-Caveat Lector-


"Jaded Tasks" available directly from the publisher.

Aug. 7, 2006 -- On July 17, WMR reported that the Pentagon is paying Dr. Jeffrey Addicott's St. Mary's University School of Law in San Antonio, Texas, the million dollars to find out new ways for the federal government to classify previously open government information in the name of protecting it from access by 'terrorists.'" Under a contract that is yet to be signed, Addicott, a former Pentagon counsel to the US Special Forces, will research ways to curtail the federal and individual state freedom of information and open government  laws. WMR has learned that the money for Addicott was earmarked in the defense appropriations bill by Texas Senator John Cornyn, a graduate of the St. Mary's law school.

John Cornyn, once a FOIA supporter, now seeks to hasten its demise.

Cornyn, a strong Bush loyalist, has flipped 180 degrees from past support for increasing the strength of the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). In March 2005, Cornyn and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)  introduced the "Faster FOIA Act," a bill that would have created a sixteen-member advisory commission tasked with suggesting ways to decrease delays in the processing of FOIA requests.

Aug. 7, 2006 -- See Ed Rampell's article on Mel Gibson at Poliwood.

Aug. 7, 2006 -- Hank Johnson, the quasi-Republican challenger to Rep. Cynthia McKinney in tomorrow's Democratic primary run-off election in the Georgia Fourth District, brought up the US Capitol Police harassment incident involving McKinney last March. A white Capitol cop, failing to recognize McKinney, grabbed her from behind. Black members of the US Capitol police claim that McKinney was likely the target of a set up involving the top brass of the police force. In defending the US Capitol police, which saw a rise in racism and illegal behavior among its ranks under former Chief Terrance Gainer and police counsel John Caulfield, Johnson was not only supporting a department that tolerates Jim Crow on Capitol Hill, a fact borne out by comments from the Black Police Officer's Association, but also a department that counts at least one alleged statutory rapist in its ranks.

Capitol policeman Sgt. Michael Malloy, a 15-year veteran of the US Capitol Police, has been charged with making videotapes of him and Arron Burroughs, a former Bowie High School assistant football coach, having sex with a 15-year old girl in Malloy's Charles County, Maryland home. Malloy has been charged with "first degree child sex abuse while armed." Court documents indicate that Malloy engaged in repeated sexual acts with the underage girl in both Maryland and Washington, DC. One incident took place in a parking lot near the House of Representatives office buildings.

Johnson's GOP supporters once again demonstrate their "family values" hypocrisy.

WMR heartily endorses Cynthia McKinney and Ned Lamont in tomorrow's Democratic primary elections.


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