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Date: April 27, 2007 7:44:19 PM PDT
Subject: Heavy Is the Head That Wears the Guillotine

Bush Amin Official Resigns After Telling ABC News He Patronized Escort Service


Deputy Secretary of State Randall L. Tobias submitted his resignation Friday, one day after confirming to ABC News that he had been a customer of a Washington, D.C. escort service whose owner has been charged by federal prosecutors with running a prostitution operation. Tobias, Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and administrator of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), had previously served as the Ambassador for the President’s Emergency Fund for AIDS Relief.

Justice Dept official resigns over investigation connected with Abramoff


A senior Justice Department official has resigned after coming under scrutiny in the Department’s expanding investigation of convicted super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff, according to a DoJ official with knowledge of the case. Making the situation more awkward for the embattled Department, the official, Robert E. Coughlin II, was deputy chief of staff for the criminal division, which is overseeing the Department's probe of Abramoff.

Bush aide Rove faces

federal task force inquiry

By Toby Harnden in Washington
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/04/26/ wrove26.xml

Karl Rove, President George Bush's senior aide, it to be investigated for alleged improper party political activity at the White House.

Mr Rove, who masterminded Mr Bush's elections victories in 2000 and 2004, will be a central focus of an inquiry by a task force set up by the US Office of Special Counsel, an obscure government body.

The White House maintains that nothing improper has been done and that all activities within the federal government have been dedicated to Mr Bush's executive responsibilities and not the business of the Republican party.

Mr Rove, known as "Bush's brain" to many of his detractors, has long been a target of Democrats who view him as a malign Svengali- like figure in the White House. Bush administration sources said the task force would have little power and would not uncover any wrongdoing.

But the investigation is an embarrassment to Mr Bush, whose authority has been diminished by a Democratic mid-term victory and a long slump in his favourability ratings, because it is being launched by a federal government body.

Details of the task force came as Mr Bush and his staff engaged in a bitter war of words over Iraq during a visit by General David Petraeus, US commander in Iraq, to brief the White House and Congress.

Democrats are finalising a bill that will set a timetable for withdrawal of troops form Iraq beginning late this year and ending in April 2008. Also in the bill is funding of $124.2 billion to finance the war.

But Mr Bush has vowed to veto any bill including a timetable, arguing that it would result in "a marked advantage for our enemies and a greater danger for our troops".

Vice President Dick Cheney made a rare appearance before reporters to lambast Senator Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, for having declared that "the war is lost" and that Mr Bush was in a "state of denial".

Speaking on Capitol Hill, Mr Cheney said: "Some Democratic leaders seem to believe that blind opposition to the new strategy in Iraq is good politics. Senator Reid himself has said that the war in Iraq will bring his party more seats in the next election."

"It is cynical to declare that the war is lost because you believe it gives you political advantage."

The United Nations meanwhile criticised Baghdad yesterday for stopping providing casualty figures and denied the Iraq government's allegation that the UN claim that 34,000 people had died in sectarian violence in 2006.

The investigation into political activities will be led by Scott Bloch, head of the US Office of Special Counsel, a Republican political appointee.

He said he would look into allegation that Scott Jennings, an aide to Mr Rove, gave a "political" presentation to officials at the General Services Administration in January about the 2008 election - a violation of federal government rules.

Mr Bloch will also investigate whether played an improper part in the firings of eight US attorneys. The sacking have led to vociferous calls, from some Republicans as well as Democrats, for the resignation of Alberto Gonzales, the US Attorney General.

Rice Hints at Rejection of Congressional Subpoena

http://www.huliq.com/19883/rice-hints-at-rejection-of-congressional- subpoena

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is suggesting she will defy a congressional subpoena to testify about the Bush administration's reasons for invading Iraq.

Rice told reporters in Oslo, Norway Thursday that she has "answered and answered and answered" questions about what she knew about the administration's claim that Iraq sought uranium from Niger in order to build nuclear weapons. That claim later proved to be false.

Rice served as President Bush's national security advisor during his first term, when the administration began planning to oust Saddam Hussein. She says any discussions with Mr. Bush on the matter are protected under executive privilege, and she is not required to testify before Congress.

The Democratic-led House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved the subpoena Wednesday by a vote of 21 to 10.

Rice says she will be happy to answer any of the committee's questions in writing.

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