-Caveat Lector-
Memphis Diocese accused of covering up abuse - Memphis, Tenn. "The Catholic Diocese of Memphis is accused in a lawsuit filed today of covering up sexual abuse by a priest in the late 1990s." http://www.wreg.com/Global/story.asp?S=5472949&nav=3HvE

Police deny pressuring 'satanic abuse' witness - Michael Howie Home Affairs Correspondent  "Police yesterday rejected claims they put undue pressure on a key witness in a satanic abuse investigation on the Isle of Lewis, after she admitted lying to detectives following days of intense questioning.  Angela Stretton, 39, says she was put under severe pressure by detectives investigating systematic abuse claims from three girls and eventually "told them what they wanted to hear". Her comments have raised questions about the way police handled the investigation, which led to eight people from Lewis appearing in court charged with serious sex offences involving children. The charges were dropped by prosecutors nine months later because the evidence was not of a sufficiently high standard. Despite that, social work inspectors found more than 220 incidents of abuse between 1990 and 2000 - including allegations of satanic rituals - involving at least four adults." http://news.scotsman.com/scotland.cfm?id=1413662006
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