-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: August 6, 2006 2:54:39 PM PDT
Subject: lisa guliani--woowoo

Val McClatchey has made it unmistakably clear to us that she intends to
milk her 9-11 claim to fame for all it's worth, truth be damned," writes
Lisa Guliani, of WingTV (World Independent News Group), who traveled to
Stoystown to interview Mrs. McClatchey. 
"If the smoke plume was photo-shopped on there, then that could mean
either that the photo was simply a fraud by Val, or it was a fraud by
her and the FBI and/or other government agents since she did mention
that the FBI did inspect the memory card from her camera," writes a
blogger identified as Killtown. 
Mrs. McClatchey was taken aback by the personal criticism by those who,
she said, "hide behind their aliases.

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