-Caveat Lector-

Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman
New Benjamin Franklin House
P. O. Box 20551
New York, New York 10023
ISBN 0-933488-32-7
This book has been out-of-print and hard-to-get for years, but  a NEW second
edition is just out. Highly recommended, there are charts, pix and more. Only
$15.00 retail.

Imperial Conservation

The British forestry chief who told the young Gifford Pinchot that he should
"strike for national forests" was simply reiterating the age-old concern of
the British merchant oligarchy that Americans not violate the Purity of the
Wilderness, or disturb the Tranquility of the Indians native to those areas.
The diary of Albert Gallatin's son James for August 8, 1814, describes the
British sentiment at the opening of the peace negotiations during the War of

The British Commissioners, as a base of discussion re the treaty—demanded
that the Indian tribes should have the whole of the North-Western Territory.

This comprises the States of Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois, four-fifths of
Indiana and the third of Ohio. That an Indian sovereignty should be
constituted under the guarantee of Great Britain: This is to protect Canada.
Father mildly suggested that there were more than a hundred thousand American
citizens settled in these States and territories. The answer was: 'They must
look after themselves. (13)

Though the "Indian sovereignty" demand was never realized, there was later
created a huge undeveloped area further West, interfacing with Canada and
buffering Canada from the spread of American politics and economics.

Gifford Pinchot's British Empire Conservation movement was born in the
British East India Company and the analogous British merchant adventures in
Canada itself, and in South Africa. When the philosophical and operational
roots of the movement are thus located, it will come as no shock to learn
that Pinchot and the other pioneers of Conservation went on to sponsor the
project for race purification ("eugenics") and the Adolf Hitler movement. In
November 1897, Cecil Spring-Rice advised U.S. Assistant Navy Secretary
Theodore Roosevelt that it would be safe to stage a war with Cuba—and thus
draw the United States into a junior partnership status with the British
Empire. At that moment, the British Empire was preparing for a bloody
expansion in South Africa, and was looking for some near-term backing from
the Americans against Britain's new Imperial rival, Germany.

Cecil Rhodes, whose covetous will was quoted above, had financed and directed
an abortive uprising against the Dutch-led South African Republic in 1895. In
1899 the British would be fighting a full-scale war against the Boers, the
Dutch settlers, for control of the gold and diamond mines at the strategic
tip of the African continent; they were also nervously looking over their
shoulder to see if Germany would support the Dutch.

Cecil Rhodes personified the new era in British Empire political economy.
>From 1888, Rhodes was the chairman of the Rothschild-backed DeBeers
Consolidated Mines, which had incorporated the Kimberly diamond mine; this
was perhaps the largest corporation in the world. The British government of
Lord Salisbury then granted Rhodes a charter in 1889 for the British South
Africa Company, modeled on the old East India Company. Some of the territory
under the new company's control, extending up to the Zambesi River, soon
became known as Rhodesia.

The charters of the British South Africa Company and the DeBeers Company
conferred virtually limitless powers on Rhodes and his imperial cohorts,
powers to annex territories within or outside Africa, to raise armies, and to
get and spend any monies necessary for the maintenance of government over
their fiefdoms. The concept was identical with the East India Company's
experience in India earlier in the nineteenth century: the ownership of
countries or continents by a few private individuals.

When the British won the Boer War and conquered all of South Africa in 1902,
the British High Commissioner, Alfred Milner, faced the continuing problem of
a non-British voting majority among the settlers. His solution was to make
life there attractive to potential British immigrants of the "better sort,"
by importing Chinese indentured servants—slaves to do the unpleasant work in
the mines. Eventually the cheap labor of native black Africans became the
mainstay of South Africa's wealth production.

It is crucial for Americans to understand that the project for raw materials
extraction as the sole or main source of wealth of a vast territory is
colonialism, whether the products come from mines or plantations.
"Conservation" as a concept is derived from this colonial system, because it
is not intended that a skilled labor force advance into ever-new modes of
production, using ever-new resource bases.
Education, science, and culture are dangerous to the looters, so they are
unable to produce solutions to the resource crisis which must strike a
stagnant technology. The colonial or fixed-mode economy must destroy itself;
Conservation will delay the inevitable end.

Cecil Rhodes died in 1902, and his will, now wielding a gigantic fortune,
governed a trust to be executed by his disciples. The two most significant
Rhodes trustees were Viscount Alfred Milner and Albert, Earl Grey, both
ardent proponents of the new Anglo-Saxon racialist world empire known in our
time as One Worldism called for in all the various updated wills of Cecil

-(A full account of the internal political world of this unbelievably evil
British group is given in the book "The New Dark Ages Conspiracy," by Carol
White.(14) Here we can give only a partial view of the relationship between
their New Imperialism and American politics.)
Viscount Milner was born in Germany of a British father and an Anglo-German
mother; his English race-patriotism was always of the slightly hysterical,
showy variety. Secretary of State for the Colonies Joseph Chamberlain, father
of the future prime minister Neville Chamberlain, sent Milner out to South
Africa as High Commissioner. Milner had earlier been a high official of the
occupying government of Sir Evelyn Baring/Lord Cromer in Egypt. He gathered
around himself in South Africa a group of eager young Oxford-trained
officials, who were proud to be referred to as "Milner's Kindergarten."

