findings of priest abuse investigation - Nathaniel Hernandez AP Chicago 3/20/06 "A priest charged with molesting three boys had been accused years before of having questionable conduct with a minor while he was in the seminary and was still allowed to be ordained, according to a report released Monday that outlines a widespread breakdown in communication at the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago. The report, based on investigations conducted by two outside consultants and an internal review, said the archdiocese's failure to follow its own procedures put children in harm's way and might have violated Illinois law." http://www.belleville.com/mld/belleville/news/politics/14144207.htm
A Quiet Shame  - Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Website http://www.aquietshame.com/
The fifteenth Ministry to Masons conference will be held at Asbury Theological Seminary in rooms MC 205-206 on May 11-13, 2006 For more information : http://www.ephesians5-11.org/pdf/flyer_2006.pdf
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