-Caveat Lector-

Franklin Case - Summary http://www.franklincase.org/
Abuse secrecy continues, critics say by Dalia Hatuqa Medill News Service "A victim's support group was outraged Tuesday that the Joliet Diocese has released what the group claims is an incomplete list of priests accused of sexually abusing children. "Some names (of abusive priests) were omitted and we find that troubling," said Barbara Blaine, president of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. "It's disappointing that it takes so much pressure for church leaders to take this minimal step that might help protect children." The Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet posted a list of the names of 22 priests involved in the scandal on its Web site on Monday but omitted the names of clergymen who were accused of abusing minors in other places. "The list includes only those priests against whom a credible allegation was made while they were serving in the Joliet Diocese, not while they were serving elsewhere," said diocesan spokesman Tom Kerber. The list excluded the name of the Rev. Gary Berthiaume, who served with Joliet Bishop Joseph Imesch at a Michigan parish in the 1970s. Kerber said those allegations occurred "while (Berthiaume) was serving in another diocese," but Blaine said his name was excluded because "he's a close friend of Bishop Imesch." Berthiaume was convicted of sexual abuse in 1978 and spent six months in jail. Imesch allowed him back into the Joliet Diocese in 1987." http://nwitimes.com/articles/2006/04/12/news/illiana/6cd916b5738826028625714e0004bd39.prt
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