-Caveat Lector- Well, we come full circle again. "McBride" has slandered me as being drug-addled, of being a paranoid  schitzoid, threaten legal action and now again finally we are back at his accusation that myself and others are some sort of Israeli Disinfo campaign? "McBride" has gone this cycle several times before when his cover has been blown. 

Remember, recently "McBride" laid down his $10,000 challenge to me about him being John Foster "Chip" Berlet? 

Well, 'McBride" was offered a $50,000 challenge by  another person he accused of being an "Israeli-op" or MOSSAD and … "McBride" ran the other way. 

$50,000 challenge to Sean
Bob was the one who said Kris held a better hand than Sean, so why does
Sean constantly smear me and never go after Bob?

Unlike Berlet, I'm an independent researcher with no intel connections,
and I bet $50,000 Sean McBride--and/or Chip Berlet and/or any other
disinfo agent(s)--cannot prove a connection between me and the Mossad
or the ADL, or the CIA, or any other intelligence agency.

We had our little flame war already, remember, Sean? When it was over,
you pulled out of cia-drugs. You already apologized once for calling me
a Mossad agent with no evidence to back it up. Want me to post that one?

Put your money up, dude...the Ford Foundation can afford it.

Does Chip Berlet or anyone else at his CIA front office favor Punch
Maduro Maduros? Is it time for some dumpster diving?

 My "accusation" never changes.

"Sean McBride" is the Internet Troll of  Boston-based spook John Foster "Chip" Berlet and his Political-Research Associates.

 Kris Millegan

On Aug 6, 2006, at 11:02 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

Israeli Disinfo Ops on the Net (The Carlyle Group and 9/11)
Israeli disinfo ops on the net, like Kris Millegan, Muckblit (Bob) and Norgesen, pushing Greg Palast's tawdry agenda, are trying to take the heat off the neoconservatives and Isracons for the warmongering exploitation of 9/11, the engineering of the Iraq War and agitation for World War III by blaming George H.W. Bush and outfits like the Carlyle Group.
Here's the big problem: there exists very little evidence that Bush Senior and members of the Carlyle Group have been beating the drums for an American holy war against Israel's enemies for the last five decades.  On the other hand, there exists an immense mountain of evidence -- we're talking thousands of documents in the public domain -- proving beyond the shadow of the doubt that the neocons and Isracons have been doing so.
There is also strong evidence on the table that Bush 41 insiders, like Bush Senior and Brent Scowcroft, have been strongly opposed to the Iraq War and to the neocons' scheming to ignite World War III.
Given the failure of the Palast disinfo artists to deal with and discuss these evidential issues, one can only conclude that they are deliberately lying when running interference for the neocons.
What is especially humorous is that these Israeli ops are charging, without a shred of evidence, that America First realists in the foreign policy community have been secretly pulling the strings of the Israel First neocons.  But anyone who is familiar with the history of relations between the two groups knows that the neocons passionately hate George H.W. Bush and his circle, and couldn't possibly be manipulated by them.  The neocons have been on the warpath against Bush Senior for more than a decade now, and most recently have threatened to take down Condoleezza Rice and even Bush Junior for their hesitancy to attack Iran.
First the neocons pushed the United States into the disastrous Iraq War by exploiting 9/11 to the hilt, then they sent out out a bunch of sleazy ops to place the blame for this wreck on those very parties who were most opposed to neocon schemes.
How do the neocons and their tools repond when confronted with these unrefutable facts?  Either they ignore them completely -- witness the behavior of Millegan, Muckblit and Norgesen -- or they will accuse anyone who disagrees with them of being fully complicit in every crime that they claim has been committed by the Bush dynasty from its inception.  Wonderful reasoning abilities there.

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