-Caveat Lector-

Choir leader denies porn claims

By Martin B. Cassidy
Staff Writer

Published October 26 2006

The former music director of Christ Church Greenwich denies any wrongdoing in connection with a federal probe involving child pornography, his attorney said yesterday.

Francis L. O'Reilly, the Fairfield-based attorney for Robert F. Tate, the longtime music director for the Episcopalian parish, would not comment on his client's whereabouts or resignation from the church.

"He has not been charged with any offenses and adamantly denies the allegations," O'Reilly said.

Federal authorities are investigating Tate in connection with child pornography, a FBI spokeswoman confirmed yesterday.

Special Agent Victoria Woods of the FBI's New Haven office said the investigation into Tate is pending, but declined to comment further.

Tate could not be reached for comment.

Several parishioners said that the Rev. Jeffrey H. Walker, the pastor of the church, told members Sunday that Tate resigned because of inappropriate material on his computer.

"We're going to be issuing a statement in the near future regarding this situation, which will hopefully address the issues presented," said Eugene Riccio, an attorney representing the church.

O'Reilly said he believes a grand jury has been convened as part of the investigation. Thomas Carson, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in New Haven, would not confirm or deny whether a grand jury has been convened.

Scott Fossel, a former treasurer of the church's renowned choir program, said Tate had always been considered a trustworthy mentor for parish children.

"As far as I know, Bob was and still is a wonderful man and leader of kids," Fossel said. "It's horribly sad. It's more sadness for Bob than fear for our children."

Fossel said that under the Episcopal Church's "Safe Church" policy, Christ Church strictly enforces a requirement of having at least two adults involved in any activity involving children.

Fossel said he recalled discussing the enforcement of the policy with Tate.

"There was always a standing policy that no one was alone with a child or even a group of children," Fossel said.

Christ Church's roots in Greenwich reach back to 1705, when Episcopal congregations began meeting in people's homes, and a consecrated church has been on the property since 1740.

Former President George H.W. Bush attended services at the church while growing up in town, and funeral services for his parents, Prescott Bush Sr. and Dorothy Walker Bush, were held there. Some other family members maintain ties to the church.

Tate has been music director at the church for more than 36 years, Riccio said. Over the years he oversaw the Christ Church choirs, which include numerous adult and children's choruses.

Tate came to the parish from the National Cathedral in Washington and graduated with a master's degree in 1968 from the College of Church Musicians at Washington Cathedral, according to a biography.

Over the years, choirs from Christ Church have traveled to Europe under Tate's direction, and appeared with orchestras to perform works by Mozart and Handel.

Copyright © 2006, Southern Connecticut Newspapers, Inc.

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