-Caveat Lector-  ACTION: Tell C-SPAN to air new 9-11 panel
< http://www.total411.info/2006/10/action-tell-c-span-to-air-new-9-11.html >

C-SPAN is sitting on another 9/11 event it has taped. 9/11 activists might want to call in their morning show, Washington Journal, from 7 to 10am ET every day and ask them why they haven't aired this event yet.

C-SPAN Call-In Numbers Support Republicans: (202) 737-0001 Support Democrats: ... (202) 628-0205 Outside US: (202) 628-0184

Details from author, military journalist, and 9/11 researcher Barbara Honegger:

[On October 2], I attended an amazing panel event in Berkeley, Calif., based on Griffin and Peter Dale Scott's new book 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out (a MUST get) at the MLK School – packed to 1,500 standing room only and standing ovations – with Griffin, Peter Dale Scott, Kevin Ryan, Peter Phillips, and Ray McGovern, with McGovern moderating.

IT WAS TAPED BY C-SPAN. The cameraman said he understood they'd air it 'in a week or two', and that was this PAST Sunday. Keep checking the C-SPAN schedules to BE SURE to watch AND TAPE this HISTORIC event. It's EVEN STRONGER than the Alex Jones conference expert panel, the last 9/11 event aired nationally by C-SPAN.



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