-Caveat Lector-

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Date: May 3, 2007 9:19:11 PM PDT
Subject: On the Wrong Side of History

Insurgents 'right to take on US'


'Insurgents' in Iraq are right to try to force US troops out of the country, a former British army commander has said. Gen Sir Michael Rose also told the BBC's Newsnight programme that the US and the UK must "admit defeat" and stop fighting "a hopeless war" in Iraq. Iraqi insurgents would not give in, he said. "I don't excuse them for some of the terrible things they do, but I do understand why they are resisting." Sir Michael has written a book drawing similarities between the tactics of [nationalist] 'insurgents' and George Washington's men in America's War of Independence.

UK and US must admit defeat and leave Iraq, says British general


A retired British army general [General Sir Michael Rose] says Iraq's 'insurgents' are justified in opposing the occupation, arguing that the US and its allies should "admit defeat" and leave Iraq before more soldiers are killed.

When he was asked if he thought the Iraqi insurgents were right to try to force the US-led coalition [occupation] out, he replied: "Yes I do."

"As Lord Chatham [William Pitt the Elder, who, in mid-18th century called for a cessation of hostilities in the colonies and favoured American resistance to the British Stamp Act] said, 'if I was an American - as I am an Englishman - as long as one Englishman remained on American native soil, I would never, never, never lay down my arms'.

The Iraqi insurgents feel exactly the same way. I don't excuse them for some of the terrible things they do, but I do understand why they are resisting the Americans."

"We cannot 'win' a war that serves only our enemies' interests, not our own. So continuing to pursue the illusion of victory in Iraq makes no sense, and never did."

--Lt. Gen. William E. Odom, U.S. Army, ex-Director of the National Security Agency http://rawstory.com/news/2007/ Former_general_declares_Bush_has_gone_0428.html

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