Earl Grey had been Milner's political ally since the 1880s, and his successor
as British High Commissioner in South Africa. In 1904 Grey was appointed
Governor General of Canada.

In many important ways the colonial areas themselves—India, South Africa,
Canada—rather than England itself, have been for two centuries the home bases
and staging areas for Britain's ugly racialist faction, its imperial merchant
grouping Take, for example, the matter of the Rhodes Scholarships.

One provision of the Rhodes Trust, to be implemented by Viscount Milner and
Earl Grey, was the annual sponsorship of college students from the various
British colonies, including two from each state of the
temporarily-fallen-away colony U.S. of A., to travel to Britain for training
at Oxford after the model of Cecil Rhodes himself. It was essential that the
political reintegration of America into the British-Empire be managed from
the traditional seat of subversive operations against the United
States—Canada. The year Earl Grey arrived there as Governor General, 1904, a
Canadian named George Parkin was appointed to begin supervising the worldwide
selection of candidates for the Rhodes Scholarships. Parkin traveled to every
major U.S. city getting this recruitment process under way.

The Canadian political environment at that time is well characterized by the
following passage from a favorable political biography of Lord Milner(15):

At this time Grey was one of those racial Imperialists
who believed that Canada was in a position to become the
dominating power in North America. He felt that the na-
tional authority of the United States was certain to decay
because of the influx into that country of millions from
southern and central Europe. He imagined that the "best people" in the United
States were emigrating to Canada and leaving their country in the hands of a
degenerate and corrupt population which would soon reveal itself as
inadequate in international affairs. Grey urged Milner to come to Canada in
order to explain to Canadians the mighty significance of the New Imperialism

Alfred Milner made his first organizing visit to Canada in 1905. He returned
in 1:908, establishing the notorious Round Table organization, first in
Canada.(16) The following year, 1909, Milner set up the Round Table in
England. This was later the core of the Cliveden Set, the pro-Nazi British
aristocrats behind the "appeaser" Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

The Problem With Canada

The Rhodes Scholarship official, George Parkin, was descended on his mother's
side from loyalists to the British Crown who had fled the American Revolution
and gone to Nova Scotia. Parkin taught school in New Brunswick and, becoming
known as a fervent British Imperialist, was able to go to England and enter
Oxford University as a non-collegiate student. Parkin spoke at Oxford on the
need for Imperial federation. He met Alfred Milner, and, together with John
Ruskin and Cecil Rhodes, is supposed to have greatly influenced Milner's

Before being chosen to organize the Rhodes Scholarship selections, George
Parkin spent many years speaking throughout the Empire for the cause of the
New Imperialism of which Rhodes became the symbol. He was appointed principal
of the Upper Canada College in Toronto, applying the sentiments of the old
United Empire Loyalists there to the new tasks defined by Viscount Milner and
his friends. These "Loyalists" were the descendants, in geneology and
philosophy, of the people who had gone north to Ontario and settled there
with land grants from the English Crown, rather than stay in the southern
colonies which had revolted to form the United States. The "Loyalists"
thereafter defined their political creed on the basis of a hostility to

That has been the problem with Canada.

The success of Cecil Rhodes' commercial activities in Africa required the
brutal attack on republican institutions which Alfred Milner, Albert Grey,
and the British authorities carried on at the turn of the century. The
post-World War II apartheid policy in South Africa is a straight extension of
this looting policy, a variation on the theme of the British East India
Company's wars for the right to loot Asia.

Grey and Milner used Canada as a base to convert the momentum of their new
African adventures into a worldwide racialist movement. But Canada itself had
already for two centuries been subject to the ravages of "merchant
adventurers," whose entire political existence was a war against republican
aspirations, in Britain, America, and elsewhere.

In 1670 King Charles II, sitting on the restored English throne after the
fall of the Commonwealth, granted a charter to the "Governor and Company of
Adventurers of England trading into Hudson Bay"—the Hudson's Bay Company. Its
first Governor was "our dearly beloved cousin Prince Rupert," whose principal
endeavor was to be "the finding of some trade for furs, minerals and other
considerable commodities. . ."

Prince Rupert of southern Germany had come to England to help his uncle,
Charles I, fight in the English Civil War (16421649) against the Commonwealth
forces of Oliver Cromwell, John Milton and the Puritans. As the royal cause
collapsed, Rupert went abroad, engaged in piracy against English ships, and
made a fortune in stolen jewels. When the royalists reconquered England with
the "Restoration" in 1660, a son of the beheaded King Charles I mounted the
throne as Charles II. His brother, the Duke of York, and Prince Rupert began
the Royal African Company, the first full-scale English venture into African
slavery; their captured slaves were branded "DY"—Duke of York.

Prince Rupert was the first Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company (1670-1683).
The Duke of York, who afterwards became King James II of England, was the
second Governor (16831685). James II's brother-in-law, John Churchill, first
Duke of Marlborough and ancestor to Randolph and Winston Churchill, was the
third Governor (1685-1691).

