-Caveat Lector-

6/30/05 Last Exit to Ponchatoula  "It's beginning to look as though another demonstrable case of ritual abuse is about to be mishandled by American law. The Hosanna Church paedophile ring will be tried upon the word of three abused children, while confessions of occult motive and corroborating evidence are being written out of the record: What is missing from the court case as it stands are the allegations of occult activity as the motive for the sexual abuse of children and animals, he said. No physical evidence of the occult, such as pentagrams drawn on the floor and spell books were ever found, Tangipahoa Parish sheriff's Detective Mike DePhillips told the court. "You heard today that they couldn't find any evidence of the occult, so that is a dead issue," said Assistant Public Defender Reginald McIntyre, who represents defendants Paul Fontenot and Patricia Pierson. No pentagrams? Just last month, The New York Times reported that clear imprints of pentagrams, showing attempts at erasure, had been found on the floor of the church youth hall. No evidence? Upon accused Nicole Bernard's April confession to the FBI, she "directed authorities to her storage unit, containing videotapes and nine bin liners full of masks and robes for use in the ceremonies. Also, she described performing oral sex on her infant daughter as part of the child's dedication." No motive? The confessions were of crimes that had occult motive. Detectives were told by church members that "they carried out the practices for years as part of a devil-worshipping ritual involving cat blood." Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff Daniel Edwards said "This is hard to talk about and harder to believe, but some of the suspects have told us their intention in all of this was devil worshipping." http://rigorousintuition.blogspot.com/2005/06/last-exit-to-ponchatoula.html 
Study: Child Porn Isn't Illegal In Most Countries - A review of child pornography laws in 184 countries shows that more than half have no laws that address child pornography.  By Thomas Claburn  InformationWeek  4/6/06 "At a press conference in Washington, D.C., the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children and other participants, including Microsoft, presented a study on Thursday revealing the woeful inadequacy of child pornography laws around the world. ICMEC's global policy review of child pornography laws in 184 Interpol-member countries showed that more than half have no laws that specifically address child pornography, and in many others the existing laws are insufficient." http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=184429489
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