-Caveat Lector-

War on Hippies

What follows is copied from a friend's blog and at the bottom you will find the source link:

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

War on Hippies
Hat tip to commentor Luna_C at Mickey Z's for this story:

DHS runs anti-cyber-hippie wargameThe Department of Homeland Security recently ran a cyber-wargame in which the US defended itself against an adversary consisting of anti-war groups, labor activists, vegans -- but not Al Quaeda.

At the top of the pyramid is the Worldwide Anti-Globalization Alliance, which sets things off by calling for cyber sit-ins and denial-of-service attacks against U.S. interests. WAGA's radical arm, the villainous Black Hood Society, ratchets up the tension on day one by probing SCADA computerized control systems and military networks, eventually (spoiler warning) claiming responsibility for a commuter rail outage and the heat going out in government buildings.

The Black Hoods are a faction of Freedom Not Bombs, whose name is suspiciously similar to the real Food Not Bombs, which provides vegan meals to the homeless.

Another allied lefty-group called the Peoples Pact joins in, crashing portions of the power grid. Things get confusing when the "Tricky Trio," three evil hackers who are 50 percent more devious than the Deceptive Duo, hacks the FAA, issues false Amber Alerts, and manipulates the communications system of the U.S. Northern Command.

Then someone posts the No-Fly List to a public website (third act shocker: it's all nuns and Massachusetts Democrats), and opportunistic cyber thieves raid a medical database looking for identity theft targets. Logic bombs explode, wireless communications devices are corrupted, DNS caches are poisoned.


There's some superthriller ideas here, no?

We'll take the El Gigante meat burrito, please....

Source: War on Hippies


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