The Hudson's Bay Company owned all but the southeast corner of what is now
Canada, from 1670 until 1869; this territory more than half the size of
Europe was known as Rupert's Land. The officially authorized Company history
has characterized the Company's mission in the wilderness: "bartering,
civilizing, judging, corrupting, reveling, slaying, marching through the
trackless forest, making laws and having dominion over a million souls . . .
the Great Fur Company."(17)

Of "civilizing, " the Company did very little. The "million souls" were
Indians subject to the "corrupting" and the "slaying" through liquor and
robbery, as the East India Company had opium-poisoned the Chinese. The
Company traded guns to selected tribes, maintaining them as nomad armies
against the colonist-settlers, lest the spread of civilization into North
America should deprive the Company of its full freedom to loot the continent.
For two centuries, in Canada and in what became the United States' Pacific
Northwest, the Company did everything in its power to retard the development
of the West, to prevent the construction of means of transportation and
communication with the Eastern Seaboard, above all to prevent Western
migration and settlement.

Many Canadians sympathized with and joined the Union fighting forces in the
American Civil War. The Union victory in 1865, and the American industrial
mobilization begun by Abraham Lincoln, posed once more the possibility that
Canada might be annexed by its powerful and successful southern neighbor. In
1867 the nervous British government created a semi-self-governing
Confederation of their separate colonies north of the border, incorporating,
with compensation, the holdings of the Hudson's Bay Company.

A strange rebellion broke out in the West, in what was to be the province of
Manitoba. Led by a French-Indian "half-breed" Louis Real, the disaffected
settlers of the Red River country north of Minnesota took arms, captured a
fort and talked of joining their territory to the U.S.A. or proclaiming their
independence. The Canadian authorities could not easily send troops to
control the outbreak: There were no roads or railways from the East to this
western area which had been under the Hudson's Bay Company for two centuries.
They were forced to ask the Company's assistance. Their highest North
American executive, Donald A. Smith, a Scotsman who had served the Company
for 30 years in Labrador, was dispatched to Manitoba to calm the rebellion;
this he accomplished with the exertion of the Company's influence over the
region. Hudson's Bay thus demonstrated to the fragile Canadian Confederation
that the Company's continuing power must be accepted, though its nominal
title to vast areas of North America had been given up. These Merchant
Adventurers would no more fade from the scene than had the ruling circles of
the East India Company, after they gave up control of India to the British
government in 1858. The East India nabobs continued to rule not only India,
but England. And all of these imperial gentlemen, from India to Canada, were
deeply concerned with the worldwide threat posed by the upstart American

Canada, Minnesota and The U.S.A.

Donald A. Smith, later a Baron of the Empire under the name Lord Strathcona,
was to become the political and financial boss of Canada. Smith had already
demonstrated his feelings about the United States in 1864 during the American
Civil War, when he directed some of the "considerable" investments by Company
executives into financing blockade-runners, shipments of arms and equipment
for the Southern Rebellion. A venture he admits taking part in returned a
150% profit.(18)

On his 1870 trip to Manitoba to stop the rebellion, Smith met and conferred
with a 31-year-old merchant named James J. Hill, who had arranged with the
Canadian government in Ottawa to do intelligence work in the rebellious area.
Hill was a Canadian, but had lived in Minnesota for the previous 13 years.
Before the Company settled the rebellion, Hill offered the Canadian
government his services in transporting arms and equipment through Minnesota
to the scene of the trouble.

In 1870 Donald Smith went to England and bought a majority of the stock of
the Hudson's Bay Company.

In 1872, James J. Hill became a partner in the Hudson's Bay Company's
shipping agency on the Red River in Minnesota.

In 1878, Donald Smith/Lord Strathcona joined Hill in buying, for next to
nothing, a bankrupt Minnesota railroad that had received heavy subsidies from
the U.S. government. Backed by the- Bank of Montreal, with his "American"
partner Hill before the public, Smith directed the expansion of this rail
property northward to Winnipeg, back down through the Dakotas, and then
westward to the U.S. Pacific Coast at Everett and Seattle; this became known
as the Great Northern Railway.

As this railroad company expanded into the sparsely populated northern
plains, grain-handling companies were able to set up new silos for wheat
storage directly beside the new rail lines, with the cooperation of the
Canadians' railroad. The company which boomed and became a major power under
this circumstance was Cargill, the Scottish family concern whose present
policies as an oligarchic grain cartel are in line with the outlook of their
early Hudson's Bay sponsor.

In the early 1880s, James J. Hill and Donald Smith, with a few less active
partners, built the Canadian Pacific Railway. Previously the only rail outlet
to the East Coast from Minnesota led through Chicago, Republican-controlled
hub of the U.S. industrial midwest. Shippers were now able to send cargoes
directly overland to Sault Ste. Marie, thence by Canadian Pacific Rail and
connecting lines to Boston, bypassing Chicago. Thus the ties between the
Minnesota-centered grain trade and the financial and corporate powers of
Canada were greatly strengthened.
James J. Hill's senior partner and financial controller, Donald Smith, took
total control of the Canadian Pacific Railway, which received fabulous cash
and land grants from the Canadian government; Smith also became president of
the Bank of Montreal. From 1889 until his death in 1914, Smith—Lord
Strathcona— was the Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company. Ironically, James
J. Hill always boasted that he received no subsidies for his railroad
enterprises from the American government!

