-Caveat Lector-

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Date: September 16, 2006 3:18:21 AM PDT
Subject: [cia-drugs] Kiribati DC3 School


If you know of any air operation
anywhere in the World
using the DC-3/C-47/Dakota
Please Let us know!

"Wolfgang Bohringer, a German pilot...recently resurfaced on a tiny island in the South Pacific, in the Republic of Kiribati. There he announced his intention to set up a flight school on Fanning Island, one of the most remote places on Earth. Bohringer plans to teach pilots how to fly DC3’s, the 70-year old aviation workhorse frequently used in weapons and drug smuggling."

now at


"September 1999 I was in La Paz - Bolivia where I could make some good shoots of DC-3, DC-4 and DC-6's."

(coca cola soma la bomba)

DC3 is a civilian passenger plane, and C47 is the same plane used by the military.

"DC-3 / C-47 / R4D / Dakota"

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Close Associate of Mohamed Atta Surfaces in South Pacific
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 12:43:35 -0400

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as part of the mailing list that you joined.
List: TheMadCowMorningNews
URL: http://www.madcowprod.com

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One of Mohamed Atta's closest associates in Florida before the 9/11 attack today carries a chest on his yacht filled with several million dollars in new bills, automatic weapons, passports from a half-dozen nations, and works for a major international Mobster.

Wolfgang Bohringer, a German pilot, identified by Atta's one-time girlfriend Amanda Keller as one of Mohamed Atta’s closest associates in Florida during the run-up to the 9.11 attack, and one of the handful of people the terrorist ringleader called “my brother,” recently resurfaced on a tiny island in the South Pacific, in the Republic of Kiribati.

There he announced his intention to set up a flight school on Fanning Island, one of the most remote places on Earth. Bohringer plans to teach pilots how to fly DC3’s, the 70-year old aviation workhorse frequently used in weapons and drug smuggling. 

Almost a thousand miles south of Hawaii, the island has no electricity, and a population of barely one hundred souls. While it hardly seems an ideal place for a flight school, the remote location and lack of official scrutiny may make it ideal for something.

During the same period Wolfgang Bohringer was hanging out with Mohamed Atta, Bohringer was the personal pilot of a notorious Czech Mobster named Victor Kozeny, known as the ‘Pirate of Prague.' 

Kozeny owns a private island in the Bahamas, travels on an Irish passport, and is currently fighting extradition to the U.S. on charges of massive financial fraud and allegedly paying multi-million dollar bribes to government officials in the Republic of Azerbaijan in an effort to take-over that oil-rich country’s State Oil Company.

Was there a connection between the larger organization, or network, behind gangster financier Victor Kozeny, and that of the terrorists in Florida plotting to kill Americans on the 11th of September in 2001?  

read the whole story
The MadCowMorningNews

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