-Caveat Lector- How wargames stranded Americans in Lebanon

< http://www.total411.info/2006/07/how-wargames-stranded-americans-in.html >

Last week, this site, among others, published Webster Tarpley's desperate warning that Americans were being left in Lebanon as sitting ducks for a possible false-flag provocation. The worry was that Americans stranded in Lebanon would be slaughtered by a bomb or munitions fired by the warmonger class of the Mossad or other pro-war forces.

It is important to note that false-flag operations are often predicated on scheduled drills and wargames. The chief purpose for this is to confuse institutional response to disaster situations by confusing a real-life incident with a similar wargame. But it is also important to note that often dissimilar wargames will also be scheduled concurrent with false-flag operations in order to move resources away from the theater of the incident. During 9/11, we saw this with Operation Northern Vigilance, which diverted many of NORAD's toward the North Pole to fight phantom Russian aircraft; where they were unable to respond to the chaotic situation in the airspace over the East Coast.

Similarly, we can note that the US evacuation of its embassy staff and thousands of nationals from Lebanon was slowed by wargames which diverted naval resources to Jordan, in the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea.

Here's a report from CNN Thursday, July 20, 2006:
"[...]Some lawmakers and relatives with family members stranded in Lebanon have complained that the State Department is moving too slowly to evacuate Americans.

Barbero disputed that criticism Wednesday, saying at the news conference that the military had few assets off the coast of Lebanon when the crisis erupted, and that the Marines aboard the Nashville had to be pulled from an exercise in Jordan.

"We started moving assets as soon as we heard that a need had been established," he said. "These are our fellow Americans, and we're going to do everything possible, and we have."



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