-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 04/29/99) --  The  Cable  News  Network  (CNN) broadcast a
"town meeting" this evening, from  Champaign,  Illinois,  a  town
also,  coincidentally, home of the Conspiracy Nation News Service

This editor was not in attendance at the Ted Turner Town Meeting,
though  if he had been invited he'd have been glad to attend.  As
reported in the April 29, 1999  issue of the local newspaper, the
Champaign-Urbana News Gazette, "admission was by invitation only,
so that CNN could choose  a  diverse  audience  representing  the

This  means  that  the Cable News Network was selective as to who
was allowed into their  "town  meeting."  "No riff-raff allowed,"
the internationally viewed news  network  seemed  to  say.   And,
hypocritically,  while  the  Turner  Network excluded spontaneous
representation, host Jeff Greenfield, in the very same broadcast,
lamented the question of high school "out castes" and (seemingly)
protested the existence of such.

"Isn't it  awful,"  moaned  Greenfield,  "that  high  schools are
filled with outcasts."

That was one of the themes of the Turner Town Meeting:  that high
school society regretably has  its  fringe elements, its "nerds,"
who are shunned by the dominant high  school  cliques.   "What  a
pity,"  Greenfield  seemed  to  say,  even while his very own Ted
Turner society of corporate journalism had automatically excluded
any fringe elements from its mislabeled "town meeting."

But  even  with  Cable  News  Network's  pre-arranged selectivity
(nowhere mentioned in the broadcast as a background to their fake
"populist" "town meeting"), the local yokels didn't  come  across
too  badly.   Thoughtful comments were heard, expressing fears of
increasing "fascism."  But  even  then,  the Turner Thought Goons
had pre-arranged the set-up, bringing in  selected  survivors  of
the  Littleton,  Colorado  massacre to function as "wise elders,"
called upon if  necessary  to  belittle Champaign's common sense,
were it to get out of hand.

Thus  was CNN's representation of a "town meeting" sabotaged from
the very start.

This town hasn't seen so much excitement since January 28,  1998,
when Bill Clinton came to town and his plane got stuck in the mud
at the local airport.

One of the locals managed to get in that, in their home,  they've
not had television for the past 10 years.  This, not because they
can't  afford  it,  but  rather  because  they feel, as a family,
they're  better  off  not  watching  TV.   Visibly uncomfortable,
Greenfield offered a lame joke that his bosses at CNN wouldn't be
happy to hear that.  But hardly anyone  laughed  at  Greenfield's

The people of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois who did pass through the
CNN  "thought  detectors"  and  managed  to  slip  into the "town
meeting" gave a valiant effort to get their voices heard in spite
of the constant commercial interruptions, the Littleton, Colorado
"wise elders" oversight, the  Jeff Greenfield steering committee,
and the probable "plants" within the audience itself.

In Dow Mossman's book, "The Stones of Summer," a  main  character
explains that, "I think we're so goddamn beautiful out here, with
nothing  to  do,  that  if  we  hadn't effectively learned to say
'screw it,' we'd be as crazy as Dawes Williams himself."

We are so goddamn beautiful out here, with nothing to do.   Then,
the  circus comes to town.  Then the circus leaves town. (Who can
forget the circus?) Jeff Greenfield  can forget the town, but the
town can never forget the CNN "town meeting."

On the CNN Thursday night  circus,  the  young man with the weird
hairdo (a townie) hemmed and hawed, then  muttered,  "Aw  shucks,
why  the  fascism?"   His  mom  added  about him, "Never mind the
hairdo.   He's  kind  to  animals."   A  sleepy  night  for  Jeff
Greenfield.  A major event for this town.

"Screw it," says this editor.

CNNS  (Conspiracy  Nation  News  Service)  is an INDEPENDENT news
outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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