-Caveat Lector-

Shadia B. Drury is Canada Research Chair in Social Justice at the University of Regina, where she is professor of philosophy and political science. Her most recent book is Terror and Civilization: Christianity, Politics, and the Western Psyche (Palgrave MacMillan, 2004).

Terror and Civilization book release
Leo Strauss and the American Right
Alexandre Kojève: The Roots of Postmodern
The Political Ideas of Leo Strauss

Recent Essays on Leo Strauss and the Neoconservatives
"The making of a Straussian"
"Noble Lies and Perpetual War"
"Saving America"
"Film: "Hijacking Catastrophe"

Selected Articles
Gurus of the Right

Shadia Drury examines Saul Bellow's Ravelstein from the Literary Review of Canada
"Leo Strauss"
From Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
"Alexandre Kojève"
From A Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory
Reply to my Critics
From The Vital Nexus
Selections from the Calgary Herald
"The Scourge of Populism"
"Demise of Tory Tradition"
"Social Capital Overrated as basis of healthy
"There can be life beyond econnomics and
politics" OR "A short history of civil society"
"Creative Lying in politics eats away at
Selected Reviews 
The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism
The Spirit of Modern Republicanism
The Crisis of Liberal Democracy
Locke's Education for Liberty
Jew and Philosopher: The Return to
Maimonides in the Jewish Thought of
Leo Strauss

What Sort of People Should There Be?
Between Philosophy and Politics
Against Liberalism
Character, Virtue Theories, and the Vices

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