In 1896, Smith was appointed the High Commissioner representing Canada in
England; he was then created Baron, Lord Strathcona. Through his Lordship,
the old Hudson's Bay interest was now The Establishment in Canada, in its
Canadian Pacific and Bank of Montreal organizations. In the years to come,
the mafia-linked Bronfman family's Seagram Liquors would emerge as an
integral part of this Round Table Establishment, their affairs shaped by and
completely interlocked with Lord Strathcona's Bank of Montreal.

When Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner, and Earl Grey went to war in South Africa
in 1899, Lord Strathcona put up one million dollars to buy a company of
"rough riders," recruited by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Strathcona's
Horse, as they were called, sailed to South Africa to fight for British

When Earl Grey came to Canada as Governor General in 1904, it was to solidify
the North American organization of the Imperial interest, of which Lord
Strathcona was the continental boss. Their Round Table group, using the
services of racialist writer Rudyard Kipling, and the campaign direction of
Sir William Van Horne, ex-president of Strathcona's Canadian Pacific,
defeated the Canadian government of Prime Minister Wilfred Laurier in the
1911 elections. Laurier had attempted to create strong trade ties between
Canada and the United States. Never again would Canada be permitted to act so
independently of the Imperial power.

Below we will present one other project of this Canadian Establishment, an
immigrant German who caused the world a great deal of harm. Now we must
finish the story of the great Canadian railroad man in the United States,
James J. Hill.

J.P. Morgan, of the British House of Morgan, took on the sponsorship of
Hill's further enterprises in the middle 1890s. Hill acquired control over
the other railroad into the Pacific Northwest, the Northern Pacific; and the
50 million acres of land that road had gotten from government grants. This
was finalized in the "London Agreement, " signed at Morgan's London estate on
May 10, 1895, among Hill, Morgan, and the Deutsche Bank of Berlin.

-Lord Strathcona, as the Canadian High Commissioner in England, had directed
a campaign to "counteract" the "tendency of emigrants to travel to America,"
supposedly as part of a drive to increase immigration to Canada. (19) While
the latter goal was never seriously pushed, the New Imperial group used two
approaches to its problem of U.S. immigration and population growth:

First, a movement to virtually outlaw immigration into the United States was
finally able to pass racial and ethnic quota laws through the U.S. Congress
in the 1920s;

Second, and more immediately, the very land on which immigrants or native
citizens might have built farms and cities, the areas to the west of the
100th parallel, were dosed to further settlement by the Conservation movement.

James J. Hill, who now controlled all the rail lines into the Pacific
Northwest and massive acreage, began in 1906 a campaign of popular education
in the wickedness and dangers of wasted resources. He spent nine months
preparing an address to Northwest farmers, saying that America's future
survival would depend on a permanent acceptance of Malthusian limited growth.
In 1908 he was the main "business" representative at the Governors'
Conference on Conservation, called by President Theodore Roosevelt and Chief
Forester Gifford Pinchot.

James J. Hill's Northern Pacific Railroad had signed an important deal in
1900 with a close friend and neighbor of Hill's from St. Paul, Minnesota,
F.E. Weyerhauser. (They appeared to have some friends in common—in 1893
Weyerhauser had sent a special shipment of lumber from the Pacific Northwest
to Cecil Rhodes in South Africa for the construction of Rhodes' grape arbor
in Capetown.) The German immigrant lumberman was allowed to purchase 900,000
acres of choice timberland at $6 per acre, establishing the Weyerhausers as
land kings in the states of Washington and Oregon. The Weyerhausers set up
their corporate headquarters in the Northern Pacific building in Tacoma,

The Weyerhauser Company was an enthusiastic participant in Gifford Pinchot's
Conservation movement. By the conclusion of the Theodore Roosevelt
administration, the -United States government was doing valuable commercial
services for the private forestry holdings of the Weyerhausers; rules for
timber cutting in the National Forests were so strict that no profitable
large enterprises could regularly buy the government's timber, and smaller
companies regularly went out of business making the attempt. As a result,
there remained, in 1909, three giant landowners in the Pacific Northwest:
James J. Hill, the Weyerhauser Family . . . and railroad man E. H. Harriman.

The Subjugation of Oregon and the Theft of Panama

The case of the Harrimans, in particular Edward H. Harriman's son W. Averell
Harriman, will be analyzed in depth in the next chapter. We need only explain
here how E.H. Harriman became, for a time, the greatest owner of land in the
state of Oregon.

Harriman bought the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1901. The Southern Pacific
was then the owner of lands that had been granted much earlier by the United
States to the Oregon and California Railroad, for the construction of a line
from Portland to the California border. Congress had specified that these
grant lands must be sold by the railroad to actual settlers, in lots of no
more than 160 acres, at a price not to exceed $2.50 per acre.

