-Caveat Lector-
Three Gaza children die in failed IAF strike
By Amos Harel, Avi Issacharoff, Amiram Barkat and Ran Reznick

Three Palestinian children were killed yesterday during a failed assassination attempt by the Israel Air Force in Gaza. Two of the children, aged five and six, were brother and sister; the third was a 16-year-old boy.

Two Fatah men who were the target of the strike escaped with light injuries; another 14 Palestinian citizens were injured in the incident.


This is the third time in a month that Israel Defense Forces attacks have resulted in civilian deaths.

The attack, which took place at 7:15 P.M., came hours after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert threatened to step up actions against Palestinian terror organizations in the Gaza Strip.

The dead children were identified as Mohammed al-Roka, his sister, Nadia, and Bilal al-Hassa. Seven children were also among the injured, one seriously. They were evacuated to Shifa hospital in Gaza.

Palestinian eye-witnesses said the strike came at an hour when the streets were busy and many children were playing in the area.

However, a senior IAF officer said the strike took place "in an area where traffic was very thin, and that the civilians that were injured were not seen by military cameras before the hit. The officer said the two missiles fired hit the vehicle directly. He was unable to explain how the two targets escaped with light injuries while nearby civilians were killed.

"This is complex combat against terror cells operating in a civilian population. Some of the Qassams are fired from populated areas. When a cell goes to carry out a launch, we are working against a ticking clock. We have to find the right place to hit them, before they operate. We do everything we can not to injure civilians, even aborting a strike where there is doubt."

The IDF Spokesman's Office said, "The IDF regrets any loss of life among non-combatants. Responsibility for this rests with the terror organizations and the Hamas government."

Thirteen Palestinian civilians have been killed in a little more than a month in IAF strikes in Gaza.

The IDF said the cell had been involved the day before in Qassam attacks against the Negev. The two Fatah men, members of the organization's military wing, were traveling in a car in the Sheikh Radwan quarter of northern Gaza City when their vehicle was hit by IAF missiles. Imad Abu-Hamed, one of the injured men, is an intelligence officer in the Palestinian Police who has worked in recent years with the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC). According to the Shin Bet security service, he has been involved in weapons smuggling and establishing a Fatah Qassam network and dispatching terrorists on attacks in Israel. He was also said to have been the intelligence officer of the PRC commander Jamal Abu-Samhadana, killed by Israel two weeks ago, and had extensive connections with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Four Qassam rockets were fired yesterday morning from the Gaza Strip. Two landed in the Gaza Strip and two in open areas around Sderot, causing no injuries or property damage.

Last night, a rocket fell in Israeli territory, also without causing injuries. Islamic Jihad took responsibility for the launches.

On Monday night, the IAF attacked Hamas premises in Gaza containing a lathe and a storeroom for Qassam rockets. The building was damaged; no injuries were reported.

Defense sources said an extensive ground operation was not planned in response to the continued rocket attacks; however, targeted assassinations are planned, along with strikes against rocket launchers on their way to a launch site, and attacks on command headquarters and terrorist training camps. Strikes against senior Hamas members are also being discussed because Hamas continues to distribute them to other organizations involved in launches.

Meanwhile, the army is still investigating two pieces of shrapnel removed from two injured Palestinians hospitalized in Israel, after the deaths of the seven members of the Ralia family on the Beit Lahia beach almost two weeks ago. Military sources said the IDF was sticking to its version that the family was not hit by an Israeli artillery shell, and that either a Palestinian explosive charge or old unexploded Israeli tank ordnance was responsible for the blast.

According to a statement released yesterday by Ihilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, one of the injured Palestinians arrived for treatment in Israel after shrapnel was removed from her body at Shifa Hospital in Gaza, and that there had been no medical reason to remove the shrapnel.

Yesterday, Defense Minister Amir Peretz approved entry permits for an additional 3,000 merchants from the Gaza Strip, bringing the total number of merchants authorized to enter Israel to 10,000, in addition to 16,500 laborers. All are aged 35 or older and are married with children.

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