-Caveat Lector-

On Jul 31, 2006, at 7:42 PM, William A. Bacon wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

Before you read this article read up on your fake and phony reasons to
stop any and all oil exploration
Check this article out
Are you alleged "Environmentalists" on your way to Havana Cuba to protest this environmental threat? If not why not? Can't see your way to protest your political buddies Fidel Castro and those wonderful democratic buddies
the Red Chinese? What's the matter doesn't you opec check pay for
protesting the expansion of oil production outside of the UNited States

The existence of substantial amounts of petroleum in Cuba's offshore fields has been known for a good while. A Chinese company (controlled by the PLA) signed a contract to develop the fields - but they could not drill it without using US technology, and first the Clinton then the Bush the Lesser administrations barred US companies from working with the project.

Tio Fidel may well be at Death's Door. Once he's gone, the lure of oil will overcome the reluctance of US politicians to offend Los Locos Cubanos, and the Cuban fields will be drilled.

Fuck those Cubans.   Both the ones in Florida and the ones back home.

After all, it's /our/ oil ...

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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