In 1903 Harriman withdrew from public use, and withheld from public sale,
2,891,000 acres, or 4,514 square miles of this Oregon grant land, to hold it
for a rise in price. There was a furious public reaction; squatters occupied
the land in Josephine, Douglas, and Jackson Counties, anticipating the
federal government enforcing the law and getting the land back from Harriman
to be sold to the public, as stipulated in the original grant. But Theodore
Roosevelt was President; he stalled action against Harriman, while the nation
was told that it must abandon its development goals. In 1916, when the
federal government finally took the grant land back from Southern Pacific
after massive litigation, it kept the land! It is now held by the Bureau of
Land Management and the National Forest Service, not by settlers in farms or
cities. In Oregon today, gangsters cultivate marijuana and opium with
impunity on public land, and on the land of the Weyerhauser Company.
Conservation has made them quite prosperous.

On June 28, 1902, in the Spooner Act, Congress authorized President Theodore
Roosevelt to negotiate with the Republic of Colombia, to secure rights to
construct a transoceanic canal through the Isthmus of Panama, then part of
Colombia. Congress directed that if no agreement could be reached with
Colombia, the President was to proceed with a canal through Nicaragua, which
had been the canal route preferred by previous administrations, including
President McKinley's.

At this time a lawyer representing E.H. Harriman and J.P. Morgan, one William
Nelson Cromwell, was very deeply involved in the affairs of Central America.
He was the attorney for the old French Panama Company, which had failed to
dig a canal. He was also the attorney for the Panama Railway Company,
controlled by Harriman. Cromwell's "French" company— who actually owned its
shares is still a mystery—offered to sell its worthless, rusting assets in
the Isthmus for $40 million. The President knew that Cromwell was a man of
trust: He had played a big role in the creation of the United States Steel
Corporation for J.P. Morgan. So Teddy Roosevelt agreed and signed a rather
insulting treaty with some Colombian representatives to take the Isthmus.

When the Colombian Government refused to ratify this treaty, William Nelson
Cromwell directed the secession of the Isthmus from Colombia. A "revolution,"
carried on by employees of Harriman's Panama Railroad, grabbed the Panama
province. Teddy Roosevelt sent gunboats to the Isthmus to prevent Colombian
troops from defending their territory—hence the expression "gunboat
diplomacy. " A new government was set up under Cromwell's orders, calling
itself the nation of Panama. Cromwell's law partner, Philip Bunau-Varilla,
was sent to Washington as the representative of this new nation, and signed a
treaty with Teddy Roosevelt, 10 days after the "revolt."

Cromwell's "French" company was paid $40 million by the United States.
Colombia was paid nothing Teddy Roosevelt refused ever to disclose just who
it was who got the $40 million, though it was known that William Nelson
Cromwell received a fee of at least $600,000. Cromwell later hired a young
lawyer named John Foster Dulles into his firm; Dulles would become Sullivan
and Cromwell's boss, and lead the firm into its position as chief legal
representative for Adolf Hitler and the international cartels of the German

One United States Senator in particular stood up to attack this outrage for
what it was: a swindle of the taxpayers, a horrible setback to the republican
relationship between the United States and Ibero-America, and a further
takeover of American society by the Morgan interests. This man was Senator
John H. Mitchell of Oregon.

Mitchell was without question the most popular politician in his state. He
had come to Oregon from Pennsylvania in 1860, entered politics, and fought
for Oregon to stay in the Union. Alongside Senator and U.S. General Edward
Baker, John Mitchell fought against the Knights of the Golden Circle faction
which agitated for a separate Pacific Coast Republic linked to the Southern
Confederacy. Standing for the development of the West with Federal land laws,
Mitchell built up a Lincoln Republican constituency and served as United
States Senator from 1873 to 1878, from 1885 to 1897, and from 1900 to 1905.

In the 1902 debates on the transoceanic canal, Senator Mitchell said "I now
propose to attract the attention of the Senate to the repulsive and
disgusting history of both the old and the new Panama Canal companies. And
with that history, with all its repulsiveness, before the Senate, I propose
to inquire, in the name of the American people, whether the Senate of the
United States can afford to link its fortunes with a scheme, the putrefying
stench from which has filled the nostrils of the nations, and caused
respectable business, social and political mankind to turn aside in disgust."

Mitchell then detailed the history of frauds and the multi-million-dollar
bribes extended in the Panama adventure, and described the swindle
perpetrated by an American financial "committee . . . composed of J.&W.
Seligman & Co., Messrs. Winslow, Lanier & Co.,, and Messrs. Drexel, Morgan &
Co [the House of Morgan]. "(20) This was the core of the international
banking syndicate which had controlled the U.S. government debt since the
To adhere to the U.S. Constitution, and to deter fraud, Senator Mitchell
demanded that the choice of routes in the construction of the canal be left
strictly up to Congress, and he favored the Nicaragua route. Mitchell did not
win, though the Spooner Act did make specific directions to President
Roosevelt, which he flouted. But Mitchell kept fighting, speaking out against
the fraud in 1903 and 1904.

