-Caveat Lector-
Stop Hate Crime Against The Mentally Ill

Stop Hate Crime Against The Depressed Elderly
Often Called Euthanasia
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 11:48:34 -0400
Subject: [MC] The Murder Of Betty Shabazz

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 The Eulogy 
   Her head looked like a brown marble, her features barely distinguishable,reduced 
to molten slits, openings, along the contours of her once proud face. An ear, 
once caressed, a mouth once a source of  wisdom, eyes a subtle source 
encouragement, all these now only a monument of  another's pain. The skull did 
show some traces of once having had hair, all that remained in places was 
a.burnt kind of matting.  
 That night she lay anestitized from the silent hate that eventually consumed 
her, she couldn't rise on that fated eve. A grandson driven by the unseen 
animous of an old hate, embarked on a desperate flight from fear, and set the 
'barn abaze' as so many before. The poor lad looking for an end, had no idea, 
this was just to his first step into a true hell. 
  Granny, struggling with enemy of the moment: sleep deprivation, was about to 
be offered up to the god of miscues.  
 Looking back on the boy, fellow travelers wonder, if  it was the touch of the 
unseen hand stroking his young genitals or one too many 'a kicks in the head.', 
or perhaps a truly polly morphus perverse lucid dream, the nature of which has 
been documented by many young girl child's who have had the honor of staying in 
the wrong group home. This much is certain he so wanted to get away from that 
place.....his home.   
 Fire, was chosen to be the laddy's exit mechanism from the reality his 
grandmother endured via a concoction of  substances. Alas she was to be 
collateral damage in the burgeoning 'world war on mental illness.' or perhaps 
this was the battlefront against drugs, or maybe one car burglary too many, or 
perhaps he just looked at the wrong person the right way.and caused the wrong 
person to roll their eyes. Maybe he was chose because of his lineage. But I 
kinda doubt it.

  An insular tight headedness overtook the boy on that dark night. If only there 
had been someone there to tell him 'to look down at his body and see the blood 
pouring out.'. Maybe that would have snapped him back into reality. But is that  
really where he wanted to be ? How old was he? . 
 Later, astonished shock no doubt consumed him as he lay in that juvenile 
detention center and the same animous that touched him at granny's overwhelmed 
him yet again, he crawled under his bed, using the mattress as a crude form of 
shielding, There he was hiding under his bed hoping the snatch wouldn't grab. 
Alas that was not to be the case and this young Lochinvar to be was certified, 
bonafied, as in crazy. 

  As always, sadism had trumped reason. 
 Yup, welcome to the 21st Century edition of Racism.Com. 
  I ran into chief whachamacallit the other day. He was talking about Betty. The 
slug, who I used to know as Samuel,seemed to focus on sleep.
 Hmmm, when I ran into her on that early spring day on Fulton street, she seemed 
very focused on securing a copy of the Digest, and even more interested in the 
stories of a insanity foisted upon the ' innocent.' Made to walk a path that was 
not of their own choosing, Walk or die.  .
    Those fat cheeks, and that tucked away smile, burnt away in an escape 
attempt  from an  unseen rage.  No not little Malcolm's. This hate was old and 
thirsty. The little guy was just the one chosen to do today's rendition of  the 
Monkey's Dance. . 
   Percy and Dave two men, Percy especially who was there when her husband left 
us. Percy courageously duking it out with the eternal con men of the nabe, the 
nationlist over the distribution of funds raised for the family. 
Malclom, laying on that ballroom floor, on a slow slide to room temperature, 
while armies of mourners marshalled in the streets, their tears plentiful, yet a 
couple of moments back they were unwilling to lift a finger to help the guy. 
“Our grand prince!” Oh they sang!
 While and there sat Betty, his wife, unknowingly waiting for her time to go up 
on the cross.
 Time Marches On.
She had no one to turn to. It was only her, the girls, and an unseen terror that 
was eating little Malcolm alive. Big bites, the skin of his little psyche 
popping from its' chops  like the surface of a not so done pork chop. The flesh 
of what he could have been being rended from the bone.   
Eventually the young laddy broke. Yet, he was gone  long before he gassed the 
joint.  broke before his first arrest. 
 What a laugh! The night of the fire,  he thought it would be all over, the  
poor boy, thought he was at the end.  I'm going home.  
Nope,   his journey was just starting. 
Stop Hate Crime Against The Mentally Ill 

Stop Hate Crime Against The Depressed Elderly 
Often Called Euthanasia 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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