-Caveat Lector-
Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Information Service http://mcrais.googlepages.com/
 Predators beware - Local agents target suspected child molesters 8/7/06 By Stacia Glenn  "A seedy subculture swimming with child predators is submerged in every community, skulking just beneath the surface of society. Parents typically think their neighborhoods are safe. They drop the kids off to teachers, priests and Boy Scout leaders without ever doubting their safety. They dismissively shake their heads at the thought someone they know could be abusing youngsters. But predators don't just lurk in shadows. Oftentimes they are invited into our homes, looked up to as role models and considered above suspicion. Knowing this, they prey upon the most vulnerable members of society -- again and again." http://www.dailybulletin.com/news/ci_4144496
Ex-priest admits to more child abuse 8/7/06  "Victoria's most notorious pedophile, former Catholic priest Gerald Francis Ridsdale, has pleaded guilty in court today to 35 counts of child sexual abuse....Twenty boys and one girl, all aged between nine and 15, were sexually abused by the man between 1961 and 1982.” http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/expriest-admits-to-more-child-abuse/2006/08/07/1154802803187.html#
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