Meanwhile, the United States Secretary of the Interior, Ethan Allan
Hitchcock, moved on behalf of the President. (Hitchcock is something of a
mystery man, with no published biography and no known personal papers, though
he served in both the McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt cabinets. His family
has reported to the Dictionary of American Biography that he amassed his
fortune as a partner in the China trading firm of Olyphant and Company,
living in China for many years during and after the American Civil War.
During that war his uncle, a U.S. general by the identical name, traveled to
Paris as the head of the United States organization of "Rosicrucians." There
the uncle met with the following other "Rosicrucians": Edward Bulwer-Lytton,
British Secretary of State for the Colonies; Napoleon III, the - pro
Confederate Emperor of France; and Confederate General Albert Pike, the
Scottish Rite Leader in charge of Indian uprisings against Union forces.(2l)
The two Ethan Allan Hitchcocks— the strange general and the equally strange
Secretary of the Interior, lived together in St. Louis with their close
friend and spritualist colleague William Torrey Harris, the United States
Commissioner of Education.)

Interior Secretary Hitchcock sent a secret service agent, William J. Burns,
and a team of detectives to Oregon in 1903 to try to put together cases
against leading politicians for land fraud A crooked land hustler named
Stephen Puter was arrested. Puter was in the habit of paying people to
falsely swear they were homesteaders, then turning over their government
grants to railroads and lumber companies for a fee. Puter was jailed, and
asked to cooperate against Senator Mitchell.

The regular United States Attorney for Oregon John H. Hall was indicted, and
"progressive" special prosecutor Francis Heney was brought in by President
Theodore Roosevelt. The Federal grand jury sitting in 1904 and 1905 indicted
100 people, including many public officials. Senator Mitchell was indicted on
the testimony of convicted criminal Stephen Puter. Senator Mitchell was
convicted on the charge that his law partnership had accepted $1, 700 in fees
for helping to press claims to public land. Senator Mitchell appealed his
conviction, but was not aided by anyone in Washington, was called a criminal
in the press, and died in 1905, allegedly of-a tooth extraction, before his
appeal could be heard. His accuser, Stephen Puter, wrote a book in prison on
the merits of Roosevelt and Pinchot's drive for conservation; he left jail
early on a pardon from Theodore Roosevelt.

The Oregon land fraud cases, splashed across the nation's press, were used by
Gifford Pinchot and his propaganda machine at the Forestry Service with its
700, 000-person mailing list— to push for the great reform of America's use
of the land: locking up the West to further settlement.

>From that time on, Oregon. has quietly accepted the policy of Conservation.

Conservation and The Hitler Project

Following their success in stopping the "wasteful expansion of population
into western North America, the Conservation leaders took their movement a
step further. In 1912 an International Congress on Eugenics, or race
purification, was held at London University in England.(22) At the inaugural
dinner, chaired by Charles Darwin's son Leonard, the keynote address was
given by Arthur Balfour. His Lordship explained, 'We do not say survival is
everything; we deliberately say that it is not everything—that the
feeble-minded man, even though he survives, is not so good as the good
professional man . . . broadly speaking, man is a wild animal . . . man is to
become a domesticated animal."

Dr. Alfred Ploetz, President of the German Society for Race Hygiene, warned
the Congress: "The preservation of the Nordic Race is . . . seriously
menaced. " The low white birthrate "gives no favorable outlook for the white
race, in its great combat for lasting supremacy....," and so forth.

One vice-president of the Congress was Gifford Pinchot, the recent founder of
the United States Forestry Service. Pinchot had also been, since at least
1907, a member of Arthur Balfour's international spook organization, the
Society for Psychic Research.(23) His attempts to speak to the dead, and to
prevent the unfit from living, have not made their way into any Pinchot

Another vice-president was David Starr Jordan, the first president of
Stanford University and the President of the Eugenic Section of the American
Breeders' Association. Stanford was founded after a seance convinced railroad
man Leland Stanford that his dead son wanted it founded; Psychic Researcher
and Cornell University founder Andrew White then chose Jordan for its first
president. David Starr Jordan used his position, and the new university, to
push three overlapping projects: the international defense of the imperiled
Nordic Race, communications with the dead, and the founding of the
ultra-environmentalist Sierra Club. Jordan was a prime Sierra Club founder
and the Club's publication editor.
A third vice-president of the Eugenics Congress was Charles B. Davenport,
director of the Eugenics Records Office in New York, financed by the Harriman
family. Mr. Davenport would later lecture Benito Mussolini on the dangers of

The Second International Eugenics Congress was held in New York in 1921.
Gifford Pinchot was there. Edward H. Harriman's widow paid for a good deal of
the Congress with money delivered to the chairman of the finance committee,
Madison Grant, the man Teddy Roosevelt had picked to start the New York Zoo.

The following year Benito Mussolini took power in Italy.

The Third International Eugenics Congress was held at New York's Museum of
Natural History, in 1932. The President of the British Eugenics Association,
Bernard Mallet, was an honored guest; he had been Arthur Balfour's private
secretary in the 1890s as this movement was being designed; his father, Louis
Mallet, had created the Cobden Club, which directed the post-Civil War
free-trade movement.

