-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Gina de Miranda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is doing further 
research on this idea to see if it's supported by evidence.  
Comments and information are welcome.

       Notes on the Bush-Gehlen-Nazi Connection Hypothesis

Notes on Gina's talk:

"opportunistic social-climbing parasites" -- the Bush family

Larry McDonald [LMD] was killed on KAL007.  He was "simultaneously 
Chairman of the John Birch Society and President of Western Goals 
Foundation", the latter being rather nasty:

This right-wing article says, "Through nepotism and the fact that 
Larry McDonald was a genius and a master spy himself, eventually 
Gehlen Org was given over to Congressman Larry McDonald. 
Larry McDonald possessed most of the secrets held by the legendary 
Reinhard Gehlen, and Gehlen's operatives were now under the control 
of Larry McDonald."


Allen Dulles was running LMD and others.

LMD was a Gehlen agent infiltrating the John Birch Soc. [JBS].
LMD was using JBS, White Russians, Libertarian Party, etc., to create 
Nazi youth groups.

The OJ Simpson frameup is thought to be the work of Nazis, 
to create race hatred in the U.S.; there's a book about it.  
Mark Fuhrman, who framed OJ with blood drops, etc., was a member 
of several nazi-type organizations and retired to Sandpoint Idaho, 
home of nazi groups.

JFK found out what Dulles was up to and removed him from the CIA.

GHW Bush was assigned to watch the JBS.

One job of LMD was to infiltrate some White Russians in Dallas, 
and he was using Lee Harvey Oswald for this.

Nixon, some generals, etc. (see Prouty's website http://www.prouty.org ),
showed up in Dallas on day JFK was killed.

GHW Bush became head of CIA and requested all files on JFK 

Fritz Thyssen financed early Nazi efforts but when he found out about 
the "Final Solution" he wanted to quit.

p.2 ----------

Thyssen broke with Nazis and wanted to move his money out with the help
of Brown Brothers Harriman, who bought a share of UBC Bank (connected
with Prescott Bush).  Thyssen did get his money back.

George Herbert Walker was father in law of Prescott Bush.  His family
had made money from warehouses on the Mississippi River, e.g., in 
St. Louis.  GHW gave Prescott a lot of $ which he used to get into
the UBC bank.

GHW bought a share of the Silesian mines in Prussia, run by Nazis 
using Jewish slaves.

In '42-43 Hitler foresaw defeat and planeed with Gehlen to escape 
with the money.

Hypothesis: Allen Dulles, Gehlen, and other nazi types masterminded
the JFK assassination.  GHW Bush called the FBI on the day of the ass., 
and said it was done by members of the JBS, but he knew it was done by 
Dulles/Gehlen.  When GHW Bush became head of CIA he got all the 
JFK assassination files and went to the Dulles/Gehlen group and said 
he knew they'd killed JFK and he'd expose them unless they brought him 
in with them.  What they had that GHWB wanted was Bormann's huge amount 
of $, expertise in large successful propaganda operations, and they were 
working on killing all the rest of the Jews to get rid of the Zionists.   
Gehlen group had infiltrated Justice Dept., etc., and had plan, $, 
structure, and knew how to influence people (see "nonlethal weapons" 
file) and demonize scapegoats.  GHWB wanted them to take over the world 
with him.  

Another researcher agrees Dulles/Gelen were behind JFK ass.

Clay Shaw was very close with Hjalmar Schacht (who according to 
this page was not too bad a guy
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hjalmar_Schacht ) and LMD and White
Russians.  LH Oswald stayed with White Russians when he first came 
to Dallas.

p.3 ------------

Kissinger was a nazi and a homosexual covert operator who 
blackmailed people.

Larouche was connected to Chi Chi (Quintero ?)

John DeCamp investigated Franklin Savings and defended (?)

Federalist Society -- nazi connected?

propaganda, branding, bending brains

"Unless you satisfy the hierarchy of needs, you ain't getting 
any mindshare!"

That will be your campaign slogan when you get elected 
President/High Priestess in 2012 and successfully divert Planet X
(Nibiru) away from hitting the Earth, using all the world's 
Witches focussing their powers through Stonehenge (Oh, *that's* 
what it was for!), plus a few hundred nukes.

_Crashing the Gates_, by Kos, et al.

p.4 -------------

Why Princess Diana was killed:

She opposed land-mines.

Husband Dodi Fayed bought $300,000 ring for her.

Nazis are about restoring the aristocracy; bloodlines.

Plan gets usurped by Bush mob, who substitute Moslems 
for Jews as scapegoats, Bush being an oil man.

There are Bush allies in the House of Windsor, which deposed
the House of Stewart (which included Diana).  Diana was a real
human being who was beloved by the people.

So Diana had to go because she would humanize the image of the
Arabs and have a half-Arab child.

Dodi Fayed was nephew of Adnan Khashoggi (arms dealer, Iran-Contra),
wealthy friend of industrialists.  

There's a big conflict between Nazis and Zionists within the
Nazi-Bush plot.

Dodi Fayed's father Mohammed (owns Harrod's dept store) 
married Adnan Khashoggi's sister.

Mohammed Fayed had a close friend who was a Zionist sympathizer
with Mossad ties, who was screwed over by Khashoggi in a deal.
Friend is also good friends with Diana and her father.

p.5 -------------

Zionist/Mossad friend was part of Nazi/Bush plot.

When the relationship occurred, Zionist friend was upset because 
Dodi and Diana were going to get married, which would interfere
with the anti-Arab paradigm.  Can't demonize a people close to the 
Princess, about whom she would be advocating to the people.  And
would make house of Windsor even more unpopular.

55 million pounds found to have been given to Iran and Iraq to buy
arms, probably involved Khashoggi.

Only 3 people knew where Diana and Dodi would be that night
1. Mohammed Fayed 2. Zionist friend 3. Diana

Guy who investigated Diana death had breakin and papers were stolen.

Microbiologist David Kelly was working on something to reduce 
the fertility of blacks.  Used in Africa -- Project Coast.
Probably Israel/Afrikanner project.

PM was John Major at this time.  Now works for Carlyle.


MSB -- At first I confused Larry McDonald with Hale Boggs.

The congressman who was doubting the Warren Commission report
and was killed in the Alaska plane crash was Hale Boggs.  
Looks like maybe Nixon's the one.  See bottom half of this page:

Consortium mailing list

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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