The Third Congress warned that mankind was doomed unless the "unfit" were
prevented from breeding, masses were sterilized, and nature were protected
from man's destruction of natural resources. Dr. Davenport lauded "the
mixture of north Europeans in the United States," including "many especially
virile persons of which the Theodore Roosevelt family is a brilliant example,
" to "point the way to produce the superman and the superstate." The Congress
elected Dr. Ernst Rudin to be President of the International Federation of
Eugenics Organizations. Hitler took power in Germany the following year; Dr.
Rudin wrote Hitler's race laws, and trained the personnel who murdered
400,000 mental patients in Nazi Germany.

In the autumn of 1895, the recently retired Inspector General of Forests to
the Government of India, Bertholdt Ribbentrop, arrived in the United States
to advise and visit with forester Gifford Pinchot. Herr Ribbentrop "had
already supplied seed of many Indian forest trees for the Biltmore Forest" of
the Vanderbilt family, which employed Pinchot. Pinchot gushes in his
autobiography, "It was an immense satisfaction to me to know that one of the
most experienced foresters in the world . . .gave us his full approval and
his blessing."(24) Ribbentrop retired to England.

Two years earlier, a cousin to the Forester had been born in Wesel on the
Rhine, named Joachim Ribbentrop (later von Ribbentrop). According to
Joachim's memoirs, his father was an army officer who was "critical of the
Emperor's foreign policy and military staff policy.... A difficult situation
developed ... he suddenly decided to hand in his resignation.... This created
quite a stir.... After his resignation my father decided to settle in

In Switzerland Joachim and his brother came to know Englishmen and Canadians
and learned "about the English way of life". In 1909, the 16-year-old Joachim
Ribbentrop went to London with his brother, stayed with an English family,
and studied linguistics at London University. Ribbentrop said, "In London . .
. we thought we felt the heartbeat of the world. How much experience,
influence, capital and world-pervading efficiency combined to keep all this
going! Later, in my talks with Adolf Hitler, I often expressed regret that he
had never stood at the Mansion House where he would have understood the
meaning of the British Empire.... I have always pointed out to Hitler the
enormous strength of this empire and the heroic conduct of its ruling class."

Several years earlier, the Canadian High Commissioner to England, Lord
Strathcona, had been traveling throughout Germany and Austria, seeking
immigrants to Canada of the "right type." In 1910 young Joachim Ribbentrop
found himself recruited, cut short his linguistics studies, and sailed to
Canada. Albert, the fourth Earl Grey, associate of Milner in the Round Table,
was then the Governor General. Young Joachim Ribbentrop spent three of his
four years in Canada as an employee of Lord Strathcona's Canadian Pacific

In 1911, the Duke of Connaught succeeded Earl Grey as Governor General.
Joachim Ribbentrop was unofficially adopted as a member of the Duke's
household, playing his violin, performing in plays, and learning more about
"the English way of life.” Well, almost "English." Although the Duke was the
son of Queen Victoria, he was also the son of the Coburg Prince Albert, and
he was married to Princess Margarete of Prussia. The Duke spoke English and
German, the rest of the household spoke nothing but German.

Ribbentrop was introduced to the cream of Society in the Empire. The most
important center for such Society in those days was Lord Strathcona's
Montreal house, among the visitors to which were the future King George V,
another prince, 8 dukes, 7 marquesses, 21 earls, 6 viscounts, 6 governors
general, 7 prime ministers, 4 archbishops, 14 chief justices, 31 mayors and
58 generals.(26)

In 1914, Germany went to war against England and Canada. Joachim Ribibentrop,
who by law should have been interned as an enemy alien, easily went to New
York and took ship for Europe. As Ribbentrop explains it, the ship was halted
off the English coast, and "next morning a British intelligence officer
arrived and announced that all Germans would be taken ashore and interned....
[he] told me he had once been aide-de-camp to the Governor-General [the Duke
of Connaught] and we discovered that we had many mutual friends. . . I told
him that I was German, had no visa, but must get to Germany whatever happened
. . . he allowed me to stay on board and stamped my papers 'passed by
military authorities'."

Having been passed through into Germany by British military intelligence,
Ribbentrop went to work in the German War Ministry. After the First World
War, Ribbentrop worked as a merchant in international travel around Western
Europe. In 1932, he acted as an intermediary between his friend Franz von
Papen and Adolf Hitler, in negotiations which were held at Ribbentrop's
house. This led to the selection, in January 1933, of Hitler- as Chancellor
and the creation of the Nazi dictatorship.

A few weeks later Hitler came to dinner with Joachim and his old father, and
they talked of foreign affairs. Somewhat later Hilter appointed Ribbentrop
Under-Secretary of the Foreign Office, but Ribbentrop declined and got Hitler
to make him Ambassador to England instead. His Ribbentrop Bureau was a sort
of private Anglo-German Nazi intelligence agency from 1934 to 1938, aided by
the British pro-Nazi set, induding the short-term King Edward VIII. In 1938
he and Hitler concluded the pact with Neville Chamberlain to take
Czechoslovakia without shooting. He negotiated the Anti-Comintern Pact,
setting up the Axis of Germany, Italy, and Japan. He suggested and negotiated
the Hitler-Stalin pact in 1939. He was Hitler's Foreign Minister throughout
World War II. He was hanged at Nuremberg, and never succeeded in bringing
about "Hitler's . . . original idea, the creation of a powerful Reich of all
Germans allied to Britain...."

1. United States Congressional Record, February 21, 1907, pp. 3507-3508.
2. Gwynne, Stephen, editor, The Letters and Friendships of Sir Cecil
Spring-Rice, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1929, Vol. I, pp. 46-48: "Theodore
Roosevelt, having been defeated for the mayoralty of New York, sailed next
morning for England in company with his sister, Mrs. Cowles. Spring- Rice had
been told they would be on board, and that he should introduce himself, which
he did. His note to his brother says:
'I came over with Roosevelt, who has been standing for the mayoralty of New
York against H. George and who is supposed to be the boss Republican young
man. He is going to be married and then to be in England in February....
'Here, for a curiosity, is the first letter written by Roosevelt to
Spring-Rice: the beginning of a correspondence which if printed in full would
fill volumes:

'Brown's Hotel, Nov. 16 [1886]
My Dear Mr. Rice,
Thank you very heartily for your courtesy, which I assure you I appreciate. I
will dine with you with pleasure at the Savile Club on Wednesday. Friday I-go
out to Buxton's. I shall see you this evening at 7:30.
 Always truly yours,
  T. Roosevelt'

"The acquaintance must have ripened fast into friendship, for on December 2
of that year Cecil Spring-Rice acted as best man when Theodore Roosevelt
married Edith Kermit Carow at St George's, Hanover Square."
3. ibid., Vol. 1, p. 437.
4. Cecil Rhodes' first will drafted at age 24 in 1877. It was copied by
Rhodes' law clerk later that year, and is reproduced in Flint, John, Cecil
Little, Brown and Co., Boston, 1974, Appendix, pp. 248-252.
5. Bulloch, James D., The Secret Service of the Confederate States in Europe;
or, How the Cruisers Were Equipped, G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1884.
6. Roosevelt, Theodore, The Romaines Lecture: Biological Analogies m History,
Oxford, England, 1910.
7. Schriftgeisser, Karl, The Amazing Roosevelt Family, 1613-1942, Wilfred
Funk, New York, 1942, p. 215.
8. McCullough, David, Mornings on Horseback, Simon and Schuster, New York,
1981, pp.90-108.
9. Quoted in Brooks, Paul, Speaking for Nature: How Literary Naturalists from
Henry Thoreau to Rachel Carson Have Shaped America, Houghton Mifflin Co.,
Boston, 1980, p. 111.
10. Pinchot, Gifford, Breaking New Ground, Harcourt, Brace and Co., New York,
1947, p. 326.
11. Ibid., p. 293.
12. Graham, Flank, Man's Dominion, The Story of Conservation in America, M.
Evans and Co., New York, 1971, pp. 105-106.
13. Diary of James Gallatin, pp. 27-28.
14. White, Carol The New Dark Ages Conspiracy: Britains's Plot to Destroy
Civilization, New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing Company, New York, 1980.
15. Gollin, Alfred M., Proconsul in Politics, A Study of Lord Milner in- Op
position and in Power, Anthony Blond, Ltd., [London], 1964, pp. 143-144
16. See Quigley, Carroll, "The Round Table Groups m Canada, 1908 1938,"
Canadian Historical Review, September, 1962.
17. Wilson, Beckles, The Great Company, Being a History of the Honourable
Company of Merchant-Adventurers Trading into Hudson's Bay, with an
Introduction by Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, Present Governnor of the
Hudson's Bay Company, The Copp, Clark Company, Toronto, Vol. 1, p. viii.
18. Willson, Beckles, The Life of Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, Houghton
Mifflin, Boston, 1915, Vol. 1, p. 217.
19. lbid., Vol. U. p!. 239; see also Vol. II, Chapter XXIII, "The Emmigration
Movement," PIP- 279 315, for his Lordship's operations in Europe to counter
U.S. recruitment of immigrants from Germany in particular.
20. United States Congressional Record, June 7, 1902, p.6441 ff.
21. Clymer, R Swinburne, The Book of Rosicruciae, published by the
Rosicrucians, Quakertown, Pennsylvania, 1946-1949, Vol. II, pp. 70-71, 123.
General Hitchcock must have been somewhat apprehensive that American
authorities would interpret this meeting as a council of war against the
United States, rather than simply a festival of cultists; he went to Paris
under the "philosophical initiate" name of "Count . . ."
22. Records of the First International Eugenics Congress, London, 1912;
Second, New York, 1922; Third, New York, 1932; in the New York Public Library
Annex, 43rd Street, New York.
23. Annual-Reports of the Society for Psychic Research, 1884-1907.
24. Pinchot, Breaking New Ground, p. 67.
25. Von Ribbentrop, Joachim, The Ribbentrop Memoirs, (original German title
Zwischen London und Moskau), Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1954.
See also Schwarz, Dr. Paul, This Man Ribbentrop: His Life and Times
Julian Messner, New York, 1943.
26. Newman, Peter C. The Canadian Establishment, McClelland and Stewart,
Toronto, 1975 Vol. I, p. 263.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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